How can I create realistic gravity code for my video game?

In summary: In addition, you'll need to account for gravity (or any other forces) acting on the object. For example, if you're trying to model a car falling off a cliff, you'll need to include the force of gravity in your equation. In summary, this code will allow you to create realistic gravity in your game by assigning a constant value to gravity, and then using that value to calculate the position of objects in space. You can also include variables to control other aspects of the gravity simulation, such as the height and width of objects, as well as their y-position.
  • #1
Hello! I am a programmer and I am working on a video game, up until now I have used "gravity" to make objects fall just based off simple positioning code. I want to create realistic gravity code though!

Here is how the code works...
You simply create a variable and assign it a value..
ex. If I wanted to create a gravity constant I would say:

gravity = 5.485024534535

Now whenever I want to use this constant in my code / equations I will just type "gravity" instead of typing "5.485024534535"

You can set as many variables as you need..

I already have, height (the height of the object in the game), width (width in game), y (the y position (x-y cartesian coordinates) of the object, and a few other un-important things..

To set the y value of the ball you can say something like:

y = -50;
And the ball will move on the y-axis to -50 (coordinates of the top left corner of the screen = (0,0)

Dont worry about setting x-coordinate values in this code, it is falling in a straight path.

To define variables simply say:

variableName = variableNumber

I also have a function that is called every 0.01 seconds..

So inside this function if I were to say:

number1 = number1 + 5

and number1 starts out equal to 1, after 0.01 seconds it equals 1+5, another 0.01 seconds pass and it equals (1+5)+5, and so on.

Code should be in the following format:

Define variables here (each variable on a new line)

stuff that happens every 0.01 seconds here

Anyone up for the challenge?

Or even just want to help me understand how gravity works in moving things?
Physics news on
  • #2
Have you had any exposure to kinematics? If not, it sounds like you are ready to run with something without the fundamentals under your belt.
  • #3
All I need is a falling code, everything else will "fall" into play! (pun intended)
  • #4
AlbertRenshaw said:
Or even just want to help me understand how gravity works in moving things

Not sure I can help you understand "how gravity works in moving things", but, however it works, I will say its consistent enough to be described by the following formula which you will need to implement in your code:

y=y0 + vy0t + 0.5ayt2

y : y position as a function of time, t
y0 : y postion when time = 0
vy0 : initial velocity in the y direction when time = 0
ay : acceleration constant in the y direction (on Earth it is -9.81 m/s2)

Use proper units: meters (m), seconds (s).

This should get you started. Have fun!
  • #5
Since the downward direction is positive in most GUI coordinate systems, the value of g in MKS will be ~9.81 m/s2 (positive), unless you manually implement another coordinate system.

The kinematics equations describe motion about the center of mass, so you'll need to also take the shape of the object into account if you want to model collisions.

FAQ: How can I create realistic gravity code for my video game?

1. What is the purpose of gravity in a video game?

The purpose of gravity in a video game is to create a realistic and immersive gaming experience. It adds an element of challenge and physics to the game, making it more interesting for the players.

2. How is gravity coded in a video game?

Gravity is typically coded using a physics engine that calculates the gravitational force between objects in the game. The code takes into account the mass and distance between objects to determine the strength of the gravitational pull.

3. Can gravity be customized in a video game?

Yes, gravity can be customized in a video game by adjusting the code parameters. Game developers can change the strength of gravity, the rate at which objects fall, and even create custom gravity fields for specific areas in the game.

4. How does gravity affect player movement in a video game?

Gravity affects player movement by pulling them towards the ground with a constant force. This means that players must consider gravity when jumping, climbing, or moving objects in the game.

5. What challenges do game developers face when coding gravity in a video game?

One challenge is finding the right balance of gravity strength to make the game challenging but not too difficult for players. Additionally, coding realistic and accurate gravity can be complex and time-consuming, especially when creating custom gravity fields or special effects.
