How Are Probability Amplitude Arrows Drawn as Spirals in Feynman's Lectures?

In summary, Feynman's lectures on QED introduce the concept of probability amplitude arrows, which represent the probabilities of events using complex numbers. The length of the arrow is proportional to the probability and its angle is dependent on time. In the first law of reflection, the arrows form two spirals, with each successive arrow being shorter than the previous one. However, since the actual probabilities are unknown, Feynman represents them as spirals on a piece of paper or screen. This avoids the use of complex mathematics.
  • #1
I just saw a few of Feynman's lectures on QED: Reflection and transmission, and he describes the concept of probability amplitude arrows, and their representation as vectors, from what I interpreted, the length of the arrow is proportional to the probability of an event, and its angle is dependent on the time.
In the part where he describes the first law of reflection, the arrows form two spirals. (This is perhaps not the best way to describe it, but the important thing is that it forms a spiral)
Now to form these spirals, the length of each successive arrow should be less than the previous one, but since we do not know the probability of these events (which is what we have to find) and hence the lengths, how can he draw them as spirals?

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  • #2
Quantum mechanics introduces an important change on the way probabilities are computed. It has been found that the quantities which we have to use to represent the probabilities are not the usual real numbers we use for probabilities in our everyday world, but complex numbers which are called probability amplitudes. Feynman avoids exposing the reader to the mathematics of complex numbers by using a simple but accurate representation of them as arrows on a piece of paper or screen.
  • #3
Yes I did refer the Wikipedia page before coming here, but other than its use like complex numbers, I could not find the answer to my question, which is based on the video. How do we know the length of those arrows?
  • #4

FAQ: How Are Probability Amplitude Arrows Drawn as Spirals in Feynman's Lectures?

1. What is a probability amplitude arrow?

A probability amplitude arrow is a mathematical representation of the probability of an event occurring in quantum mechanics. It is typically denoted by the symbol Ψ and contains both magnitude and direction, similar to a traditional vector. It is used to calculate the probability of a particle's position or momentum in a given system.

2. How is a probability amplitude arrow related to probability?

The probability of an event occurring in quantum mechanics can be calculated by squaring the magnitude of the probability amplitude arrow. This is known as the Born rule and is a fundamental principle in quantum mechanics. The direction of the probability amplitude arrow also plays a role in determining the probability of a particle's position or momentum.

3. Can a probability amplitude arrow have a negative value?

Yes, a probability amplitude arrow can have a negative value. This indicates a phase difference between two probability amplitudes and is a crucial aspect of quantum mechanics. When calculating the probability of an event, the negative values are squared, resulting in a positive probability.

4. How is a probability amplitude arrow used in the double-slit experiment?

In the double-slit experiment, a probability amplitude arrow is used to determine the probability of a particle passing through one of the slits and reaching a specific point on the screen. The interference pattern observed on the screen is a result of the probability amplitudes of the particle passing through both slits and interfering with each other.

5. Are probability amplitude arrows used in other fields besides quantum mechanics?

Yes, probability amplitude arrows are used in other fields, such as statistical mechanics and signal processing. However, their significance and interpretation may differ from their use in quantum mechanics. In these fields, they are often called complex numbers or vectors and are used to represent the likelihood of a specific event or signal occurring.
