How can I calculate the velocity and height of a rocket at burnout time?

In summary, the conversation is discussing a rocket being fired straight up and the variables involved in its movement. Part a involves finding an equation for the mass of the rocket at a given time, while part b involves solving for the velocity of the rocket using separation of variables. Part c asks for the velocity of the rocket when all the fuel is exhausted, and part d asks for the height of the rocket at that time. The person asking the question is unsure if they did part b correctly and is seeking clarification on how to approach parts c and d.
  • #1
Hello! I'll pose the question first:

A rocket is fired straight up, burning fuel at the constant rate of b kilograms per second. Let v=v(t) be the velocity of the rocket at time t and suppose that the velocity u of the exhaust gas is constant. Let M=M(t) be the mass of the rocket at time t and note that M decreases as the fuel burns. If we neglect air resistance, it follows from Newton’s Second Law that:

F= M (dv/dt)-ub where the force F=-Mg. Thus,

Equation I: M(dv/dt) - ub = -Mg.

Let M1 be the mass of the rocket without fuel, M2 the initial mass of the fuel

a) Find an equation for the mass M at time t in terms of M1, M2, and b.
b) Substitute this expression for M into equation 1 above and solve the resulting equation for dv/dt using separation of variables.
c) Determine the velocity of the rocket at the burnout velocity, when all the fuel is exhausted.
d) Find the height of the rocket at the burnout time.

For part a, I determined that M would equal M1 + M2 - bt. That makes sense.

For part b, I don't really know what they mean solve for dv/dt using separation of variables, so I just plugged it into equation 1 and, by solving for dv/dt, got:

(dv/dt) = -g + (ub / (M1 + M2 - bt))

So I'm not sure if I did part b correctly.

And for part c, I would assume that you would just integrate what you get in part b. What would that come out to be? I'm not very good at integration... :/

And for part d, the height of the rocket at the burnout time would be when... I'm not sure of that either...
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  • #2
Do you mind limiting the discussion to
  • #3
I wanted to increase my chances of getting a response. I don't know if this is a physics problem with calculus components or a calculus problem with physics components. :/
  • #4
mcranfo said:
I wanted to increase my chances of getting a response. I don't know if this is a physics problem with calculus components or a calculus problem with physics components. :/
Moderator's Note: Nonetheless, please post a question once only. If it turns out that you chose the wrong forum, just contact a Mentor (via the report button) and he/she would be glad to move it for you.

Related to How can I calculate the velocity and height of a rocket at burnout time?

What is the rocket acceleration problem?

The rocket acceleration problem is a physics problem that involves calculating the acceleration of a rocket as it travels through space. It takes into account factors such as the rocket's mass, thrust, and air resistance.

How do you calculate rocket acceleration?

Rocket acceleration can be calculated using the formula F = ma, where F is the net force acting on the rocket, m is the mass of the rocket, and a is the acceleration. The net force can be calculated by subtracting the force of air resistance from the force of thrust.

What is the difference between average and instantaneous acceleration?

Average acceleration is the change in velocity over a certain period of time, while instantaneous acceleration is the acceleration at a specific moment in time. In the context of rocket acceleration, average acceleration would be used to calculate the overall acceleration of the rocket, while instantaneous acceleration would be used to determine the acceleration at a specific point during the rocket's journey.

How does air resistance affect rocket acceleration?

Air resistance, also known as drag, is a force that opposes the motion of the rocket. As the rocket moves through the air, it experiences a force that pushes against it, slowing it down and reducing its acceleration. This is why rockets are designed to be aerodynamic, to minimize the effects of air resistance.

What are some real-life applications of the rocket acceleration problem?

The rocket acceleration problem is important in the field of rocket science and space exploration. It is used to calculate the acceleration and trajectory of rockets as they launch into space and travel to other planets. It is also used in the design and testing of new rocket engines and spacecraft. Additionally, the principles of rocket acceleration are applied in the field of aeronautics to design and improve airplanes and other flying vehicles.
