How can I become a science writer?

In summary, the conversation discusses the topic of science writing and journalism. The person is interested in writing articles on high energy physics and LHC news, but is unsure of where to publish them. They seek advice on finding journals or websites that accept articles from beginners and on promoting their work. The conversation also touches on the importance of education in both science and writing for aspiring science writers. Suggestions are given for starting a professional blog and contacting local newspapers to gain experience and credibility. The conversation ends with the consensus that there is a need for more science writing in the media.
  • #1
Hi guys,

I started to write articles in science, especially high energy physics and LHC news, I made
a facebook page but still my friends only see it, so have you any suggestions about any journals
or websites accept articles from beginners ..

Also any suggestions for me to make this work more professional like is there better place on internet to publish my work on other than facebook or how to promote my page freely .

Physics news on
  • #2
You mean actual scientific papers in High Energy Physics? Are you an undergrad or grad student right now? In that case, you should contact a professor to work with him. She/he will know where to publish the right papers. In general, you should look at the papers you read for your research for an idea on where to publish papers.
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  • #3
No, I don't mean actual scientific paper, I mean ordinary news articles .. like those in symmetry magazine.
  • #4
Safinaz said:
No, I don't mean actual scientific paper, I mean ordinary news articles .. like those in symmetry magazine.

So it looks like you are interested in science journalism. The field of journalism in general needs people with a better understanding of science - so you would still want to start there. What is your background thus far? It would help a lot to know that.

For example, picking someone at random from symmetry magazine, I see that the author has a physics undergraduate degree, interned at fermilab, and then got a graduate degree (it doesn't say which) in science writing at Johns Hopkins. (

Here's an article on another author there

When she decided to get out of tech writing, she started to reeducate herself, as she’d long regretted majoring in English in college rather than getting a science degree of some sort. She enrolled at San Francisco State and completed most of what was necessary to obtain a degree in physics.

So two degrees, one in English, one in physics.

So the lesson we should be learning here is that to be a science writer you need to know a lot about writing and science! It's a good goal, but you will need some education to pursue it.

-Dave K
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  • #5
That's so interesting, I really love science and writing .. but of course as you say learning is so important ..

About my background I graduated from special physics department , then continued to get master degree in
theoretical physics, topic related to high energy physics and LHC so that field which I can write about, that what
I know .. so may be I can say I have the first degree about physics ..

About English , as I'm not a native speaker, may be I should to search for a proper course.

  • #6
Safinaz said:
About English , as I'm not a native speaker, may be I should to search for a proper course.

That's ok, you don't need to write in english. But some courses on journalism and writing (in whatever language) will come in handy. Certainly if you want to get hired by some magazine or newspaper, they will want to see those credentials.
  • #7
We need more scientific journalists in my opinion - or at least more of a focus on science in general media.

A facebook page is one thing, but if you really want to break into the world of science writing, you might want to try starting a regular, professional blog.

Something else to try is contacting your local newspapers. Depending on where you live, there may be opportunities for you to contribute a weekly column. Such opportunities are unlikely to pay at first, but they are opportunities to build up a reputation. They can also point people to your blog. From there you can build up. Remember, you don't need to just target science-focussed media. It can also help to target general interest or tangential markets that may have an interest in what you have to say.

It's also a good idea to practice proper writing all the time. On internet forums it's easy to get lazy, use poor grammar and slack on proper punctuation, etc. But if you want people to read what you write, you have to make it easy and enjoyable for them.
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  • #8
Safinaz said:
That's so interesting, I really love science and writing .. but of course as you say learning is so important ..

About my background I graduated from special physics department , then continued to get master degree in
theoretical physics, topic related to high energy physics and LHC so that field which I can write about, that what
I know .. so may be I can say I have the first degree about physics ..

About English , as I'm not a native speaker, may be I should to search for a proper course.


Great! And yes, if you want to write in English, you will have to spend a lot of time working on those skills. It can be done.

Of course, you don't have to write in English. But whatever language you write in, your writing skills must be quite good.

What's nice is that you have the science background. Now work on the writing. I'd say keep writing for now. Even if you started a blog (in your native language) you'd be better qualified to write about such things than most journalists.

-Dave K
  • #9
Actually I want to take science journalism as a part time work, I mean I have already my work in research and teaching, so what I want to contact some scientific magazine or website if they publish my articles ..
Anyway stay courses important to make my situation better .

  • #10
Thank you all for advice .. Actually It's my opinion too that we need more and more science writing.

  • #11
Safinaz said:
Thank you all for advice .. Actually It's my opinion too that we need more and more science writing.


I think your opinion is shared with all the members here. Good luck.
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  • #12
These are two of the best resources I have found re "How to become a science writer":

Legendary Ed Young asked more then 100 of his colleagues to briefly tell their stories - how they became science writers and what advice they would give:

On the Origin of Science Writers

Scientic American was searching specifically for scientists-turned-writers who started their careers by blogging:

How to break into science writing using your blog and social media
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FAQ: How can I become a science writer?

1. What is the purpose of scientific writing?

The purpose of scientific writing is to communicate research findings, methods, and theories to the scientific community. It allows for the dissemination of new knowledge and encourages others to build upon existing research.

2. What are the key elements of a scientific paper?

The key elements of a scientific paper are the abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion, and conclusion. These sections provide a framework for organizing and presenting research findings in a clear and logical manner.

3. How should I structure my scientific writing?

Scientific writing should follow a structured and organized format, with a clear introduction, methods, results, and discussion section. It is also important to use headings and subheadings to break up the information and make it more reader-friendly.

4. What is the difference between writing in science and writing in other fields?

Writing in science is typically more technical and precise compared to other fields. It requires a strong understanding of scientific concepts and terminology, and the use of evidence and data to support arguments and conclusions.

5. How can I improve my scientific writing skills?

To improve your scientific writing skills, it is important to practice regularly, read and analyze published papers in your field, and seek feedback from peers and mentors. Additionally, attending workshops or taking courses on scientific writing can also be beneficial.

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