How Can I Build a Small Electromagnetic Train for a Model Setup?

In summary: The clerk asked if he had the door operator and everything else needed. The boy didn't know what those were. Modern hardware design can deceive people into thinking that something very complex is very simple - just a switch. In summary, the conversation discusses building a small electromagnetic train, with a basic setup that goes in a circle and is no bigger than a dinner plate. The speakers mention the need for knowledge about math, magnets, and electricity, as well as finding the necessary items. They also discuss different approaches for powering and moving the train using magnets, and advise gaining experience with electromagnets and learning about circuits. They caution against the misconception that complex technology is simple, and emphasize the importance of
  • #1
Ok , here's the deal , i would like to build a small electromagnetic train ... ( not really a train , but you know what i mean... no bigger than an "N" scale train , if you know anything about model trains) i just want a basic simple setup that goes in a circle ... no bigger than a dinner plate, let's say 12 inches in diameter. I can't seem to find a thing about it on the internet , and don't have a clue where to begin ... don't tell me to go to the local library or book store because there isn't a decent one within 100 miles of me. I suck at math , i don't know a thing about magnets , but i can learn. Any input on doing this would be greatly appreciated. Some of the things i need to know ... how much power might something that small need... what kind of computing power would i need to run these electromagnets (to run the sensors and transfer of the poles)... and where in he** would i find these items?
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  • #2
Math is for things you understand.Simple approach: Put train on circular track with magnet under locomotive. Under the table, a circular disc of plywood with a magnet glued on. As the disk rotates, it drags the locomotive around the track. What? Too simple? You want an electromagnetic drive? In that case, your "track" has to be a linear motor. That is, windings same as on a motor only laid out in a line instead of a (rotating) cylinder. There are 1000s of books on motors, motor design, etc. Allow a couple years to get up to speed. Now, if you want to support the train magnetically, or electromagnetically, that is step 2. Not that many books but the technology is getting fairly well established. I would allow a year or two more to get up to speed on that. Since you will be winding a lot of electromagnets, i guess it would be a good idea to get some experience there also. Get some old relays (or new ones if you prefer). Operate them and get familiar with how they operate. Now take them apart and see how the coils are wound. Try winding a coil with a different wire size, and see how the relay operates. This is also a whole field of technology.
Re Books: There is no KNOWLEDGE in books. There are WORDS in books. Knowledge was in the person that wrote the books. But the process is not basically a reversible process. There are people who do not understand this. Watch out for them.
I almost forgot: if you will be working with electromagnets, maybe you should learn something about electricity, circuits, etc.
Reminds me of the story aboout the little boy that went to the hardware store to buy a switch. He said "I want a switch that will open my garage door and turn on the light".
The clerk asked "do you have the door operator and everything else?" The kid said "Whats that?
Modern hardware design can deceive people into thinking that something very complex is very simple- just a switch. End of lecture
  • #3
Just to clarrify;

When you say "electromagnetic train", do you mean a regular electric train, a train powered by a magnet, or a magnetic levitation (maglev) train?
  • #4
LURCH said:
Just to clarrify;

When you say "electromagnetic train", do you mean a regular electric train, a train powered by a magnet, or a magnetic levitation (maglev) train?

yes powered by magnet how do you make it move?
:eek: :zzz:
  • #5
please can anyone tell me how to get the train to stay in levitate
i would really like to know?
  • #6
could one build a circular track. BUild small walls with N magnets on the outside and S mag. on the inside of the circle (both facing in towards the track. put magnets on the sides of the train opposite of the walls. And put a magnet on the bottom of the train which repels one placed underneath of the track that rotates like Freddie suggested?.. may be a little bulky but you could refine it as u like.


Math is for things you understand.Simple approach: Put train on circular track with magnet under locomotive. Under the table, a circular disc of plywood with a magnet glued on. As the disk rotates, it drags the locomotive around the track. What? Too simple? You want an electromagnetic drive? In that case, your "track" has to be a linear motor. That is, windings same as on a motor only laid out in a line instead of a (rotating) cylinder. There are 1000s of books on motors, motor design, etc. Allow a couple years to get up to speed. Now, if you want to support the train magnetically, or electromagnetically, that is step 2. Not that many books but the technology is getting fairly well established. I would allow a year or two more to get up to speed on that. Since you will be winding a lot of electromagnets, i guess it would be a good idea to get some experience there also. Get some old relays (or new ones if you prefer). Operate them and get familiar with how they operate. Now take them apart and see how the coils are wound. Try winding a coil with a different wire size, and see how the relay operates. This is also a whole field of technology.
Re Books: There is no KNOWLEDGE in books. There are WORDS in books. Knowledge was in the person that wrote the books. But the process is not basically a reversible process. There are people who do not understand this. Watch out for them.
I almost forgot: if you will be working with electromagnets, maybe you should learn something about electricity, circuits, etc.
Reminds me of the story aboout the little boy that went to the hardware store to buy a switch. He said "I want a switch that will open my garage door and turn on the light".
The clerk asked "do you have the door operator and everything else?" The kid said "Whats that?
Modern hardware design can deceive people into thinking that something very complex is very simple- just a switch. End of lecture
  • #7
Go to Google and look up Magnetic Levitation. Find the pictures in How Things Work or similar sites.
  • #8
can an asterisk (eight lines to this asterisk) configuration of rectangular electromagnets (each magnet about 2.5"x1") generate enough attraction to pull an Earth magnet from one leg of the asterisk to the adjacent one? we are trying to make a slow moving magnetic drive system using electromagnets and Earth magnets. our evenutal hope is for our object on a bearing in the center of the asterisk to be able to turn and hold above each stick/leg of the asterisk as the magnets are energized and de-energized.
  • #9
I'm having trouble picturing that one. Any chance of a picture?
  • #10
Here is what I would do , start with a circular tube of plastic .
put a cylindrical Neo magnet inside the tube.
wind a bunch of coils around the tube , the more the better , as you energize each coil in sequence , the magnet will jump forward .
use another Neo magnet inside a train car on a track above the coils , the magnet inside the tube should pull the car along the track.

FAQ: How Can I Build a Small Electromagnetic Train for a Model Setup?

1. What is electro magnetic propulsion?

Electro magnetic propulsion is a method of propelling objects using the principles of electromagnetism. It involves the use of electric and magnetic fields to create a force that can accelerate an object.

2. How does electro magnetic propulsion work?

Electro magnetic propulsion works by using a combination of electric and magnetic fields to create a force on an object. This force can be used to accelerate the object in a desired direction, similar to how a rocket engine works.

3. What are the potential applications of electro magnetic propulsion?

Electro magnetic propulsion has potential applications in space travel, as it could potentially be used to propel spacecraft without the need for traditional chemical rockets. It could also be used in transportation systems, such as high-speed trains or levitating vehicles.

4. Are there any limitations to electro magnetic propulsion?

One limitation of electro magnetic propulsion is the amount of power required to generate the necessary electric and magnetic fields. This can be a challenge to achieve in practical applications. Additionally, the technology is still in its early stages and more research is needed to fully understand and optimize its potential.

5. What are the potential benefits of using electro magnetic propulsion?

The use of electro magnetic propulsion could potentially lead to more efficient and sustainable transportation methods, as it does not rely on traditional fossil fuels. It could also open up new possibilities for space exploration and reduce the cost of launching objects into space.
