How can I calculate this integral using contour integration?

In summary, The integral \int_0^{\infty} \frac{x^a}{(1+x)^2}dx \ (-1<a<1) can be calculated using contour integration, specifically a key-hole contour with the slot along the positive real axis. However, the computation of the residue of the multi-valued function z^a at z=-1 can be tricky, as it depends on which sheet of the function we integrate over. However, if we use the particular determination of z^a given by z^{1/2}=e^{1/2(\ln(r)+i\theta)} with 0<\theta\leq 2\pi, we can calculate the residue as ae^{
  • #1
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Gold Member
I want to calculate the integral [itex] \int_0^{\infty} \frac{x^a}{(1+x)^2}dx \ (-1<a<1) [/itex] via contour integration But it seems a little tricky.
I tried to solve it like example4 in the page ( ) but I arrived at zero which I know is wrong.(The answer is [itex] \frac{\pi a}{\sin{\pi a}} [/itex])What's the point?
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  • #2
Shyan said:
I want to calculate the integral [itex] \int_0^{\infty} \frac{x^a}{(1+x)^2}dx \ (-1<a<1) [/itex] via contour integration But it seems a little tricky.
I tried to solve it like example4 in the page ( ) but I arrived at zero which I know is wrong.(The answer is [itex] \frac{\pi a}{\sin{\pi a}} [/itex])What's the point?

The integral isn't too hard via a key-hole contour with the slot along the positive real axis except you have to be careful to compute the residue of the multi-valued function, [itex]z^a[/itex]. Let's look at that. We have:


and so that's a second-order pole at [itex]z=-1[/itex] so the residue is just the derivative of [itex]z^a[/itex] at z=-1. But that's a multi-valued function for [itex]-1<a<1[/itex] so that expression has a potentially infinite number of answers. Well, the particular residue depends over which sheet of the function we integrate over. Suppose it was just [itex]z^{1/2}[/itex]. Then we could integrate over the branch

[tex]z^{1/2}=e^{1/2(\ln(r)+i\theta)},\quad 0<\theta\leq 2\pi[/tex]

Ok, then that's the expression we would use to compute the residue:

[tex]\text{Res}\left(\frac{z^{1/2}}{(1+z)^2},-1\right)=1/2 e^{-1/2(\ln(-1)+\pi i)}=1/2 e^{-\pi i}=-1/2[/tex]

Same dif for any a in that range if we use that particular determination of [itex]z^a[/itex]:

[tex]\text{Res}\left(\frac{z^{a}}{(1+z)^2},-1\right)=ae^{(a-1)(\ln|z|+i\theta)},\quad 0<\theta\leq 2 \pi[/tex]

and therefore the residue for that particular sheet of the multivalued function [itex]z^a[/itex] at z=-1 is [itex]ae^{(a-1)\pi i}[/itex] right?

Now it's easy to compute the integral over the various legs of that contour: On the top leg along the real axis it's just the real integral. But on the lower leg, [itex]z^a=e^{a(\ln(r)+2\pi i)}[/itex] and I'll leave it to you to verify the integrals over the circular large and small arcs of the contour go to zero. And we're left with:

[tex]\left(1-e^{2\pi i a}\right) \int_0^{\infty}\frac{x^a}{(1+x)^2}dx=2\pi i r[/tex]
where r is that residue above.
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FAQ: How can I calculate this integral using contour integration?

1. What is a contour integral?

A contour integral is a type of line integral in which the path of integration follows a particular curve or contour. It is used to evaluate the area under a curve in the complex plane.

2. Why is help needed for a contour integral?

Contour integrals can be difficult to understand and calculate, especially for those who are not familiar with complex numbers. Help may be needed to properly set up and solve the integral, as well as to understand the concept behind it.

3. What are some common applications of contour integrals?

Contour integrals are commonly used in physics and engineering to solve problems related to electricity and magnetism, fluid mechanics, and quantum mechanics. They are also used in mathematics to find the value of complex functions and to solve differential equations.

4. How do I solve a contour integral?

To solve a contour integral, you must first parameterize the contour and then integrate over the specified path using the appropriate techniques, such as Cauchy's integral formula or the residue theorem. It is important to carefully choose the path of integration to ensure the integral is well-defined.

5. Are there any tips for understanding contour integrals?

One tip for understanding contour integrals is to visualize the contour or curve in the complex plane and understand how it relates to the function being integrated. It is also helpful to practice with simpler integrals and gradually work up to more complex ones. Seeking help from a math tutor or online resources can also aid in understanding contour integrals.

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