How can I calculate the rate of energy absorption from nuclear decay?

In summary, the lab assistant pocketed a Cesium-137 sample that had been produced and was about to decay. After a time, the radiation emitted from the sample decreased due to the decay process. The lab assistant absorbed some of this radiation and so the amount of radiation they are absorbing is unknown.
  • #1
Homework Statement
Started with a 0.1g of cesium-137, decayed into ba-137 after twelve hours by beta decay, this starts to decay with gamma rays. 12 hours after this someone pockets the sample and absorbs 50% of the beta particles and 10% of the gamma rays. How would I find the rate at which they are absorbing energy.
Relevant Equations
beta energy=0.512MeV
Gamma energy=0.6617MeV
Rate of Beta and gamma radiation=3.2*10^11
Problem Statement: Started with a 0.1g of cesium-137, decayed into ba-137 after twelve hours by beta decay, this starts to decay with gamma rays. 12 hours after this someone pockets the sample and absorbs 50% of the beta particles and 10% of the gamma rays. How would I find the rate at which they are absorbing energy.
Relevant Equations: beta energy=0.512MeV
Gamma energy=0.6617MeV
Rate of Beta and gamma radiation=3.2*10^11

Assuming it is 10% and 50% of the particles been released at 12 hours. So 10% of gamma = 3.2*10^10
50% of gamma = 1.6*10^11. This is how many particles are been emitted. Energy is per photon so 3.2*10^10 * 0.6617*10^6, 1.6*10^11* 0.512*10^6.. Energy of Gamma=2.11744*10^16. Energy of Beta= 8.192*10^16. Thus total energy would be these two added = 1.031*10^17. Over twelve hours so 8.59*10^15. I have no idea if this is even on the right track. The only other way I can think of doing it would be finding out the mass difference after the decay and using E=mc^2 but I assume I don't use that because I was given the energies.
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Physics news on
  • #2
Sorin2225 said:
I have honestly no idea how to even start

Have you seen the guidelines ? We are not allowed to assist unless you post an effort ! Your relevant equations are not relevant equations, but parameters/variable values that are part of the problem statement.

What have you learned so far about decays that might be applicable ?
  • #3
Sorry about that, I have now added my initial attempt and we just get a textbook, but it doesn't seem to have anything about the energies of Decay. Just direction to a text that talks about it would be appreciated. I
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  • #4
Sorin2225 said:
Assuming it is 10% and 50% of the particles been released
I think the problem statement says that 10% and 50% of the particles that have been released are absorbed, and you are supposed to calculate the rates at which they are being emitted.

Google is your friend -- even for introductory material
  • #5
Rate of Beta and gamma radiation=3.2*10^11
Is that a given ? Or did you calculate it ? How ?
  • #6
It's a given as the rate of emitting radiation after 12 hours.
  • #7
Sorin2225 said:
anything about the energies of Decay
But you have them:
beta energy=0.512MeV
Gamma energy=0.6617MeV
  • #8
Could you post the full problem description ? I don't understand the scenario: Cs doesn't stop decaying if you put it in your pocket ?!

In #1 you it seems are asked for a rate of energy consumption, not a total energy. Units ?
  • #9
A 0.1 g sample of pure Cesium-137 is produced.
Cesium-137 decays via β− emission into a metastable nuclear isomer of Barium-137 which in turn decays via the emission of a gamma-ray into stable Barium-137.
Cs-137 has a half-life of 30.17 years and the β− particle produced has an energy of 0.512 MeV.
Ba-137m has a half-life of 2.55 minutes and produces γ photons with an energy of 0.6617 MeV.
After 12 hours rate of sample emitting radiations= 3.203427×10^11

12 hours after being produced the sample is accidentally pocketed by a lab assistant. The lab assistant absorbs 50% of all β− particles and 10% of all γ-rays.
At what rate is the lab assistant absorbing energy from the sample?

As in dE/dt(absorbed) = ?

It's still decaying, but the person is only absorbing some of the energy from it.
  • #10
Why was it said that the Cs sample was pocketed 12 hours after it was produced. Why is this important.
  • #11
Because the lab assistant put it in their pocket and so now they are absorbing radiation energy from the sample
  • #12
No that is not the reason. What has happened in the sample that is important to the solution of this problem?
  • #13
It has decayed from Cs to Ba and continues to decay by emitting gamma and beta particles?
  • #14
For what course is this problem from so I might determine how much you should know?
  • #15
University first year. New Zealand
  • #16
What specific course e.g. Fundamental Nuclear Physics?
  • #17
fundamentals of physics
  • #18
This is curious that they would specifically told you that the source was picked up 12 hrs after production. What is your knowledge of nuclear decay?
  • #19
For energy of nuclear decay, pretty much just that the change in mass would be related to the energy via e=mc^2.
  • #20
What about half lifes?
  • #21
During every half life, half of the amount of sample will decay
  • #22
How is half life related to the rate of radiation released?
  • #23
The rate of radiation rleased is just constant isn't it?
  • #24
Yes, I just reread your post 9 stating the problem. You do not need to know about half lives. They give you the rate do radiation production i.e., 3.203427×10^11 disintegrations/sec. From the info in the problem each decay releases one beta(0.512 MeV) and 1 gamma(.662 MeV). Each is absorbed differently 50% of the Beta and 10% of the gamma. This is not so much of a physics problem as an algebra problem.

Related to How can I calculate the rate of energy absorption from nuclear decay?

1. How do I calculate the rate of energy absorption from nuclear decay?

The rate of energy absorption from nuclear decay can be calculated by using the formula: R = λN, where R is the rate of energy absorption, λ is the decay constant, and N is the number of radioactive nuclei present. The decay constant can be determined from the half-life of the radioactive substance.

2. What is the decay constant and how is it related to the rate of energy absorption?

The decay constant is a measure of how quickly a radioactive substance decays. It is directly proportional to the rate of energy absorption, meaning that as the decay constant increases, the rate of energy absorption also increases.

3. Can the rate of energy absorption be affected by external factors?

Yes, the rate of energy absorption can be affected by external factors such as temperature, pressure, and the presence of other substances. These factors can alter the decay constant and therefore impact the rate of energy absorption from nuclear decay.

4. Is the rate of energy absorption constant over time?

No, the rate of energy absorption is not constant over time. It decreases as the number of radioactive nuclei decreases due to decay. This is why it is important to continuously monitor and calculate the rate of energy absorption in nuclear decay processes.

5. How is the rate of energy absorption used in nuclear energy production?

The rate of energy absorption is a crucial factor in determining the efficiency and safety of nuclear energy production. It is used to calculate the amount of energy released from nuclear reactions and to control the rate of these reactions. It is also used in the design and maintenance of nuclear power plants.

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