How are positrons used for fusion propulsion?

In summary, the conversation discusses Positron Dynamics, a company working on a fusion propulsion system using Na-22 as a source. They also claim to have a 60% efficiency rate for cooling positrons and use them to catalyze fusion in a metal lattice. However, there are doubts about the plausibility of their proposed mechanism, which involves the production of pions and kaons through positron annihilation. The conversation concludes with the suggestion to share a plausible mechanism if one exists.
  • #1
I recently came across Positron Dynamics, a company working on a fusion propulsion system.
You can watch this presentation given at Breakthrough Discuss 2018. They also got a grant from NIAC.
Rather than trying to create and store positrons, they use Na-22 as a source. They also patented, built and tested a moderator to cool the positrons (they claim 60% efficiency compared to current 0.7%).
The positrons are then used to catalyze fusion (I'll get to that) in a "dense state of deuterium" in a metal lattice. The resulting charged particles are used for propulsion with magnetic nozzles while the neutrons are used to create more Na-22 from Kr-78.
In spite of the use of the metal lattice, this is not a cold fusion concept as the ignition is supposed to be provided by the positrons.
Now, how are positrons supposed to catalyze a D-D fusion reaction ? A previous thread in this forum seems to be skeptical about this.
At 7:43 of the video I mention they seem to indicate that the gamma rays from the annihilation can induce fusion directly (by heating ?). However, in another place (linked from their web page, scroll down), the mechanism seems to be quite different (at least to me and my limited knowledge) and strange. Here the positron annihilation is supposed to produce pions and kaons. The latter decay into muons that then catalyze the fusion reaction. This is a surprise to me since I always thought that the annihilation produced gamma rays. Maybe this other reaction is less likely but still useful for propulsion. I don't know.
Any ideas ? Is this plausible/possible ?
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  • #2
Ozne said:
Here the positron annihilation is supposed to produce pions and kaons.

That's going to be tough since the total energy from the annihilation is just over 1 MeV (positron mass + electron mass--kinetic energy is negligible since the positrons and electrons are basically at room temperature), but pions mass about 139 MeV and kaons mass about 495 MeV. (And to satisfy conservation laws you would need to produce a pion-antipion or kaon-antikaon pair, doubling the energy required.)

Ozne said:
Is this plausible/possible ?

Don't think so. See above.
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  • #3
Soon after posting this I found this other thread which shares :
  • your skepticism about kaon creation (see the very last post). But why would Positron Dynamics link to this in the last link in their web page ?
  • my perplexity about the mechanism of a positron inducing/catalyzing fusion. There is something clearly missing in their talks about this fundamental point,
Again, if someone has a plausible mechanism for the latter, feel free to share it.
  • #4
Ozne said:
Soon after posting this I found this other thread

We can't comment on discussion threads in other forums.

Ozne said:
why would Positron Dynamics link to this in the last link in their web page ?

I have no idea. We can't speculate on their motives.

Ozne said:
if someone has a plausible mechanism for the latter

There isn't going to be one, given the obvious flaw I've already stated with the proposal.

Thread closed.

FAQ: How are positrons used for fusion propulsion?

What is Positron Catalyzed Fusion?

Positron Catalyzed Fusion is a process in which positrons, or anti-electrons, are used to initiate nuclear fusion reactions between positively charged nuclei. This results in the production of energy in the form of photons and other particles.

How does Positron Catalyzed Fusion work?

In this process, positrons are injected into a material containing positively charged nuclei, such as a metal or a gas. The positrons then combine with the positively charged nuclei, forming a bound state known as positronium. This positronium state acts as a catalyst for nuclear fusion reactions, increasing the rate of fusion and producing more energy.

What are the potential applications of Positron Catalyzed Fusion?

Positron Catalyzed Fusion has the potential to be a clean and efficient energy source. It could also be used in medical applications, such as cancer treatment, and in the production of isotopes for various purposes. Additionally, it has been proposed as a potential propulsion system for space travel.

What are the challenges and limitations of Positron Catalyzed Fusion?

One of the main challenges of this process is the production and storage of positrons, as they are not readily available in nature. Additionally, the materials used for the fusion reactions need to be carefully selected and controlled in order to achieve efficient fusion. Lastly, the production of high-energy photons and other particles can be harmful and require special safety measures.

What are the current developments and research in the field of Positron Catalyzed Fusion?

There is ongoing research and experimentation to improve the efficiency and controllability of Positron Catalyzed Fusion. Some scientists are also exploring the use of antimatter, specifically antiprotons, as a potential catalyst for fusion reactions. However, more research and development is needed before this process can be considered a viable energy source.

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