How can I control an LED array for creating patterns and designs?

In summary, the speaker is interested in building an LED lamp and has a good understanding of technology, but limited knowledge of electrical engineering. They have researched how to build a basic LED lamp, but are now looking for ways to control each LED individually in order to create patterns and designs. The speaker suggests using LED drivers, which can be controlled through a serial interface like SPI or I2C, and recommends researching microcontrollers such as Microchip PICs and related topics. They also mention an article in MAKEzine that offers an alternative method using shift registers.
  • #1
Hello all,

I recently became interested in building an LED lamp as a gift for a friend. I have a good understanding of technology, but I have only a small understanding of electrical engineering. I have researched and understand how to build an actual LED lamp where I would have all the LEDs wired into a single series, or maybe two sets of series.

But I want to create patterns and designs with the LED array, which means being able to control each LED individually, and so far I'm not having a lot of luck researching how this works. I think it will involve the use of EPROMs, but if anyone could shed more light on what topics I need to read about I'd be grateful.

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  • #2
There exist a number of devices that control individual LEDs. Typically they offer on the order of 8-12 LED outputs per device, and oftentimes can control the brightness of each LED individually.

The devices are typically called "LED Drivers," and a quick Digikey search ( will give you a bunch of options. LED Drivers can be controlled over a serial interface like SPI or I2C, so a easy way to do a first pass would be to use some microcontroller like a Microchip PIC that has a serial interface to talk to multiple LED drivers to create the patterns you want.

If you want to be more adventurous, you can try doing it with shift registers as in MAKEzine's first volume: You'll have to buy the actual magazine to get the article. As I recall, it was a decently written article that was fairly accessible.

I don't know what your background is with microcontrollers and that sort of thing, but if you want to pursue the LED driver tack, you should check out PICs at and Wikipedia for articles on I2C and SPI. (Feel free to substitute your favorite microchip manufacturer, it just so happens that Microchip PICs are pretty common in the DIY/hobbyist market, so there are a lot of resources available).

Hope this helps.
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  • #3

That's great that you are interested in building an LED lamp as a gift for your friend. I can provide some guidance on how to control an LED array for creating patterns and designs.

Firstly, you are correct in thinking that you will need to use EPROMs (Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory) to control each LED individually. EPROMs are non-volatile memory chips that can be programmed and reprogrammed multiple times. They are commonly used in electronic devices for storing data and instructions.

In order to control the LEDs, you will also need a microcontroller, which is a small computer on a single integrated circuit. The microcontroller will be responsible for sending instructions to the EPROMs, which will then determine which LEDs to turn on and off in order to create the desired pattern or design. You can program the microcontroller using a programming language such as C or assembly.

To learn more about EPROMs and microcontrollers, I recommend researching topics such as embedded systems, digital electronics, and microcontroller programming. There are also many online resources and tutorials available that can help you understand the basics of controlling an LED array.

I hope this information helps you in your project. Best of luck with your LED lamp!

FAQ: How can I control an LED array for creating patterns and designs?

1. How do I control an LED array?

There are multiple ways to control an LED array, but the most common method is to use a microcontroller such as an Arduino or Raspberry Pi. These devices can be programmed to send specific signals to the LED array to turn on and off individual LEDs or create patterns.

2. What type of power supply is needed for an LED array?

The power supply needed for an LED array depends on the number and type of LEDs being used. It is important to calculate the total power consumption of the array and choose a power supply with a higher wattage to ensure it can handle the load.

3. How do I connect the LED array to a microcontroller?

The LED array can be connected to a microcontroller using jumper wires or a breadboard. The LEDs should be connected in parallel to the output pins of the microcontroller and the power supply should be connected to the positive and negative terminals of the array.

4. Can I control the brightness of individual LEDs in an array?

Yes, it is possible to control the brightness of individual LEDs in an array. This can be done by using pulse width modulation (PWM) to vary the amount of time the LED is on compared to the time it is off. The longer the LED is on, the brighter it will appear.

5. Can I use a sensor to control the LED array?

Yes, a sensor such as a light sensor or motion sensor can be used to control an LED array. The sensor can be connected to the microcontroller and programmed to trigger specific LED patterns or behaviors when it detects a certain input.
