How can extrema points be used to prove mathematical inequalities?

In summary, the conversation discusses two proofs related to extrema points in a math book. The first one, known as Maclaurin's inequality, can be found in various online sources, including a shorter proof with some suspect aspects and a longer proof in English. The second proof, involving determinants, can also be found online by searching "determinant inequalities" or by referencing Hadamard's inequality on Wikipedia. The conversation also mentions using matrices and linear algebra to solve the problems but expresses difficulty in doing so.
  • #1
I'm reading a math book and found a couple of proofs I can't do.

1. Given [itex]x \in R^n, a \in R, \sum\limits_{i=1}^n{x_i}=na[/itex], prove that
[itex]\sum\limits_{i \in A}\prod\limits_{j = 1}^k {x_{i_j}} \leq \binom{k}{n}a^k[/itex] where
[itex]A = \{i \in \{1, 2, ... n\}^k : i_1 < i_2 < ... < i_k\}[/itex]
which essentially says that if the average of all [itex]x[/itex] is [itex]a[/itex], then taken a product of any k [itex]x[/itex], it will usually not be greater than [itex]a^k[/itex]

2. Given [itex]A = (a_{ij}) \in L(R^n)[/itex], prove that
[itex]\det^2 A \leq \prod\limits^n_{i=1}\sum\limits^n_{j=1}{a_{ij}^2}[/itex]

The problems are given in a section about extrema points. I do see that these can be proved by finding the minimum of (right side - left side). I do know how to use, in the first case, Lagrange multiplier and, in the second case, plain differentiation to find that point. The problem is that the derivatives turn out very ugly. I don't think I can solve them.

One idea I had was that there exist matrices that have determinants (or some other function) equal to the expressions or the left side of (1) and right side of (2), so that this whole problem could be lifted to linear algebra. But then my algebra is really poor.

I'd love to hear some suggestions about this.
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  • #2
hamsterman said:
I'm reading a math book and found a couple of proofs I can't do.

1. Given [itex]x \in R^n, a \in R, \sum\limits_{i=1}^n{x_i}=na[/itex], prove that
[itex]\sum\limits_{i \in A}\prod\limits_{j = 1}^k {x_{i_j}} \leq \binom{k}{n}a^k[/itex] where
[itex]A = \{i \in \{1, 2, ... n\}^k : i_1 < i_2 < ... < i_k\}[/itex]
which essentially says that if the average of all [itex]x[/itex] is [itex]a[/itex], then taken a product of any k [itex]x[/itex], it will usually not be greater than [itex]a^k[/itex]

2. Given [itex]A = (a_{ij}) \in L(R^n)[/itex], prove that
[itex]\det^2 A \leq \prod\limits^n_{i=1}\sum\limits^n_{j=1}{a_{ij}^2}[/itex]

The problems are given in a section about extrema points. I do see that these can be proved by finding the minimum of (right side - left side). I do know how to use, in the first case, Lagrange multiplier and, in the second case, plain differentiation to find that point. The problem is that the derivatives turn out very ugly. I don't think I can solve them.

One idea I had was that there exist matrices that have determinants (or some other function) equal to the expressions or the left side of (1) and right side of (2), so that this whole problem could be lifted to linear algebra. But then my algebra is really poor.

I'd love to hear some suggestions about this.

(1) Follows from Maclaurin's inequality, which is stated in many places on-line, but proved in few. One proof can be found in . The proof is short, but has some suspect aspects. A complete, but longer proof can be found in (which, despite its title, is in English).

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  • #3
Thanks a lot.
Any ideas about (2)?
  • #4
hamsterman said:
Thanks a lot.
Any ideas about (2)?

No, but I recall seeing it proved somewhere; I just don't remember where. I suggest you Google "determinant inequalities" so see what comes up.

  • #5
If you're interested, I[/PLAIN] found it.

Thanks again. I wouldn't have thought that google could help here.
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FAQ: How can extrema points be used to prove mathematical inequalities?

1. What are extrema points?

Extrema points are points on a graph where the function reaches its highest or lowest value. These points can be either maximum (highest) or minimum (lowest) values.

2. How are extrema points used in proofs?

Extrema points are used in proofs to show that a function has a maximum or minimum value. They can also be used to determine the behavior of a function, such as whether it is increasing or decreasing.

3. What is the process for proving using extrema points?

The process for proving using extrema points involves identifying the extrema points of the function, determining whether they are maximum or minimum values, and then using that information to support the proof's argument.

4. Can extrema points be used for all types of functions?

Yes, extrema points can be used for all types of functions, including polynomial, exponential, trigonometric, and logarithmic functions. However, the method for finding extrema points may vary depending on the type of function.

5. Are there any limitations to using extrema points in proofs?

While extrema points can be a useful tool in proofs, there are some limitations to their use. In some cases, a function may have multiple extrema points, making it more difficult to determine the overall behavior of the function. Additionally, extrema points may not always be present, particularly in more complex functions.

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