How are Natural Numbers Constructed from the Class of All Finite Sets?

In summary, the class of all finite sets is constructed by partitioning the class S into equivalence classes, where each equivalence class is given a label corresponding to the number of one-to-one correspondences. The class of all finite sets is infinite, as proven by showing that if S were finite, it would lead to a contradiction. This contradicts the axiom of regularity and the assumption that S is a set. The proof assumes the existence of the class of all sets, which is not stated in the text.
  • #1
Class of all finite sets

In a higher algebra book that I'm working through, the natural numbers are constructed in the following manner:-

Consider the class [itex]S[/itex] of all finite sets. Now, [itex]S[/itex] is partitioned into equivalence classes based on the equivalence relation that two finite sets are equivalent if there exists a one-to-one correspondence between them, i.e. if they are equipotent. And each of these equivalence classes are given a label, corresponding to the number of one-to-one correspondences.

So, [itex]S=S_1⋃S_2⋃S_3⋃...[/itex]where [itex]S_1,S_2,S_3,[/itex] etc are disjoint equivalence classes, and to [itex]S_n[/itex], we give the label of the [itex]n[/itex]th natural number. This is how the natural numbers are constructed.

Now, as I understand it, the number of elements of [itex]S[/itex] for any [itex]n[/itex], has to be infinite. For instance, the number [itex]5[/itex] is the label given to [itex]S_5[/itex]. But [itex]5[/itex] can be represented in an infinite number of ways: five chairs, tables, coins, pencils, pens, etc. So, this means that [itex]S_5[/itex] is an infinite class, and so is any [itex]S_n[/itex].

The only way I see this possible is, the class [itex]S[/itex] that we started out with, has to be an infinite class. Is this true? Basically, what I'm asking is: Is the class of all finite sets infinite? How do you prove this?
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  • #2
Ryuzaki said:
The only way I see this possible is, the class [itex]S[/itex] that we started out with, has to be an infinite class. Is this true? Basically, what I'm asking is: Is the class of all finite sets infinite? How do you prove this?

An obvious collection of sets is ∅, {∅}, {{∅}}, {{{∅}}}, etc. Each of these sets is finite (in fact has one element) so is contained in S, and therefore S is infinite
  • #3
Sorry if this sounds stupid (I'm a beginner in the subject), but don't you have to prove that your collection of sets goes on till infinity? I mean, intuitively, I can see that it goes on, but how do you prove it? In other words, how do you show that your collection of sets is "obvious"?
  • #4
Remember that the construction of the natural numbers with sets starts from the bottom up. S_0 = 0 (empty set), S_{n+1} = \{S_n\} \cup S_n. So S_5 is not the set of all sets with five things, it's specifically this one S_5 = {0,{0},{0,{0}},{0,{0},{0,{0}},{0,{0},{0,{0}},{0,{0},{0,{0}}}}

What the hell happened to [tex] for latex?
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  • #5
Ryuzaki said:
In other words, how do you show that your collection of sets is "obvious"?

That's a good question. I'm not familiar with the set of assumptions in your book. If [itex] S [/itex] was finite, then [itex] S [/itex] would be equivalent to one of the [itex] S_k [/itex]. Does that get you anywhere?
  • #6
Dragonfall said:
Remember that the construction of the natural numbers with sets starts from the bottom up. S_0 = 0 (empty set), S_{n+1} = \{S_n\} \cup S_n. So S_5 is not the set of all sets with five things, it's specifically this one S_5 = {0,{0},{0,{0}},{0,{0},{0,{0}},{0,{0},{0,{0}},{0,{0},{0,{0}}}}

What the hell happened to [tex] for latex?

Works as it always did.

[tex]S_{n+1} = \{S_n\} \cup S_n[/tex]

There is a problem with your other statement - AFAICT you don't close all the curly braces.
  • #7
Dragonfall said:
Remember that the construction of the natural numbers with sets starts from the bottom up. S_0 = 0 (empty set), S_{n+1} = \{S_n\} \cup S_n. So S_5 is not the set of all sets with five things, it's specifically this one S_5 = {0,{0},{0,{0}},{0,{0},{0,{0}},{0,{0},{0,{0}},{0,{0},{0,{0}}}}

What the hell happened to [tex] for latex?

I'm sorry, but I'm not able to understand this (probably because of the Latex malfunction). But in the text I'm using, [itex]0[/itex] is not constructed along with the natural numbers. So, there is no [itex]S_0[/itex].

