How Can I Download Structural Steel Data for Temperature Ranges?

In summary, the conversation discusses where to find engineering material data for structural steel in a specific temperature range and the different factors to consider when looking at properties at high temperatures. One of the speakers suggests using a book for more thorough research and raises questions about the need for data at such high temperatures. They also discuss the possibility of phase transitions and heat treatments affecting the mechanical properties of steel. The conversation also briefly touches on plotting graphs in Workbench and the potential changes in thermal and structural properties of steel with respect to temperature.
  • #1

from where can I download engineering material data for structural steel in range of temperature 20 deg C - 1600 deg C ( 68 F - 2912 F). I'm interested in Poission ratio, Young modulus, density, thermal coefficient of expansion, specific heat and thermal conductivity versus temperature.
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  • #3
Matweb is useful for some basic research, but for a more thorough resource I would recommend looking into a book covering high-temperature properties of steels.
  • #4
Curious, why do you want properties of structural steel up to above the melting point of most steels, and well above the solidus transition I'm not familiar with phase transition in structural steel particularly, but I do know that you have to keep phase transitions in mind because they can drastically alter the mechanical properties. Additionally, you have different heat treatments that you have to consider if you are going to be varying the temperature between room temp and super high temps like that.

In other words, why are you asking for this information?
  • #5
I want that range because curentlly make weld simulation in workbench. Steel has two phase solidus and liquidus. So I want to modeling liquidus phase trought material properties. Thank for help.

Btw. Do you know how to plot a graph in Wokrbench e.g.displacement vs X,Y or Z-Axis? Or temperature distribution between two nodes?

  • #6
With there be any change in the thermal and structural property of steel with respect to temperature. If so can anyone help me to get a lead to those data.

FAQ: How Can I Download Structural Steel Data for Temperature Ranges?

1. What is engineering material data?

Engineering material data refers to the physical and mechanical properties of materials used in engineering, such as strength, ductility, and thermal conductivity. This data is essential for designing and creating new products and structures.

2. Why is engineering material data important?

Engineering material data is important because it helps engineers determine the most suitable material for a specific project or product. It also allows for accurate calculations and predictions of a material's performance under different conditions, ensuring the safety and reliability of the final product.

3. How is engineering material data collected?

Engineering material data is collected through various testing methods, such as tensile testing, hardness testing, and impact testing. These tests measure the material's physical and mechanical properties and provide valuable data for engineers to analyze.

4. What factors can affect engineering material data?

There are several factors that can affect engineering material data, including temperature, pressure, and environmental conditions. The manufacturing process and any impurities in the material can also impact its properties.

5. How is engineering material data used in the design process?

Engineering material data is used in the design process to determine the best material for a specific application, calculate the required dimensions and tolerances, and ensure the structural integrity and safety of the final product. This data also helps engineers make informed decisions and troubleshoot any potential issues that may arise during the design and manufacturing process.
