How can gravity hold galaxy groups togehter?

In summary, the gravitational pull between galaxies can hold them together despite the expansion of space. However, the escape velocity is high, so the galaxies will eventually be pulled apart.
  • #1
Thought experiment: Assume two galaxies in a galaxy group, initially at rest (with respect to one another). The distance between the centers of the galaxies is r = 1 Mpc.

The total mass of each galaxy is mg = 6 ∙ 1042 kg (including dark matter). This is ≈ 3 ∙ 1012 solar masses.

The gravitational pull between the galaxies will be F= G ∙ mg2 /r2 = 2.67 ∙ 1030 N, and the corresponding acceleration will be a = F/mg = 4.45 ∙ 10-13 m/s only. (Using G= 6.67 ∙ 10-11 m3kg-1s-2).

How can this tiny force withstand the expansion of space (which at this distance is ≈ 70 km/s)?
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  • #2
The timescale is millions to billions of years, over such a timescale even small acceleration values matter. The gravitational potential is 8*1052 J, giving the galaxies an escape velocity of 160 km/s. If they are slower than that, they are gravitationally bound.
  • #3
Put your example in perspective, make predictions and explain how they differ from mainstream predictions - along with the math that supports your predictions.
  • #4
Tryggvas said:
How can this tiny force withstand the expansion of space (which at this distance is ≈ 70 km/s)?

Notice that the latter is a speed, not an acceleration or a force. You cannot directly compare them in this manner.
  • #5
Tryggvas said:
Thought experiment: Assume two galaxies in a galaxy group, initially at rest (with respect to one another). The distance between the centers of the galaxies is r = 1 Mpc.

The total mass of each galaxy is mg = 6 ∙ 1042 kg (including dark matter). This is ≈ 3 ∙ 1012 solar masses.

The gravitational pull between the galaxies will be F= G ∙ mg2 /r2 = 2.67 ∙ 1030 N, and the corresponding acceleration will be a = F/mg = 4.45 ∙ 10-13 m/s only. (Using G= 6.67 ∙ 10-11 m3kg-1s-2).

How can this tiny force withstand the expansion of space (which at this distance is ≈ 70 km/s)?
Assuming both galaxies are initially at rest with respect to the Hubble flow, the analogous situation here is that of the standard projectile motion problem in one dimension. Construct the equation with acceleration given by the gravitational attraction, initial distance equal to 1 Mpc, and initial velocity equal to 70 km/s (because that's essentially the meaning of the Hubble constant in the absence of dark energy, which we can assume here for simplicity).
Since acceleration is changing, this will require a bit more calculus than it would for a constant case (but then again, this is an 'I' thread).

Alternatively, write kinetic and potential energy equations using these values, and see if the system is gravitationally bound (Ek<Ep).*This looks like the often made mistake of thinking of the standard (no dark energy) expansion as 'pushing' galaxies apart, whereas it should be thought of as simple inertial motion, with some initially imparted velocity and varying gravitational acceleration.

*I can see mfb already calculated the required escape velocity, corresponding to the case Ek=Ep. You can see that it is higher than 70km/s.
  • #6
Thank you very much for your explanations and clarifications. I fully understand that you cannot compare an acceleration or force with a velocity. I just thought it was strange that the tiny gravitational pull could have such a strong effect as to keep galaxy groups together, and suspected that I had made some mistake in my calculations. I had not thought of calculating the escape velocity, when you do that it is easier to understand.

Cosmology and gravity is very exciting! I hope that we will get an explanation of the “dark” components of our universe during my lifetime.
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Likes mfb and Drakkith

FAQ: How can gravity hold galaxy groups togehter?

1. How does gravity hold galaxy groups together?

Gravity is a fundamental force of nature that acts between objects with mass. In the context of galaxy groups, the gravitational force between all the galaxies in the group pulls them towards each other, keeping them in close proximity and preventing them from drifting apart.

2. Why do some galaxies seem to be moving away from each other?

The expansion of the universe is causing galaxies to move away from each other at an accelerating rate. This is due to the presence of dark energy, a mysterious force that counteracts the pull of gravity and drives the expansion of the universe.

3. Can other forces besides gravity hold galaxy groups together?

Gravity is the dominant force that holds galaxy groups together, but other forces such as electromagnetic and nuclear forces also play a role in maintaining the structure and stability of galaxies. However, these forces are much weaker compared to the strength of gravity in large-scale structures like galaxy groups.

4. Do all galaxy groups have the same amount of gravitational pull?

No, the amount of gravitational pull within a galaxy group depends on the total mass of all the galaxies and the distribution of this mass. The more massive and closely packed the galaxies are, the stronger the gravitational pull will be within the group.

5. How does gravity impact the evolution of galaxy groups?

Gravity plays a crucial role in shaping the evolution of galaxy groups. It not only holds the galaxies together, but also influences the formation of stars, the growth of black holes, and the distribution of dark matter within the group. Without gravity, galaxy groups would not be able to form and evolve into the structures we observe in the universe today.

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