How Can I Divert My Students' Focus from Social Media?

In summary, you want to create a blog to share information with students, and to encourage them to read and visit other informative sites online. You think it is possible, and there are other ways you can divert their attention away from social media.
  • #1
Hi guys , I am planning to create my own blog for the innovations on my science class so that I can share more ideas with my students, And to encourage them to read and visit other informative sites on the internet not only on social media. Do you guys think it is possible ? And is there any other ways that I could divert their focus not only on playing games or visiting their social media accounts.

Any suggestions is really a great help..
Science news on
  • #2
Its going to be hard. Ideally you would look at news items that you can somehow link to physics.
An example could be the Russia-Turkey situation in Syria a while back.
Using basic information (which you should dig up in those cases) it was easy to find several inconsistencies in the story of both Russia and Turkey using kinematics. (Altitude of the russian plane was one example)

An idea could be to make it a team effort with other teachers at your school.
That way you can quickly populate the blog as well as cater to individual students interest.
Some would be interested in Biology, others in chemistry (because boom) and some are into maths.
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  • #3
I am also thinking that its really hard especially now a days where students are really hook into social medias, Your suggestion hepls me alot. :)

Its a team effort and hopefully we can make it in our school.
  • #4
Be sure to document the process, you could write an insight on physicsforums that maybe motivates other teachers all over the world.
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  • #5
Yes, I will document it, and I will share it to all teachers :) I know it might be impossible for now but its not bad to start this idea :)
  • #6
Sounds like a pretty decent idea. I take it your students are in high school?

Unfortunately though, i think unless students are truly motivated to learn and be curious about the world, it is very difficult for them to compete with entertainment and social media. Perhaps I've lost hope.

Conversely, i do believe that it is possible to cultivate this curiosity if you find a good angle to pitch your innovations on the blog.

Good luck! Be sure to share your successes/failures with the forum (including the blog itself) :).
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  • #7
Yup, they are high school students and at their age, they are really inclined with social medias especially on online games. Their time on studying lessen because of those temptation. That's why I want to maximize their use on internet not only for entertainment or games but also for their own learning.
  • #8
You could have them program their own game based on physics..
  • #9
MATS309TrinaC said:
Hi guys , I am planning to create my own blog for the innovations on my science class so that I can share more ideas with my students, And to encourage them to read and visit other informative sites on the internet not only on social media. Do you guys think it is possible ? And is there any other ways that I could divert their focus not only on playing games or visiting their social media accounts.

Any suggestions is really a great help..

Any 'innovation' must be accompanied with evidence of improved outcomes. What outcomes are you using to evaluate the effectiveness of your innovations?

FAQ: How Can I Divert My Students' Focus from Social Media?

1. How can I divert my students' interest in a specific subject?

There are a few strategies that you can use to divert your students' interest in a subject. One approach is to make the subject more relevant to their lives by connecting it to real-world examples and applications. Another strategy is to make the subject more interactive and engaging by incorporating hands-on activities or group projects. You can also try incorporating different teaching methods, such as incorporating technology or incorporating games and simulations, to make the subject more interesting and appealing to students.

2. What are some common reasons for lack of interest in a subject among students?

There can be several reasons for lack of interest in a subject among students. Some common reasons include a lack of understanding or difficulty grasping the material, a lack of relevance to their lives, a lack of engagement or interactivity in the classroom, and a lack of motivation or interest in the subject itself. It's important to address these issues and find ways to make the subject more interesting and relevant for students.

3. How can I assess my students' level of interest in a subject?

There are a few ways to assess your students' level of interest in a subject. One way is to simply observe their behavior and engagement in the classroom. Do they participate in discussions and activities related to the subject? Do they ask questions and demonstrate curiosity? Another way is to gather feedback from students through surveys or informal conversations. You can also assess their understanding and engagement through quizzes or other assessments related to the subject.

4. Can I use rewards or incentives to increase my students' interest in a subject?

In some cases, rewards or incentives can be effective in increasing students' interest in a subject. However, it's important to use them strategically and not rely on them as the sole method for increasing interest. Rewards should be used to encourage and reinforce positive behavior and effort, rather than as a bribe or a means to simply get students to participate. It's also important to ensure that the rewards are meaningful and relevant to students.

5. How can I maintain my students' interest in a subject over time?

Maintaining students' interest in a subject over time can be challenging, but there are a few strategies you can use. One approach is to constantly vary your teaching methods and materials to keep things interesting and engaging for students. You can also incorporate current events or new research related to the subject to keep it relevant and up-to-date. Additionally, building positive relationships with your students and creating a supportive and inclusive classroom environment can help maintain their interest and motivation in the subject.
