How are women treated in the Middle East?

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  • Thread starter Bilal
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In summary, the conversation is about a disagreement between two individuals regarding the treatment of women in the Middle East. One person claims that the media's portrayal of women in the Middle East is exaggerated and biased, and that in fact, there are laws and cultural norms that protect women from mistreatment. The other person argues that there have been documented cases of abuse and rape of women in the Middle East, and that the perpetrators are often not punished. They also mention a specific incident of an Iraqi woman being raped by American soldiers. The first person responds by defending their stance and providing examples of how women are respected and treated equally in their society, and also mentions that the punishment for rape in the Middle East is severe. The conversation ends with one person
  • #1
Dear Kat,

I am sorry for to hear that from you! In fact you injured me by talking such things about my society!

I support human right and personal freedom. In fact I am not politician, I am scientific researcher who spending most of the time to solve the scientific problems to improve the lives of any human. I do not care about religion, color, race … I care about everybody individually. Also I got several scientific degrees from European Universities (7 years of studding and teaching), so I know both cultures quite well.

What you said about women in ME (my region) is pure propaganda!

In fact raping or mistreating women in ME is considered as worse than murdering! It is something link with Honor. In our societies, no human can survive if he lost his honor.
I agree that in some small conservative villages still what called ‘’honor killing’’, but it is limited crimes … also it is exist among Muslims and Christian. As I know , Jordan is one of the popular societies in what called honor killing , annually there are around 24 victims, on the other hand , there are thousands of victims in Europe every year who killed by their ex boyfriends or ex husbands.

I am willing to discuss with you this sensitive topic and to provide accurate information, just if you willing to join ‘’logic and scientific discussion’’.

((Mahaba Bilal,

I don't know about the rest of the claims in the post but I do believe that the Reporters who claimed abuse were proven false.
Other then that, the statement above is absolutely false. It has happened to women under dictatorships in the ME and it certainly happened repeatedly under Saddams reign. In fact it was done by him and his sons.
The ME doesn't win any kind, gentle and respectful awards where there women are concerned. If anything, one of the greatest shames of the middle east is how they treat their women.
In all incidences the men who do this to women should be arrested and punished severely (I'd prefer cutting their you know what's off) BUT in the ME, it will be the woman who is punished NOT the men and in the U.S. it will be the man, or the perpatrator as it seems women are just as capable of being beast as any man.
Now, why don't you tell us how they punish their women when they are raped in the various ME countries?))
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  • #2
((Mahaba Bilal,

I don't know about the rest of the claims in the post but I do believe that the Reporters who claimed abuse were proven false. ))

In fact it is proved to be true, even all the Congress men saw the Video tape about raping an Iraqi woman.

((Other then that, the statement above is absolutely false. It has happened to women under dictatorships in the ME and it certainly happened repeatedly under Saddams reign. In fact it was done by him and his sons. ))

Uday used to have many girlfriends; he also killed one of them. For this reason those people got bad image in ME. Most of the guests of Uday are those girls who working in night clubs. Surely he NEVER care about mother of three kids or 12 years old child.

Saddam did not try to harm the women because he knew that everything is possible except raping women! It is REALLY very sensitive topic in our region.During Saddam era, Abu Garib prison was called ((the prison without women)), while there are many women are suffering in this jail because they are cousins of former Baathists!

((The ME doesn't win any kind, gentle and respectful awards where there women are concerned. If anything, one of the greatest shames of the middle east is how they treat their women.))

Again, this information is incorrect! May be in Bedouin societies or small villages there are some problems, but surely our women have all respect. In my country, 60% of University students are girls. Also women can wear any clothes and have completely freedom. Only in Saudi Arabia and in Iran they are strict about clothes.

((In all incidences the men who do this to women should be arrested and punished severely (I'd prefer cutting their you know what's off) BUT in the ME, it will be the woman who is punished NOT the men and in the U.S. it will be the man, or the perpatrator as it seems women are just as capable of being beast as any man.))

Again these information is incorrect, if any man want to die he just try to touch a girl! In street in any girl ask help , she always correct and the man incorrect. He could lose hs life for trying to do anything with her.

I saw in Europe some cases that boy attack girl in middle of street and she was screaming and asking help. Dozen of people watching her and waiting the police to arrive! This never happen in ME, because before the police arrive, this man will be punished by the people.

((Now, why don't you tell us how they punish their women when they are raped in the various ME countries?))

I am very sorry to hear such comments! Who the hell told you about raping! Could you provide unbiased sources? Raping crimes I ME are the lowest in the world, because the criminal will be punished by the government and by the family of the girl. Also, death is the punishment of rapists in all ME laws.
  • #3
Dear Admin,

This topic is sensitive and so important. Please do not close it, I wish we could have informative discussion, instead to follow blind propaganda. Ignorance about others is our first enemy!

I do not know why you closed the topic about raping of Iraqi women!
  • #4
This would be better addressed in emails. Please restrict your comments to each other to that format.

FAQ: How are women treated in the Middle East?

1. What is the current representation of women in the field of Middle Eastern studies?

The exact representation of women in Middle Eastern studies is difficult to determine, as it varies depending on the specific country, institution, and field of study. However, it is generally acknowledged that women are underrepresented in this field, particularly in leadership roles and in certain subfields such as political science and economics.

2. What are some of the challenges faced by women in Middle Eastern studies?

Some of the challenges faced by women in Middle Eastern studies include limited access to resources and funding, discrimination and bias, and cultural and societal expectations that may discourage women from pursuing this field of study. Additionally, there is often a lack of female role models and mentors in the field.

3. Are there any initiatives in place to address the gender gap in Middle Eastern studies?

Yes, there are various initiatives in place to address the gender gap in Middle Eastern studies. For example, several organizations and institutions offer grants and scholarships specifically for women in this field. There are also mentorship and networking opportunities available for women, as well as conferences and workshops focused on promoting and supporting women in Middle Eastern studies.

4. How can we encourage more women to pursue careers in Middle Eastern studies?

One way to encourage more women to pursue careers in Middle Eastern studies is by increasing visibility and representation of women in this field. This can be done through highlighting the achievements and contributions of female scholars, providing mentorship and support for aspiring female scholars, and promoting diversity and inclusivity in academic and professional settings.

5. What are some potential benefits of having more women in Middle Eastern studies?

Having more women in Middle Eastern studies can bring a diverse range of perspectives and insights to the field. It can also help to challenge and break down gender stereotypes and biases, and promote a more inclusive and equitable environment for all scholars. Additionally, promoting gender equality in this field can have a positive impact on society and contribute to the advancement of gender equality in the Middle East and beyond.

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