How Can Exponential Decay Reveal Initial Temperature?

In summary: If you divide Eqn. 3 by Eqn. 2, you get:$$8000/((T_e-T_0)^3)e^{-15k}=-8000/15000=-5000\tag{4}$$In summary, the initial temperature of the thermometer is -5000 degrees.
  • #1
Boba Fet
Suppose that you take a thermometer outside where it is 100°.

T(5min)=80° T(15min)=90°

What is the initial temp of the thermometer?

Given equation

dT/d t= k(T-Te)

Derived Equation
⌠(T-Te)^-1 (dT/dt)dt =⌠ kdt
ln(T-Te)=kt + c
T=ce^kt + Te

so i basically got the answer by knowing c must be negative and that when i use a square root on the magnitude of c i through out the positive value.
Wolfram Alpha
my real question is how can this become -3 ln(-20/x) +ln(-10/x) becomes -2ln(-(1/x)) -ln(800)?

Attempt to find C

1) 80=ce^k5 +100 ---- -20=ce^k5 ----- -20/c=e^k5 ------ ln(-20/c)=k5 ----- -3ln(-20/c)=-k15

2) 90=ce^k15 +100 ---- -10=ce^k15 ----- -10/c=e^k15 ------ ln(-10/c)=k15


ln(-10/c) - 3ln(-20/c) ----- ln((-10/c) x (c^3 / -8000)) -------- ln(c^2/800) ---- 2ln(c) -ln(800)=0


c= +/- sqrt(800)
Physics news on
  • #2
my real question is how can this[?] become -3 ln(-20/x) +ln(-10/x) becomes -2ln(-(1/x)) -ln(800)?
Are you saying that the expression:
##-3\ln\frac{-20}{x} + \ln \frac{-10}{x} = -2\ln\frac{-1}{x} - \ln 800## ... is not true?
... or you don't know how to get there from
T=ce^kt + Te
... which I am reading as ##T(t)=Ce^{kt} + T_e##?

The rest of your post appears to show you doing the calculation (though you need to say what finding "C" does for you.)
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  • #3
  • #4
Do you know the relationship between the initial temperature and C?
Boba Fet said:
yes i don't know how to get there
− 3 ln − 20 x + ln − 10 x = − 2 ln − 1 x − ln 800 −3ln⁡−20x+ln⁡−10x=−2ln⁡−1x−ln⁡800
... that last bit does not make sense.
Off post #1, the way to understand how to get "there" must start from knowing what "x" stands for.
However, if you can find the initial temperature without going "there", then why bother?
  • #5
Your solution to the differential equation should read:$$(T_e-T)=(T_e-T_0)e^{-kt}$$
So, $$20=(T_e-T_0)e^{-5k}\tag{1}$$
$$10=(T_e-T_0)e^{-15k}\tag{2}$$If you cube Eqn. 1, you get:$$8000=(T_e-T_0)^3e^{-15k}\tag{3}$$
What do you get if you divide Eqn. 3 by Eqn. 2?

FAQ: How Can Exponential Decay Reveal Initial Temperature?

1. What is "Find This Initial Temperature"?

"Find This Initial Temperature" refers to a scientific experiment or calculation in which the initial temperature of a substance or system is unknown and needs to be determined.

2. Why is it important to find the initial temperature?

Knowing the initial temperature is essential in many scientific processes, such as chemical reactions, phase changes, and energy calculations. It provides a baseline for comparison and helps to understand the behavior of the substance or system.

3. How do scientists typically find the initial temperature?

Scientists use various methods to find the initial temperature, depending on the system or substance being studied. Common techniques include using thermometers, temperature sensors, and mathematical equations based on thermodynamics principles.

4. Can the initial temperature be estimated or is it always necessary to measure it?

The initial temperature can be estimated in some cases, but it is always best to measure it directly for more accuracy. Estimation methods may introduce errors, and the initial temperature can significantly affect the results of the experiment or calculation.

5. What are some challenges in finding the initial temperature?

One of the main challenges in finding the initial temperature is ensuring that the measurement is accurate and precise. Factors such as environmental conditions, heat transfer, and instrument limitations can affect the accuracy of the measurement. Additionally, some substances may have a complex temperature profile, making it challenging to determine the initial temperature accurately.