EDIT: Truly sorry, I guess I should have mentioned this in the beginning. I just re-read the text and it says [itex]S[/itex] is the class of all non-empty finite sets (somehow missed that word earlier :redface:). So, it clearly states that the empty set is excluded.
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  • #8
Stephen Tashi said:
That's a good question. I'm not familiar with the set of assumptions in your book. If [itex] S [/itex] was finite, then [itex] S [/itex] would be equivalent to one of the [itex] S_k [/itex]. Does that get you anywhere?

Oh, I think I understand yours and Office_Shredder's posts now. I came up with a proof, and I'd be grateful if you could check if its correct.

Proof that the class [itex]S[/itex] of all non-empty finite sets is infinite.

Assume that [itex]S[/itex] is finite. Now, for every set [itex]T \in S[/itex], there exists a set {[itex]T[/itex]} [itex]\in S_1[/itex] (since [itex]S[/itex] is partitioned in such a manner).

[itex]\Rightarrow[/itex] [itex]n(S_1) = n(S)[/itex]
[itex]\Rightarrow[/itex] [itex]S \approx S_1 [/itex], which is a contradiction by our partitioning.

Hence, our assumption that [itex] S [/itex] is finite, is false.
∴, [itex] S [/itex] is indeed infinite.
  • #9
If [itex]S[/itex] were finite, then [itex]S \in S_k \in S[/itex] for some [itex]k[/itex], which contradicts the axiom of regularity.
  • #10
Dragonfall said:
If [itex]S[/itex] were finite, then [itex]S \in S_k \in S[/itex] for some [itex]k[/itex], which contradicts the axiom of regularity.

Well, that's not really helpful since nobody says that ##S## is a set in the first place! We're talking about ##S## as a class, it will never be a set. And the axiom of regularity is only for sets.
  • #11
You're right, I was thinking hereditarily finite sets.
  • #12
micromass said:
Well, that's not really helpful since nobody says that ##S## is a set in the first place! We're talking about ##S## as a class, it will never be a set. And the axiom of regularity is only for sets.

Come to think of it, I do not know what set of axioms the text assumes. It hasn't mentioned anything so far about it (I'm still in the first chapter!). The text is A Concrete Introduction to Higher Algebra, by Lindsay N. Childs.

This question isn't part of the text exercise, but I thought of proving it nevertheless, as it is used in the construction of the natural numbers.

Is my above proof correct? I also thought of an alternate proof, but it assumes the existence of the class of all sets, which I do not know how to prove.
  • #13
I like your proof, it's really slick. The one I was thinking of was more low-brow: Let Tk = {{{..{∅}}...} with k curly braces (k=0 is the empty set), Claim: if j is not equal to k then Tk is not equal to Tj as sets.

Proof on the maximum value of j/k. If max(j,k) = 1 then it's obvious that ∅ is not equal to {∅} as they have a different number of elements. Otherwise, if it's true for max(j,k) = n, suppose WLOG k = n+1. Then Tn+1 = {Tn} and if j=0, it's obvious this is not the empty set, otherwise for j < n+1 Tj = {Tj-1}. By the inductive hypothesis we know Tn is not equal to Tj-1 so these two one element sets are not equal

Related to How are Natural Numbers Constructed from the Class of All Finite Sets?

What is a "Set of all finite sets"?

A "Set of all finite sets" is a mathematical concept that refers to the collection of all sets that contain a finite number of elements. This set is considered to be infinite, as there is no limit to the number of finite sets that can be included.

What are the properties of a "Set of all finite sets"?

The main property of a "Set of all finite sets" is that it contains all possible finite sets. This means that any set with a finite number of elements can be found within this set. Additionally, this set is infinite and cannot be counted or listed in its entirety.

What is the cardinality of a "Set of all finite sets"?

The cardinality, or size, of a "Set of all finite sets" is considered to be infinite. This is because there is no limit to the number of finite sets that can be included in this set. It is also impossible to count or list all the elements in this set, making it infinite.

What is the difference between "Set of all finite sets" and "Set of all infinite sets"?

The main difference between these two sets is that the "Set of all finite sets" contains only sets with a finite number of elements, while the "Set of all infinite sets" contains sets with an infinite number of elements. Additionally, the "Set of all infinite sets" is also considered to be infinite in itself, as there is no limit to the number of infinite sets that can be included.

What are the applications of a "Set of all finite sets" in science?

The "Set of all finite sets" has various applications in science, particularly in fields such as mathematics and computer science. It is used to define and study concepts such as counting, subsets, and set operations. It also serves as a foundation for understanding more complex mathematical concepts, such as infinite sets and the concept of infinity itself.

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