How Can an Op Amp Circuit Control Constant Current in a Pirani Vacuum Gauge?

In summary, a pirani vacuum gauge uses heat dissipation from a resistance wire to determine pressure, with a constant current source supplying the heat and the change in resistance providing the measurement. An op amp circuit can be designed to deliver a constant current to an external fixed load resistor, with the current being measured by the op amp through various methods such as voltage drop or feedback.
  • #1
In a pirani vacuum gauge the pressure is determined by the rate at which heat is conducted away from a resistance wire by gas moleculs. The heat is supplied using a constant current source and the rate of heat dissipation determined by the temperature induced change in the resistance of the wire.

Draw an op amp circuit that can be used to deliver a constant current to an external fixed load resistor. Explain how it works in detail.

Have very basic knowledge of op amp circuits and this question has thrown me, any help will be appreciated. Already posted in engineering section to no avail so far!
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  • #2
Can you think of any ways to measure the the current through the external fixed resistor in a way the opamp can use?

FAQ: How Can an Op Amp Circuit Control Constant Current in a Pirani Vacuum Gauge?

1. What is an op amp circuit?

An op amp circuit, or operational amplifier circuit, is a type of electronic circuit that uses an operational amplifier as its main component. The op amp is a high-gain voltage amplifier with two inputs and one output, and it is used to amplify and process signals in various electronic devices.

2. How do I design an op amp circuit?

The design of an op amp circuit involves selecting the appropriate op amp based on the required specifications, choosing the right circuit topology, and calculating the values of resistors and capacitors to achieve the desired functionality. It also involves considering factors such as power supply, noise, and stability to ensure a successful design.

3. What are the key parameters to consider when designing an op amp circuit?

The key parameters to consider when designing an op amp circuit include gain, bandwidth, input and output impedance, input offset voltage, and slew rate. These parameters determine the performance and functionality of the circuit and must be carefully chosen to meet the requirements of the application.

4. Can I use any op amp for my circuit design?

No, not all op amps are suitable for every circuit design. The choice of an op amp depends on the specifications and requirements of the circuit. Some factors to consider when selecting an op amp include supply voltage, input and output voltage range, and frequency response.

5. How do I test and troubleshoot my op amp circuit?

To test an op amp circuit, you can use a multimeter to measure voltages and currents at different points in the circuit. You can also use a function generator to apply a known input signal and observe the output. To troubleshoot, you can check for loose connections, damaged components, or incorrect component values. You can also use simulation software to analyze the circuit and identify potential issues.

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