How can I calculate total drag on a multi-hull?

In summary, the individual is working on creating a hull that will be propelled by human and solar power. They are having difficulty finding existing hull designs with their respective coefficient of total resistance and are looking for a way to calculate it for their own hull design. They require the hull to be simple in geometry and are considering a circular cross section hull. They are also looking for a simple method to calculate the extra power required to propel the hull in slightly rough seas. The hull is intended to be operated in harbors, lakes, and near the shore. They are considering using existing data for coefficient of total resistance, but are having difficulty finding data for even the most simplistic hulls.
  • #1
I was given the task to create a hull which must be propelled by human and solar power; I have found it difficult to obtain existing hull designs with their respective coefficient of total resistance so I am looking for a way to calculate the total hull resistance for a hull of my own.

I require the hull to be simple in geometry as I should propose a way to manufacture it at the least possible price. I was thinking about a circular cross section hull, as shown below, as I think it would be quite simple to manufacture. I am aware of the 1957 ITTC line but do not know how to extract more data from the model to get the total drag resistance. I am aiming at a speed of about 1.5 to 2.5 m/s.

Also, is there any simple method to calculate the extra power required to propel the hull in slightly rough seas?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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  • #2
raniero said:
I require the hull to be simple in geometry as I should propose a way to manufacture it at the least possible price.
If the project goes ahead, how many hulls will be built in the initial run? What hull materials are being considered? Those answers will help decide the trade-off between hull shape complexity and hydrodynamic inefficiency.

2.57 m/s = 5 knots, is not fast for a displacement hull. Your picture shows two very long and thin catamaran hulls. We have not been given the required displacement or scale, which makes it difficult to identify the appropriate hydrodynamic regime. You might consider making the hulls shorter and fatter to reduce the wetted area for the same buoyancy. You need to minimise the total drag, (wave making + wetted area).

Without a better idea of the hull scale, shape and the meaning of “slightly rough seas”, it is hard to calculate the extra power required. Wind direction and the vessel profile above the waterline may be much more important than sea state.
  • #3
Baluncore said:
Without a better idea of the hull scale, shape and the meaning of “slightly rough seas”, it is hard to calculate the extra power required. Wind direction and the vessel profile above the waterline may be much more important than sea state.

Hi, thanks for your reply. I was thinking of aluminium or E-glass as a hull material, and around 10 would be built in the first run. The scope of this project is not to design a hull but rather to work in a team and go through a design process, so certain technical details about hull design are not expected (I have only attended fluids classes - nothing specifically for hulls).

Our general dimensions for the boat are 4.2m length by 3m width, so maybe a 0.5m width by 4.2m would be appropriate (of course I would need to optimize this when I have more data about the chosen hull) for the hulls.

To get an idea of what I mean with "slightly rough seas", the boat is intended to be operated in harbors, lakes and in seas close to the shore.

I am more inclined at using existing data (coefficient of total resistance) for existing geometries of hulls but I can't seem to find any hull details available, not even for the most simplistic hulls such as a cylindrical profile. Of course, if a find a set of data for different hull dimensions / ratios I would optimize my dimensions to get the least possible total drag, but without having this data or without having the capability to analyse analytically I am finding this difficult.

Thanks in advance
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  • #4
There are two effects you should consider. The first is wetted area. You can calculate the wetted area geometrically and apply the square of the speed to compute drag. The second is wave generation. The length and speed of your hull are related by the formation of a wave crest near the stern. Those relationships can be applied generally to most real hulls.

FAQ: How can I calculate total drag on a multi-hull?

1. How is drag calculated on a multi-hull?

To calculate drag on a multi-hull, you would need to first determine the drag coefficient, which is a measure of the air/water resistance of the hull. This can be done through experiments or simulations. Then, you would need to calculate the frontal area of the hull, which is the area of the hull that is facing the direction of motion. Finally, you can multiply the drag coefficient by the frontal area and the air/water density to get the total drag on the multi-hull.

2. What factors affect the total drag on a multi-hull?

The total drag on a multi-hull is affected by various factors such as the shape and size of the hull, the speed and direction of motion, the properties of the surrounding medium (air or water), and any additional objects attached to the hull such as sails or appendages. The presence of turbulence and surface roughness can also impact drag.

3. How does the speed of the multi-hull affect its drag?

The speed of a multi-hull plays a significant role in determining its drag. As the speed increases, so does the drag, due to the increased resistance from the surrounding medium. However, at very high speeds, the drag may decrease due to a phenomenon called wave resistance, where the water or air waves created by the hull can reduce the overall drag on the hull.

4. Can the shape of the multi-hull be optimized to reduce drag?

Yes, the shape of a multi-hull can be optimized to reduce drag. By using advanced design techniques such as computational fluid dynamics (CFD), engineers can modify the shape of the hull to minimize drag and improve the overall performance of the multi-hull. This can involve changes to the hull's profile, cross-section, and surface roughness.

5. How does the total drag on a multi-hull affect its speed and efficiency?

The total drag on a multi-hull has a direct impact on its speed and efficiency. Higher drag means more resistance, resulting in slower speeds and reduced efficiency. By minimizing drag, the multi-hull can achieve higher speeds with the same amount of force, making it more efficient and improving its performance in various conditions.
