How Can Bats Detect Ultrasonic Sound Waves at Extremely Low Intensities?

In summary, to find the displacement amplitude, use the equation \Delta P = \rho v \omega s_{max} rearranged to solve for s_{max}. Then, use the formula I=\frac{(\Delta P_{max})^2}{2\rho v} to find the pressure amplitude. The furthest distance at which a bat can detect the source can be calculated using the inverse square law and the sound level in decibels can be found using the formula L=10 log_{10}(\frac{I}{I_0}).
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Homework Statement

A bat can detect ultrasonic sound waves with an intensity as low as 1 × 10–13 Wm–2. An ultrasonic source emits sounds waves with a frequency of 54.0 kHz and a power of 1 × 10–7 W. Take the speed of (ultra)sound in air as 340 ms–1 and the density of air to be 1.2 kg/m3.

At a distance of 10.0 m from this source, calculate

(i) the displacement amplitude

(ii) the pressure amplitude of the ultrasonic wave

The Attempt at a Solution

For part (i) how can I use the equation [tex]\Delta P = \rho v \omega s_{max}[/tex] to find the displacement amplitude when I don't know what the pressure amplitude [tex]\Delta P[/tex] is? I can't find the pressure amplitude when I don't know the displacement amplitude.

Then I tried using the following formula to find the pressure amplitude

[tex]I=\frac{(\Delta P_{max})^2}{2\rho v}[/tex]

But I ended up with [tex]8.67 \times 10 ^{-6}[/tex] which is wrong. The answer has to be 1.84 x 10–12m and for part (ii) it is 0.255 mPa.

(P.S. I also know that the furthest distance at which a bat can detect this source is 282m. And the sound level in decibels is 19 dB.)
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To find the displacement amplitude, you can use the equation \Delta P = \rho v \omega s_{max} and rearrange it to solve for s_{max}. This will give you the displacement amplitude at a distance of 10.0 m from the source. The pressure amplitude, \Delta P, can then be found by substituting the calculated displacement amplitude into the formula I=\frac{(\Delta P_{max})^2}{2\rho v}. This will give you the pressure amplitude at a distance of 10.0 m.

As for the furthest distance at which a bat can detect this source, you can use the inverse square law, which states that the intensity of a sound wave decreases with the square of the distance from the source. So, if the bat can detect the sound at a distance of 10.0 m, the intensity at a distance of 282m would be 1/282^2 times the initial intensity. Using this, you can find the new intensity and then use the equation I=\frac{(\Delta P_{max})^2}{2\rho v} to calculate the pressure amplitude at the furthest distance.

For the sound level in decibels, you can use the formula L=10 log_{10}(\frac{I}{I_0}), where I is the intensity of the sound and I_0 is the reference intensity (usually taken as the threshold of human hearing, which is 1 x 10^-12 W/m^2). This will give you the sound level in decibels, which you can then compare to the given value of 19 dB to see if the bat can actually detect the sound at a distance of 282m.

Hope this helps!

Related to How Can Bats Detect Ultrasonic Sound Waves at Extremely Low Intensities?

What is displacement amplitude?

Displacement amplitude refers to the maximum distance that a particle or object moves from its equilibrium position during a vibration or wave motion.

How is displacement amplitude measured?

Displacement amplitude is typically measured in units of length, such as meters or centimeters. It can be measured using instruments such as a ruler, a displacement sensor, or by tracking the motion of the object with high-speed cameras.

What factors affect displacement amplitude?

The displacement amplitude of a vibrating object is affected by several factors, including the amplitude of the initial force applied, the frequency of the vibration, and the properties of the material the object is made of, such as elasticity and density.

How does displacement amplitude relate to energy?

Displacement amplitude is directly related to the amount of energy present in a vibrating system. The larger the displacement amplitude, the more energy is required to move the object from its equilibrium position, and the more energy the object will carry as it vibrates.

What are some real-world applications of displacement amplitude?

Displacement amplitude is an important concept in fields such as mechanical engineering, acoustics, and seismology. It is used to analyze the behavior of vibrating structures, study sound waves and their effects on human hearing, and measure the strength and impact of earthquakes.

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