How can a particle coming from infinity get on bound orbit around BH?

In summary: I believe this is true (in GR, two bodies falling from infinity can lose enough energy due to gravitational radiation that they can capture, and eventually spiral together) . My comment earlier reflected, as...In summary, it is possible for a particle to move on a bound orbit around a black hole, but it requires some extra force to do so.
  • #1
Studying the movement of a particle on bound orbits around a black hole I found a fact that seemed a little strange for me -- that on these orbits particle's total energy on infinity must be less than unit (E<1). As far as I understrand, it is not so horrible, since here we deal with an unobservable quantity, because a particle never reaches infinity (namely because its orbit is bound). But in this case I have a question: what if a particle moves from infinity (where naturally its total energy cannot be less than 1) towards a black hole. Does the fact that its E≥1 on infinity implies that it can never move on bound orbits? How then is it possible to get on a bound orbit at all?
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  • #2
Black holes are a distraction here. Consider a simpler case such as the Sun. An object coming in from infinity will never fall into orbit around the Sun: it will always go back out to infinity (unless it crashes into the Sun). If you want to get this object into orbit around the Sun, you need to apply some force to it when it is close to the Sun. For example, you could decelerate it with rocket boosters or hit it with another object to slow it down so that it becomes bound to the Sun.
  • #3
The_Duck said:
Black holes are a distraction here. Consider a simpler case such as the Sun. An object coming in from infinity will never fall into orbit around the Sun: it will always go back out to infinity (unless it crashes into the Sun). If you want to get this object into orbit around the Sun, you need to apply some force to it when it is close to the Sun. For example, you could decelerate it with rocket boosters or hit it with another object to slow it down so that it becomes bound to the Sun.

I see. Thank you -- I thought nearly the same: so we need some extra force to put it on a bound orbit.
  • #4
A Newtonian style gravitational slingshot can also capture an object falling from infinity. Energy is conserved, but is transferred to one orbiting body from the other.
  • #5
pervect said:
A Newtonian style gravitational slingshot can also capture an object falling from infinity. Energy is conserved, but is transferred to one orbiting body from the other.

With only two objects, and no collision, is this really possible? In the COM frame, both objects have escape velocity at all times, so how is capture possible [ other than collision] ?
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  • #6
PAllen said:
With only two objects, and no collision, is this really possible? In the COM frame, both objects have escape velocity at all times, so how is capture possible [ other than collision] ?

I didnt write that clearly enough - I was referring to a three body capture.
  • #7
Relativistic orbital dynamics don't always work the same way that nonrelativistic dynamics do. In classical Newtonian mechanics, a system of two point masses interacting gravitationally will never collide, if the masses have any nonzero initial angular momentum relative to each other. When special relativity is taken into account, the point masses can collide even if one of them has a nonzero initial velocity component orthogonal to the separation vector of the masses. (can someone find a source that verifies my claim?)

EDIT: here's the source:
For example, a relativistic particle in a 1/r potential can spiral into the force center (while
conserving mechanical energy and angular momentum). This behavior occurs because a
small increase in the velocity near the speed of light c can lead to a large increase in the
mass m/(1−v2/c2)1/2 so that an increase in the kinetic energy will compensate the decrease
in the potential energy as the radius decreases, thus keeping the total energy constant.
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  • #8
hilbert2 said:
EDIT: here's the source:
They ignore effects of general relativity. I doubt that this gives relevant results - a relativistic escape velocity usually means that (general) relativistic effects are important.

paper said:
The theory of gravitation finds its relativistic form in general relativity and electrostatics has a natural extension into electrodynamics. However, we will not discuss these extended theories.

Rotating black holes, on the other hand, have very non-trivial trajectories for infalling particles.
  • #9
mfb said:
They ignore effects of general relativity. I doubt that this gives relevant results - a relativistic escape velocity usually means that (general) relativistic effects are important.

I think if one takes into account GR effects, the falling point mass loses energy to gravitational radiation and spirals even faster to the force center...
  • #10
hilbert2 said:
I think if one takes into account GR effects, the falling point mass loses energy to gravitational radiation and spirals even faster to the force center...

I believe this is true (in GR, two bodies falling from infinity can lose enough energy due to gravitational radiation that they can capture, and eventually spiral together) . My comment earlier reflected, as it stated, pure Newtonian physics. I don't believe it is meaningful to discuss SR plus Newtonian gravity. It is not a consistent theory because of conflict between action at a distance and SR causal structure. The only consistent SR gravity theory I know of was Nordstrom's theory, which, however, is just wrong as a description of reality.
  • #11
PAllen said:
I believe this is true (in GR, two bodies falling from infinity can lose enough energy due to gravitational radiation that they can capture, and eventually spiral together)
This does not depend on energy loss due to gravitational radiation. Unbound spiral orbits exist for a test mass in the Schwarzschild field.
  • #12
Eudaimon said:
Studying the movement of a particle on bound orbits around a black hole I found a fact that seemed a little strange for me -- that on these orbits particle's total energy on infinity must be less than unit (E<1). As far as I understrand, it is not so horrible, since here we deal with an unobservable quantity, because a particle never reaches infinity (namely because its orbit is bound). But in this case I have a question: what if a particle moves from infinity (where naturally its total energy cannot be less than 1) towards a black hole. Does the fact that its E≥1 on infinity implies that it can never move on bound orbits? How then is it possible to get on a bound orbit at all?

Bill_K said:
This does not depend on energy loss due to gravitational radiation. Unbound spiral orbits exist for a test mass in the Schwarzschild field.

I'm not quite sure what's being asked. Certainly orbits exist for E>1 that impact - some of them spiral orbits, for instance a photon (or anything else for that matter) that gets closer than the photon sphere (R=3M) might spiral (or it might impact without having time to make a full spiral). But the OP seems to exclude them by his definition of bound orbits.

There are a variety of ways things can loose energy to move into what's being defined as a bound orbit (E<1) from an unbound one (E>=1), but they all involve energy loss by the current working definition of "bound orbit".

Three-body interactions are one way to loose energy, collisions (whether with other solid bodies or with gasses) are another, I would suspect there are more but those are at least the first two I think of.
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FAQ: How can a particle coming from infinity get on bound orbit around BH?

1. How can a particle coming from infinity be affected by a black hole's gravity?

As a particle approaches a black hole, it is affected by the immense gravitational pull of the black hole. This pull increases as the particle gets closer to the event horizon, the point of no return.

2. What determines whether a particle will be pulled into the black hole or enter into a bound orbit?

The particle's velocity and angle of approach play a crucial role in determining whether it will enter a bound orbit or be pulled into the black hole. If the particle has enough velocity and the right angle of approach, it can enter a bound orbit around the black hole instead of being pulled in.

3. Is it possible for a particle to escape a bound orbit around a black hole?

Yes, it is possible for a particle to escape a bound orbit around a black hole. This can happen if the particle gains enough energy to overcome the gravitational pull of the black hole, or if it receives a gravitational assist from another massive object.

4. Can a particle's bound orbit around a black hole change over time?

Yes, a particle's bound orbit around a black hole can change over time. This can occur due to the influence of other massive objects, such as stars or planets, or if the black hole itself experiences changes in its mass or spin.

5. What happens to a particle's bound orbit around a black hole if the black hole evaporates?

If a black hole were to evaporate through Hawking radiation, the particle's bound orbit would no longer exist as the black hole's gravitational pull would cease to exist. The particle would then continue on its trajectory in a straight line, unless it is influenced by other objects in the vicinity.
