How can BAO and SN constraints be compared for measuring dark energy?

In summary, BAO (Baryon Acoustic Oscillations) provide an accurate and independent standard ruler for estimating the rate of expansion of the universe. This is crucial for measuring dark energy, as we need precise measurements of H(z) at the 1% level to get competitive constraints on dark energy and its equation of state. BAO measurements are better than supernovae for distance measurement because there are many more galaxies to observe and each individual supernova has a lot of error. However, combining BAO and SN measurements can provide even more accurate results due to their different error properties.
  • #1
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How do BAO help us measure dark energy?

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  • #2
This is what i have found so far.

To get competitive constraints on dark energy we need to be able to see changes in H(z) at the 1% level -- this would give us statistical errors in the DE equation of state of O(10%).
  • We need to be able to calibrate the ruler accurately over most of the age of the universe.
  • We need to be able to measure the ruler over much of the volume of the universe.
  • We need to be able to make ultra-precise measurements of the ruler.
  • #3
BAO measurements provide an accurate standard ruler that can be used to estimate H(z) more accurately than supernovae, with enough galaxy observations.
  • #4
But how are they better than supernova for distance measurement and are they independent of
sn1a? and how do they help us measure DE.
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  • #5
They are completely independent of SN1A measurements. They help to measure DE by measuring the rate of expansion over time.

They're better primarily because there are huge numbers of galaxies out there, but only so many supernovae. Also, each individual supernova has a lot of error.

This isn't to say that supernova measurements are worthless. SN and BAO measurements have very different error properties, so that the combination of the two is significantly better than either one by itself.

FAQ: How can BAO and SN constraints be compared for measuring dark energy?

What are baryon acoustic oscillations?

Baryon acoustic oscillations (BAOs) are a phenomenon in the early universe where sound waves traveling through the hot, dense plasma leave a characteristic signature in the distribution of matter. This signature can be observed in the large-scale structure of the universe and is used as a standard ruler to measure distances in cosmology.

What causes baryon acoustic oscillations?

BAOs are caused by the interaction between baryons (particles made of three quarks, such as protons and neutrons) and photons (particles of light) in the hot, dense plasma of the early universe. The pressure waves created by this interaction leave a characteristic imprint on the distribution of matter, which can still be seen in the large-scale structure of the universe today.

Why are baryon acoustic oscillations important in cosmology?

BAOs are important in cosmology because they provide a standard ruler to measure distances in the universe. By studying the characteristic signature of BAOs in the large-scale structure of the universe, scientists can measure the expansion of the universe and better understand its history and evolution.

How do scientists detect baryon acoustic oscillations?

Scientists detect BAOs by studying the large-scale distribution of galaxies in the universe. The characteristic signature of BAOs can be seen as a peak in the galaxy correlation function or as a series of regularly spaced peaks in the power spectrum. These measurements can be compared to theoretical predictions to confirm the presence of BAOs.

What can we learn from studying baryon acoustic oscillations?

By studying BAOs, scientists can learn more about the expansion of the universe and its history. BAO measurements can also be used to test different cosmological models and theories, and to better understand the nature of dark energy and dark matter. Additionally, BAOs can provide insights into the early universe and the fundamental physical processes that shaped its structure.

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