How bad is it to withdraw from a course?

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  • Thread starter Oriako
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In summary: Hi there, I'm a Double Honours Astrophysics/Pure Math student and this semester I'm taking Intro Chem, Set Theory & Number Theory, Logic, Classical Mechanics, and Calculus. I'm getting an A+ in all my other courses but I think I may end up with a C in Chem or maybe even a D. I've just been so busy that I put chem aside and now I've done really badly in it. It is a requirement to take it for the astrophysics part of my degree, but would it be okay to drop it and take a "W" on my transcript? I do plan to go to graduate school at hopefully a top 25 school, so would either getting
  • #1
Hi there,
I'm a Double Honours Astrophysics/Pure Math student and this semester I'm taking Intro Chem, Set Theory & Number Theory, Logic, Classical Mechanics, and Calculus. I'm getting an A+ in all my other courses but I think I may end up with a C in Chem or maybe even a D. I've just been so busy that I put chem aside and now I've done really badly in it. It is a requirement to take it for the astrophysics part of my degree, but would it be okay to drop it and take a "W" on my transcript? I do plan to go to graduate school at hopefully a top 25 school, so would either getting a W or a C/D ruin my chances in both cases at achieving that?

Any advice would be very helpful.
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  • #2
I think getting one "W" won't hurt your chances - especially since your other grades are so great! My opinion is, a "W" is better than a C/D - provided you re-take it and do well next time.

Best of luck to you!
  • #3
Overall it would look better to just go through the course, do your best and then do better next time.
  • #4
Okay, well if I was going to push through it and end up with a C at best, then I can re-take the course again and if I got say an A, then is the final grade an average of the two or how does that work? I'm going to see an academic adviser about this I think...

Good to hear two totally opposite responses XD
  • #5
It really depends on your school. I know at my school, if you retake it, they just add a "Repeated, No Credit" beside all but your most recent attempt at a course, and only your most recent attempt is used in your cGPA.
  • #6
Oriako said:
It is a requirement to take it for the astrophysics part of my degree, but would it be okay to drop it and take a "W" on my transcript?

It's much, much better to withdraw than to have a bad grade, and if you withdraw, you can still attend the lectures so that you do better next time.
  • #7
W is def much better. What looks bad is when you get an excessive amount of W's on your transcript. I think this is because to get a W generally costs $/time--indicating some sort of inefficiency.
  • #8
It really depends on the situation. When I enrolled in university I had no idea what I wanted to do. I initially wanted to go into medicine, however, my first course in physics enticed me to alter my route, and therefore I ended up dropping a lot of courses that were irrelevant to my degree (hence attaining numerous W's on my transcript.)
  • #9
Thank you for the responses! I talked to an academic adviser today who was not particularly helpful, but I think I am going to drop the course sometime soon and attend the lectures for the rest of the year so that when I re-take it I can be sure to get an A... I was mostly just unprepared for how to handle university chemistry labs.

In any case, it came down to the fact that I would be jeopardizing a $12500 renewable scholarship this year if I didn't drop it, because I need to maintain a 3.7 GPA in order for my scholarship to renew.

FAQ: How bad is it to withdraw from a course?

1. How will withdrawing from a course affect my GPA?

Withdrawing from a course typically results in a "W" grade on your transcript, which does not have an impact on your GPA. However, if you withdraw from multiple courses or withdraw too late in the semester, it may result in academic probation or dismissal, which can affect your GPA.

2. Will withdrawing from a course affect my financial aid?

Withdrawing from a course may affect your financial aid if it drops you below the required number of credit hours for full-time status. This could result in a reduction or cancellation of your financial aid. It's important to check with your financial aid office for specific guidelines.

3. Can I retake the course if I withdraw?

Yes, you can usually retake a course that you have withdrawn from. However, some schools may have restrictions on how many times you can retake a course or may require you to pay additional fees. It's best to check with your academic advisor for specific policies.

4. How does withdrawing from a course affect my transcript?

Withdrawing from a course will result in a "W" grade on your transcript, which indicates that you withdrew from the course. This will not affect your GPA, but it may be viewed negatively by graduate schools or potential employers.

5. Can I withdraw from a course at any time?

Most schools have a deadline for withdrawing from a course, usually around the halfway point of the semester. After this deadline, you may not be able to withdraw from the course and may receive a failing grade instead. It's important to check your school's policies and deadlines for withdrawing from a course.

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