How Can I Derive a Set of 3x3 Matrices Analogous to the Pauli Matrices?

In summary, you would have to kill the matrix in order to get a basis that can be visualized as a 3-D vector.
  • #1
If I am to try and derive a set of 3x3 matrices analogous to the Pauli matrices, how would I go about doing this? I want to find the basis for all complex 3x3 matrices (analagous to the 3 Pauli matrices and the identity matrix for all complex 2x2 matrices) to expand a complicated matrix into so that I can derive a simpler expression. I've only just taken a basic linear algebra class, so I am not an EXPERT in vector spaces. Can anyone help me with this?

This is NOT homework for me, just pure theory, so I didn't post it in the homework forum.
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  • #2
I don't know, but the Pauli matrices are easy to find by explicitly calculating the most general form of a traceless self-adjoint ([itex]A=A^\dagger[/itex]) 2×2 matrix, so maybe you can start by doing something like that.
  • #3
I don't know how useful this is for your purposes, but 3x3 generalizations of the Pauli matrices used in physics are the Gell-Mann matrices,
  • #4
thanks a lot! that should help me a lot, i will reincarnate this forum if i need further help
  • #5
I am trying right now to decompose a 3x3 matrix into a basis that can be visualized as a 3-D vector. I did this for a 2x2 matrix analogous to this problem, but the 3x3 matrix I have is quite a bit more complicated. I decomposed the 2x2 with the Pauli matrices, and then made it visualizable in 2-D space. Is this process possible with a 3x3 matrix? I have been trying to use the Gell-Mann matrices, but I am not having luck putting it into a 3-D basis. Let me know if you need more information, I just want to be able to do it myself with only a little help. Could you guys please help? Thanks!
  • #6
Dahaka14 said:
thanks a lot! that should help me a lot, i will reincarnate this forum if i need further help
You would have to kill it first! Are you sure "reincarnate" is the word you meant?
  • #7
well, the this thread could be considered dead since it is inactive, plus wouldn't restarting under the same name be considered spamming? but this does not answer my question

do u want me to start a new thread?

FAQ: How Can I Derive a Set of 3x3 Matrices Analogous to the Pauli Matrices?

1. What are Generalized Spin Matrices?

Generalized Spin Matrices are mathematical tools used in quantum mechanics to represent the intrinsic angular momentum of subatomic particles. They are square matrices that describe the spin state of a particle in terms of its spin quantum number and orientation.

2. How are Generalized Spin Matrices used in physics?

Generalized Spin Matrices are used to calculate the probabilities of different spin states for a particle, as well as to predict the outcomes of spin measurements. They are also essential in the development of quantum mechanical models and equations.

3. What is the difference between spin matrices and generalized spin matrices?

Spin matrices only describe the spin state of a particle with a specific spin quantum number, while generalized spin matrices can represent any spin state, regardless of the spin quantum number. This makes them more versatile and applicable to a wider range of particles.

4. How do Generalized Spin Matrices relate to the Pauli spin matrices?

The Pauli spin matrices are a specific set of generalized spin matrices that represent spin 1/2 particles, such as electrons. They are the most commonly used and well-known set of generalized spin matrices in quantum mechanics.

5. Can Generalized Spin Matrices be used to describe the spin of macroscopic objects?

No, Generalized Spin Matrices are only applicable to subatomic particles with intrinsic angular momentum. Macroscopic objects do not have this property and therefore cannot be described using spin matrices.
