How Can I Correctly Derive the Quadratic Equation from a Train Speed Problem?

In summary: So the negative term is the one with the larger magnitude, so $a+b = -40$ and $ab = -9600$ means $a=-80$ and $b=120$ (or vice versa).So indeed, $v^2 - 40v -9600 = (v - 80)(v + 120)$, but we must look at the coefficients of $v$ to see that $v - 80$ is the right factor to use, since that one produces a $-80v$ term, while the other factor produces a $+120v$ term. In summary, the problem is asking to derive an equation for the speed of a train, given its usual speed and a
  • #1
I'm having difficulty deriving a quadratic from the info in this question:

A train usually covers a journey of 240 km at a steady speed of \(v \text{ kmh}^{-1}\). One day, due to adverse weather conditions, it reduces its speed by 40 \text{kmh}^{-1}\) and the journey takes an hour longer.

Derive the equation \(v^2 - 40v - 9600 =0\), and solve it to find the value of \(v\).

All I could come up with was: \(\frac{240}{v^2} = \frac{240}{v^2 - 40} -1\)

But i don't think this is right! Any help to get me on the right track appreciated! Thanks.
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  • #2
Well, let's begin with the kinematic relationship between distance $d$, speed $v$, and time $t$, when speed is constant:

\(\displaystyle d=vt\)

Let's let the distance be measured in km, speed in kph and time in hrs.

We know in both cases that $d=240$. Under usual conditions, we are given:

\(\displaystyle 240=vt\)

And when the weather was bad, we are given:

\(\displaystyle 240=(v-40)(t+1)\)

Now, we want to get rid of $t$ so that we have an equation in $v$ only. Solving the first equation for $t$, we obtain:

\(\displaystyle t=\frac{240}{v}\)

Now, substitute for $t$ into the second equation:

\(\displaystyle 240=(v-40)\left(\frac{240}{v}+1\right)\)

Can you continue?
  • #3
MarkFL said:
Well, let's begin with the kinematic relationship between distance $d$, speed $v$, and time $t$, when speed is constant:

\(\displaystyle d=vt\)

Let's let the distance be measured in km, speed in kph and time in hrs.

We know in both cases that $d=240$. Under usual conditions, we are given:

\(\displaystyle 240=vt\)

And when the weather was bad, we are given:

\(\displaystyle 240=(v-40)(t+1)\)

Now, we want to get rid of $t$ so that we have an equation in $v$ only. Solving the first equation for $t$, we obtain:

\(\displaystyle t=\frac{240}{v}\)

Now, substitute for $t$ into the second equation:

\(\displaystyle 240=(v-40)\left(\frac{240}{v}+1\right)\)

Can you continue?

Do we have to multiply throughout by \(v\)? Would that look like this:

\(v(v-40)v\) \((\frac{240}{v}+1)\)

Hmm...think I've gone wrong somewhere...
  • #4
Simonio said:
Do we have to multiply throughout by \(v\)? Would that look like this:

\(v(v-40)v\) \((\frac{240}{v}+1)\)

Hmm...think I've gone wrong somewhere...

Yes, multiplying through by $v$ is a good next step, and you would have:

\(\displaystyle 240v=(v-40)(240+v)\)

Do you see what I did there?
  • #5
MarkFL said:
Yes, multiplying through by $v$ is a good next step, and you would have:

\(\displaystyle 240v=(v-40)(240+v)\)

Do you see what I did there?
Thanks. Could you show the I know how you got there? Thanks.
  • #6
We start with:

$240 = (v - 40)\left(\dfrac{240}{v} + 1\right)$

If we multiply one side by $v$, we must do the same to the other side.

The left-hand side is easy: we wind up with $240v$.

The right-hand side is a bit more involved:

$(v - 40)\left(\dfrac{240}{v} + 1\right)v$

$ = (v - 40)\left(\dfrac{240}{v}\cdot v + v\right)$ (using the DISTRIBUTIVE rule)

$ = (v - 40)(240 + v)$ ("cancelling the $v$'s")

$ = v(240 + v) - 40(240 + v)$ (distributive rule again, expanding out this time)

$ = 240 v + v^2 - 9600 - 40v$ ( another expansion using the distributive rule)

$ = v^2 + 200v - 9600$ (collecting "like terms", and ordering by the power of $v$).

So that's what we wind up with the right-hand side, and now we equate the two sides:

$240v = v^2 + 200v - 9600$

Do you see what to do next?
  • #7

\(v^2 + 200v - 9600 =240v\)

Then: \(v^2 - 40v -9600 = 0\)

next, find factors of \(ac\) whose sum is \(c\) = 120, -80.

\(v2 + 120v -80v - 9600\)

Then: \(v(v-80) + 120(v-80)\)

So either \(v+120 = 0\) or \(v-80 = 0\)

Then \(v = -120\) or \(v = 80\)

hmm... the answer in my book gives v as +120 only-so I've gone wrong somewhere(Doh)
  • #8
Since we have $v^2-40v-9600=0$:

Simonio said:
\(v2 + 120v -80v - 9600\)

The above should be $v^2-120v+80v-9600=0$...:) and try it again, Simonio, as I'm fairly certain you will end up getting $v=120$ as the positive solution to the problem.
  • #9
Simonio said:

\(v^2 + 200v - 9600 =240v\)

Then: \(v^2 - 40v -9600 = 0\)

next, find factors of \(ac\) whose sum is \(c\) = 120, -80.

\(v2 + 120v -80v - 9600\)

Then: \(v(v-80) + 120(v-80)\)

So either \(v+120 = 0\) or \(v-80 = 0\)

Then \(v = -120\) or \(v = 80\)

hmm... the answer in my book gives v as +120 only-so I've gone wrong somewhere(Doh)

What you have written is tantamount to:

$v^2 - 40v - 9600 = (v - 80)(v + 120)$.

However, in truth:

$(v - 80)(v + 120) = v^2 + 40v - 9600$

as -80 and 120 sum to +40, not -40, as required.

In general, if $ab < 0$ (and $a,b$ are integers), then exactly ONE of $a$ or $b$ must be negative. If $a + b < 0$ as well, the negative one has to be the one with the largest absolute value (or magnitude).

If we write:

$v^2 - 40v - 9600 = (v + a)(v + b) = v^2 + (a+b)v + ab$

we have $ab = -9600 < 0$ and $a+b = -40 < 0$.

Related to How Can I Correctly Derive the Quadratic Equation from a Train Speed Problem?

1. What is the process for deriving an equation?

The process for deriving an equation involves identifying the relevant variables and parameters, making assumptions and simplifications, and using mathematical operations to manipulate the equations until the desired result is obtained.

2. What are the common challenges in deriving an equation?

Some common challenges in deriving an equation include choosing the appropriate mathematical operations, ensuring all assumptions and simplifications are valid, and accurately representing the relationship between variables.

3. How long does it take to derive an equation?

The time it takes to derive an equation can vary greatly depending on the complexity of the problem and the skill and experience of the scientist. It can take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours or even days.

4. Can an equation be derived for any problem?

Not all problems can be solved by deriving an equation. Some problems may be too complex or may not have a clear relationship between variables. In these cases, other methods such as numerical simulations or data analysis may be more appropriate.

5. Is it important to derive an equation or can I use an existing one?

Deriving an equation is important in order to fully understand the underlying principles and assumptions of a problem. However, if there is an existing equation that accurately represents the problem, it can be used as long as all relevant variables and parameters are accounted for.

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