How are these spaces homotopy equivalent?

  • MHB
  • Thread starter Chris L T521
  • Start date
In summary, homotopy equivalence is a mathematical concept that describes a relationship between two topological spaces. It is proven by showing the existence of a continuous function between the two spaces. Homotopy equivalence is significant in topology as it allows for comparison and classification of spaces, as well as understanding their fundamental properties. It is possible for two spaces to be homotopy equivalent but not homeomorphic, and homotopy equivalence is closely related to other mathematical concepts such as homology and cohomology.
  • #1
Chris L T521
Gold Member
Here's this week's problem.


Problem: Show that the following spaces are homotopy equivalent:\[\mathbb{R}^3\backslash\{\text{two lines through the origin}\} \simeq S^2\backslash\{\text{four points}\}\ \simeq \mathbb{R}^2\backslash\{\text{three points}\}\simeq S^1\vee S^1\vee S^1.\]
Note that the last space ($S^1\vee S^1\vee S^1$) is a one point union of three circles.

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  • #2
No one answered this week's question. Here's my solution:

Proof: We begin with showing the first set of homotopy equivalences. Consider two lines that pass through the origin in $\mathbb{R}^3$. WLOG, let's take these lines to be two of the three standard coordinate axes. If we contract the entire space to a sphere, we observe that when we remove these two lines, we end up with the sphere being punctured in four different places; thus, we're left with \[\mathbb{R}^3\backslash\{\text{two lines through the origin}\}\simeq S^2\backslash\{\text{four points}\}.\]
Now, consider the sphere with four points removed. We can continuously deform this space by expanding one of the holes to the equator of the sphere, leaving us with a half sphere with three holes. Flattening this onto the plane gives us an open disc with three points. We can continuously expand the boundary of this disk out to infinity, thus leaving us with the homotopy equivalence
\[S^2\backslash\{\text{four points}\}\simeq \mathbb{R}^2\backslash\{\text{three points}\}.\]
(Another way to see this is by having one of the holes at the north pole, and then applying stereographic projection, leaving us with $\mathbb{R}^2$ minus three points.)

Now, consider $\mathbb{R}^2$ with three points removed. This is homotopic to an open disk with three points removed. If we expand these three holes to fit inside this open disk, we end up with an open disk split into three sections. Each of these sections intersect at one point; since each section is homotopic to $S^1$, we have
\[\mathbb{R}^2\backslash\{\text{three points}\}\simeq S^1\vee S^1\vee S^1.\]
Thus, we have the homotopic equivalence
\[\mathbb{R}^3\backslash\{\text{two lines through the origin}\} \simeq S^2\backslash\{\text{four points}\}\ \simeq \mathbb{R}^2\backslash\{\text{three points}\}\simeq S^1\vee S^1\vee S^1.\]

FAQ: How are these spaces homotopy equivalent?

What is homotopy equivalence?

Homotopy equivalence is a mathematical concept that describes a relationship between two topological spaces. Two spaces are said to be homotopy equivalent if one can be continuously deformed into the other, without tearing or gluing any parts together.

How do you prove two spaces are homotopy equivalent?

To prove that two spaces are homotopy equivalent, one must show that there exists a continuous function between them that is both one-to-one and onto. This function is called a homotopy equivalence or a homotopy equivalence map.

What is the significance of homotopy equivalence?

Homotopy equivalence is a powerful tool in topology that allows us to compare and classify topological spaces. It also helps us understand the fundamental properties of a space, such as its connectivity and dimension.

Can two spaces be homotopy equivalent but not homeomorphic?

Yes, two spaces can be homotopy equivalent but not homeomorphic. Homeomorphism is a stronger condition that requires the continuous function between the two spaces to have a continuous inverse. Homotopy equivalence only requires the existence of a continuous function in one direction.

How does homotopy equivalence relate to other mathematical concepts?

Homotopy equivalence is closely related to other mathematical concepts such as homology, cohomology, and fundamental group. It provides a way to study the topological properties of a space by using algebraic methods, making it a powerful tool in many areas of mathematics.
