How Can I Calculate the Frequency of the Left Pendulum in a Coupled System?

In summary, In this conversation, a coupled physical pendulum has been described. The left pendulum has a mass, and the right pendulum has no mass. The left pendulum swings with an amplitude that decreases as the right pendulum swings with an amplitude. The period of the right pendulum is known, and the amplitude of the left pendulum is also known. The frequency of the left pendulum is calculated by knowing the period and the max amplitude of the left pendulum.
  • #1
Coupled physical pendulums (URGENT)

Imagine that you have coupled physical pendulums like this (see image below).

Imagem 1.jpg

mass is in the inferior part of the pendulum.*

Now we let the right pendulum swing without initial speed = 0 with a certain amplitude. As we know, the amplitude of the right pendulum will decrease , increasing the amplitude of left pendulum.

I have the Period for the max amplitude of the right pendulum. When the amplitude of the right pendulum is zero, i have to mark the max amplitude of the left pendulum.

You can see in the following image:
Imagem 2.jpg

L it's approximated 1 meter.

d its caused by the coupled pendulums. it's the distance between the equilibrium point without being coupled to the equilibrium point being coupled.

Now how can i calculate the frequency (v max) of the left pendulum??

I just know the period of the right pendulum. I know the max amplitude in left pendulum. How can i calculate the frequency of the left pendulum?

( frequency is induced by right pendulum)? I really need help, its urgent.
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  • #2

anyone??is something my problem that is not explicit?
  • #3

Fabio010 said:
anyone??is something my problem that is not explicit?

TBH, I can't make head or tail of it.
  • #4
  • #5

The diagram looks like no coupled pendulum arrangement I've ever seen.

You seem to have a rigid bar on the right - which could be a pendulum except that it has no mass associated.
On the left is another bar, this time with a mass so I assume that IS a pendulum. And between them you have a mass suspended on a cord.

The nearest thing to this in standard physics texts is two pendula coupled by a spring. The analysis of the motion is not simple.
Try http://
  • #6

AJ Bentley said:
The diagram looks like no coupled pendulum arrangement I've ever seen.

You seem to have a rigid bar on the right - which could be a pendulum except that it has no mass associated.
On the left is another bar, this time with a mass so I assume that IS a pendulum. And between them you have a mass suspended on a cord.

The nearest thing to this in standard physics texts is two pendula coupled by a spring. The analysis of the motion is not simple.
Try http://

that link is not working. :/
  • #7

i found this equations to coupled pendulums.

I= inertial

α and β are angles.

M1 = mass of right pendulum
L1 = length of right pendulum = L2
m2 = mass of left pendl..

For the right pendulum:
I1.d^2α/dt^2 = -1/2.M1.g.L1.sinα - k[sinα - sinβ]

For the left pendulum:

I2.d^2β/dt^2 = -1/2.m2.g.L2.sinβ k[sinα - sinβ]

in the limit of small angles

α,β << 1

I1.d^2α/dt^2 = -1/2.M1.g.L1.α - k[α-β]

I2.d^2β/dt^2 = -1/2.m2.g.L2.β + k[α-β]

if we consider a weak coupled pendulum system, then:


and because left pendulum have a mass and a inertia much greater then the right pendulum:

M1>>m2 and I1>>I2

Equation to right pendulum can be simplified to:

I1.d^2α/dt^2 ≈ -1/2.M1.g.L1.α

to left pendulum we have:

I2.d^2β/dt^2 = -[1/2.m2.g.L2.β+ kβ ] + kα


I2.d^2β/dt^2 + (ωo)^2.β = kα(t)


(ωo)^2 = 1/2 * (m2gL2) + k

so the frequency induced by the right pendulum to the left pendulum is:

f = 2.pi/ωo ...

is that right?

FAQ: How Can I Calculate the Frequency of the Left Pendulum in a Coupled System?

1. What is a coupled physical pendulum?

A coupled physical pendulum is a system of two or more pendulums that are connected together by a rigid rod or string. The motion of one pendulum affects the motion of the others, creating a unique and complex motion.

2. How does a coupled physical pendulum differ from a simple pendulum?

In a simple pendulum, there is only one pendulum swinging back and forth. In a coupled physical pendulum, there are multiple pendulums connected together, which creates a more complex motion.

3. What factors affect the motion of a coupled physical pendulum?

The motion of a coupled physical pendulum is affected by the length and mass of each individual pendulum, as well as the length of the connecting rod or string, and the strength of gravity.

4. What are some real-life applications of coupled physical pendulums?

Coupled physical pendulums have been used in seismology to study the motion of earthquakes, as well as in clock mechanisms to create more accurate timekeeping. They are also used in some musical instruments, such as the double pendulum harp.

5. Can coupled physical pendulums be used to demonstrate chaos theory?

Yes, coupled physical pendulums are often used as a visual representation of chaos theory, as the motion of the pendulums is unpredictable and seemingly chaotic, even though it follows specific mathematical principles.
