How can an international automatic missile system prevent nuclear war?

In summary, the conversation revolves around the primary threat of nuclear conflict due to unstable world leaders with access to nuclear arsenals. The current defense system of M.A.D. is unreliable and future technological advancements may not provide a reliable safeguard. The proposal is to install an international automatic system of guided missiles targeted at all world officials, which serves as a deterrent for any leader considering the use of nuclear weapons. This system can also be extended to prevent civilian targets and can include lower rank officials. However, there is a side conversation about the inevitability of nuclear war and the suggestion to wage it instead of trying to prevent it. The conversation also includes jokes and suggestions for the use of Ganshauk's house as a test site for weapons
  • #1
(This is partially a joke. But if any government officials are reading, consider this a freebie from the famous FZ one-man thinktank. :smile:)

Ok people, take notes now.

The primary threat from nuclear conflict is due to the instability of world leaders, who command these arsenals. At any moment, each one can in a moment of megalomania launch a strike to decimate entire cities. The primary defense system at present is a policy of M.A.D., and futuretech initiatives involving missile defense programs are unlikely to be very reliable as a basis of world peace. As weapons become cleaner and more precise, and the ability to deliver mass destruction with minimum damage to self and allies improves, this vital safeguard is being destroyed. But due to the need for self-protection, securing global disarmament is unlikely.

Hence proposal:

Install an international automatic system of guided missiles targeted at all world officials, allied or enemy. All nations that are developing nuclear arms, or have them already must sign up or face instant war from signed up nations. The system works by launching an immediate strike at any official that launches a nuke, with or without provokation. This serves as an effective deterrent to all leaders who would consider atomic bombs acceptable policy, by making any such action literal suicide. Hence this reserves missiles as only weapons of last resort.

Reliable - politicians' cowardice is ALWAYS reliable.
Little diplomatic implications.
No accusation bias etc.
Few loopholes.

This system can be extended to automatically interprete orders to bomb civilian targets etc. As further protection, the field of the automatic response can be extended to include lower rank ministers as well. Possibilities involve:

Coating Big Red Button with cyanide
Impregnating firing code slips with ebola
Removing blast doors and other protective systems from nuclear silos.
Gluing nuclear bombs to the aircraft they are arming.
Putting C4 into the bomb-authorisation suitcase carried by the head of state.
Converting nuclear missiles into (rather heavy) nuclear GRENADES.
Physics news on
  • #2
Sounds like Star Wars...
  • #3
Except we are aiming at the a$$holes in charge, not the missiles themselves.
  • #4
To save valuable propellant how about if the nukes are made very small and implanted into the colons of all the political leaders, then remotely detonated as needed?
  • #5
Originally posted by FZ+
Except we are aiming at the a$$holes in charge, not the missiles themselves.

Sure, FZ+, except, with you calling the shots on this proposal... wouldn't that make you one of the people in charge?

  • #6
Hey, somebody has to be above the law. It might as well be me.

BH: I love it. Then, when we say their ass is on the line, we really mean it...
  • #7
Originally posted by FZ+
Hey, somebody has to be above the law. It might as well be me.
  • #8
I think you got it wrong.

You guys spend your life trying to prevent nuclear war. Every day one more crazy moron gets a few. Nuclear war is inevitable.

Instead of trying to prevent it, we should wage it.

We should hit first, hit hard, and freak everybody into oblivion.

Only after a few salvo's will we truly understand what real nuclear war is, how to fight it, and most importantly, how to survive it. Only then will it become...well...conventional.

Pandora's box will never, ever, ever, remain unopened. Best we open it now, take our chances, and LEARN.
  • #9
And as my second proposal, I advise we all set Ganshauk's house to calibrate our weapons. Maybe he'll tell us how to surivive a nuclear explosion. :wink:
  • #10
Originally posted by FZ+
And as my second proposal, I advise we all set Ganshauk's house to calibrate our weapons. Maybe he'll tell us how to surivive a nuclear explosion. :wink:

FZ+, I'm working on a proposal that has reward points for not blowing everyone to kingdom gone... but, I would think that everyone could see the inherent rewards in that sort of behaviour anyway [zz)]
  • #11
Hey isn't this one of those 'this is what I'd do if I were God' proposals?
  • #12
Originally posted by schwarzchildradius
Hey isn't this one of those 'this is what I'd do if I were God' proposals?

Yeah! That's it!... "Bruce the Almighty". A must see!

FAQ: How can an international automatic missile system prevent nuclear war?

1. How does nuclear deterrence work to discourage nuclear war?

Nuclear deterrence is based on the idea that the possession of nuclear weapons by a country will prevent other countries from attacking them, out of fear of retaliation with nuclear weapons. This is known as the "mutually assured destruction" theory, where both sides are aware that the use of nuclear weapons would result in catastrophic consequences for both parties.

2. Can international treaties effectively discourage nuclear war?

International treaties, such as the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, aim to reduce the number of countries with nuclear weapons and promote disarmament. While these treaties can be effective in reducing the risk of nuclear war, they are not foolproof and require all parties to comply with their terms. Additionally, there are still countries that possess nuclear weapons outside of these treaties, making complete nuclear disarmament a difficult goal to achieve.

3. Is there a way to prevent accidental nuclear war?

Steps have been taken to prevent accidental nuclear war, such as the implementation of safety mechanisms and protocols for handling and launching nuclear weapons. However, the risk of accidental nuclear war still exists, and it is important for countries to continually review and improve their safety measures to minimize this risk.

4. How can we discourage the development of new nuclear weapons?

One way to discourage the development of new nuclear weapons is through international pressure and sanctions. Countries that are known to possess or develop nuclear weapons may face consequences from the international community, making it less desirable for them to continue these efforts. Additionally, promoting diplomacy and open communication between countries can help reduce tensions and the desire for nuclear weapons.

5. What role do individuals play in discouraging nuclear war?

Individuals can play a role in discouraging nuclear war by educating themselves and others about the consequences of nuclear weapons, advocating for peace and disarmament, and supporting organizations and movements that work towards these goals. It is also important for individuals to stay informed and engaged in political processes, as the decisions made by leaders can greatly impact the likelihood of nuclear war.

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