How can I derive Fick's second law for a fluid in a narrow pipe?

In summary, Fick's second law states that in a narrow pipe filled with fluid, the concentration of a certain type of molecule varies only along the length of the pipe. By considering the flux of these particles from both directions into a short segment, it can be derived that the rate of change of particle concentration over time is equal to the diffusion coefficient multiplied by the second derivative of the particle concentration with respect to position. This can be written as dn/dt = D d2n/dx2. This law can be derived by considering a piece of medium with given thickness and time, and tracking the amount of particles entering and exiting the segment.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Imagine a narrow pipe, filled with fluid, in which the concentration of a certain type of molecule varies only along the length of the pipe (in the x direction). By considering the flux of these particles from both directions into a short segment [tex]\Delta[/tex]x, derive Fick's second law, dn/dt = D d2n/dx2 (those should be partial derivatives not normal ones) where n is the particle concentration and D is the diffusion coefficient.

Homework Equations

Jx = -D dn/dx
where J is the particle flux

The Attempt at a Solution

I don't even know where to start
Physics news on
  • #2
The question is: can you take Fick's first law for granted ?
  • #3
It doesn't say whether we can or not so I assume we can.
  • #4
Well, then this is not so hard. What you have to do is to consider a piece of medium with thickness [itex]\Delta X[/itex] and "do the bookkeeping" of what goes in, what goes out, and hence how things change locally (also called "mass conservation") during a time [itex]\Delta t[/itex].
  • #5
Alright well after playing around with it for a while I still have no idea what to do. How would I do it if we couldn't take Fick's first law for granted?
  • #6
Consider a position x0, and a position a bit further, at x0 + [itex]\Delta x[/itex].

Consider a time t0 and a time t0 + [itex]\Delta t[/itex].

Consider a density n(x,t) that is function of x.

Now consider how much is "in" the box [itex] \Delta x [/itex] at time t.

Consider how much "comes in" at the "x" wall and how much "goes out" at the "x + [itex]\Delta x[/itex] side during the time [itex]\Delta t[/itex].

That should be more than enough to get you going...

FAQ: How can I derive Fick's second law for a fluid in a narrow pipe?

1. What is Fick's Second Law?

Fick's Second Law is a mathematical equation that describes the diffusion of a substance in a medium. It is commonly used in fields such as chemistry, physics, and biology to study how substances move and spread.

2. How is Fick's Second Law derived?

Fick's Second Law is derived from Fick's First Law, which states that the flux of a substance is directly proportional to its concentration gradient. By incorporating the concept of diffusion coefficient, Fick's Second Law is obtained.

3. What are the assumptions made in deriving Fick's Second Law?

The derivation of Fick's Second Law assumes that the substance being studied is in a homogenous and isotropic medium, and that there are no external forces acting on the substance that could affect its diffusion. It also assumes that the concentration gradient is constant over time.

4. What are the applications of Fick's Second Law?

Fick's Second Law has many applications in various fields, such as drug delivery in medicine, the movement of pollutants in the environment, and the diffusion of nutrients in biological systems. It is also used in material science to study the diffusion of atoms in solids.

5. Can Fick's Second Law be applied to non-linear systems?

Yes, Fick's Second Law can be extended to non-linear systems by incorporating additional factors, such as the viscosity of the medium and the molecular weight of the diffusing substance. This extended version is known as the nonlinear Fick's Second Law.
