How can I calculate the time it would take for my battery to run down?

  • Thread starter sweetreason
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In summary, the conversation discusses how to determine the time it would take for a battery to run down based on the total resistance of components in a circuit and the battery's voltage and capacity. It also mentions the importance of determining the average current drawn by the circuit and taking into account factors such as the power rating of the circuit elements. The conversation also discusses the use of microcontrollers and parallel connections in the circuit. Overall, the key to determining the battery life is to use the ampere-hour rating of the battery and the average current drawn by the circuit.
  • #1
This isn't actually a homework/schoolwork question, but all the stickies on the other boards say that anything that is a school-work *type* question should go here. Not sure if this qualifies, but I figured I'd err on the side of caution. I took physics II last year and now I'm trying to do a little electronics project -- and to my consternation it appears I didn't learn how to compute something pretty simple!

Suppose I know the total resistance of components in a circuit. In my case it's R = 2292 Ohms. And suppose I've got a battery with an EMF of 14.8 V. How would I find out the time it would take for my battery to run down? Do I need more information? It seems my most relevant equation is that for power delivered to a resistor: [tex] P = V_{ab} = I^2R = (V_{ab})^2 /R [/tex]

However, I don't want the power, which is the work/time, I just want the time. I don't know how I would find out the work that's done. the circuit elements are four motors which are labeled "90W", but I don't know if that means they require 90W every second, or what. How do I find a "t" variable in this equation that I can solve for?

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  • #2
Batteries have ratings for both voltage and available energy. The energy is typically given in Amp hours (Ah) for large batteries or milliamp hours (mAh) for smaller ones. Essentially it tells you how much current x time the battery can usefully produce before its voltage begins to degrade and the battery heads towards unusable (discharged).

Look up the characteristics of your particular battery.
  • #3
Determining the life expectation of a battery is an imprecise endeavour. First, you need to find the ampere-hour rating of the battery, when new. Then, knowing the current drain, you can arrive at a figure for the time the battery will last while delivering that current. There are many associated provisos, but that's a start.
  • #4
Sorry, I should have included that information. The capacity of the battery is 1800mah. But how do I use this information? Wouldn't I first need to figure out how much current my circuit elements are drawing? How do I find that? I know the resistance (573 Ohms x 4 elements) and there is a power rating on the circuit elements (90w) but I think that is the maximum power that these circuit elements can tolerate.
  • #5
Determine the average current that your whole circuit will draw from the battery either by measurement or calculation. You can use that with the ampere-hour rating to estimate the working life.
  • #6
gneill, how do I do that? can I use V=IR with V as the battery voltage and R the total resistance in the circuit?
  • #7
I don't actually have the all the components in front of me, I'm trying to determine how the components will drain the battery before I buy the components. So I can't test the circuit, I've got to calculate it.
  • #8
sweetreason said:
gneill, how do I do that? can I use V=IR with V as the battery voltage and R the total resistance in the circuit?

Yes, that'll do it. The total resistance, otherwise known as the equivalent resistance, is the resistance that the circuit presents to the battery where it connects.
  • #9
sweetreason said:
Sorry, I should have included that information. The capacity of the battery is 1800mah. But how do I use this information? Wouldn't I first need to figure out how much current my circuit elements are drawing? How do I find that? I know the resistance (573 Ohms x 4 elements) and there is a power rating on the circuit elements (90w) but I think that is the maximum power that these circuit elements can tolerate.
You have a 14.8v battery, of capacity 1.8 Ahr. You say you have 4 motors, and seem to imply you can represent each as a 573Ω resistor. They must be very tiny motors if that is the case. How did you determine that resistance? Are you planning to power the 4 motors in series or parallel? What is their voltage rating?
  • #10
I got the resistance figure from the parts store I'm looking at. The specs of the part are The same page says the max voltage is 15 V.

I'd guess the motors are giong to be in parallel, but I'm not really sure -- they're going to be hooked up to pins on a microcontroller like this one, I don't know enough about microcontrollers to say with certainty what kinds of connections those are. Would it make a difference to how fast the battery drains?
  • #11
sweetreason said:
I got the resistance figure from the parts store I'm looking at. The specs of the part are The same page says the max voltage is 15 V.
There are many motors there. Which one?
I'd guess the motors are giong to be in parallel, but I'm not really sure
They are 15v motors, so with a 14.8v battery they will be in parallel.

If you have 4 motors, running under conditions where each draws, say, 5A, then your battery will last about 2 or 3 mins. If it's rechargeable, then it will have a shortened life, because a 1.8Ahr capacity is far from optimal for a load of more than an amp.

FAQ: How can I calculate the time it would take for my battery to run down?

1. How long does a battery last on average?

The average lifespan of a battery varies depending on the type, usage, and storage conditions. Generally, disposable alkaline batteries can last anywhere from 2 to 7 years, while rechargeable batteries can last up to 5 years.

2. What factors affect the lifespan of a battery?

The lifespan of a battery can be affected by several factors, including its chemistry, usage patterns, temperature, and storage conditions. For example, extreme temperatures and frequent deep discharges can significantly shorten a battery's lifespan.

3. Can a battery be recharged to extend its lifespan?

Yes, rechargeable batteries can be recharged multiple times, which can extend their lifespan. However, overcharging or undercharging a battery can also decrease its lifespan.

4. How can I make my batteries last longer?

To maximize the lifespan of your batteries, it is important to use them in the recommended devices and follow the manufacturer's instructions for charging and storage. Avoid exposing them to extreme temperatures and make sure to fully discharge and recharge them regularly.

5. Is it harmful to leave a battery in a device that is not being used?

Leaving a battery in a device that is not being used can lead to self-discharge, which can shorten its lifespan. It is recommended to remove the battery from the device and store it in a cool, dry place if it will not be used for an extended period of time.

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