How can i figure out fractions to decimals with different bases?

In summary, converting fractions to decimals with different bases can be done using long division. The division, multiplication, addition, and subtraction algorithms remain the same in any base. For example, converting 0.1 in base 10 to base 5 would result in 0.0\dot{2}_5. This can be done by repeatedly multiplying the decimal number by the new base and taking the integer part as the next digit in the new base. If there is a pattern, it can be used to find the recurring number.
  • #1
I know that our current decimal system has a base ten.

My question is, how can i figure out fractions to decimals with different bases?

basically, i would like to know how to use different bases other than 10.
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  • #2
You'd use long-division, just like you've always done in decimal.

Consider the following division problem in binary, which has only digits: 0 and 1.

100000 / 1000

Set up your long division as usual:
1000 |  100000
      - 1000

Of course, this makes sense: 1000 in binary is 8 in decimal. 100000 in binary is 32 in decimal. 32 / 8 = 4, or 100 in binary.

All of the normal division, multiplication, addition, and subtraction algorithms you learned in grade school work exactly the same way in any base.

If you have a specific question you're trying to solve, please let me know, and I'll help you.

- Warren
  • #3
if i have a # like 1/9 (base 10) and i want to fine what it equals with base 5...How would i go about doing that?
  • #4
Using base 10 arithmetic, multiply your decimal number by the new base. The integer part is a digit in the new base. Repeat the process with the fractional part. Each repetition generates the next digit.

For example .1 in base 10 to base 2

2*.1 = 0.2

integer part =0 so your first digit is 0
.110~ .02

Now take the fractional part and repeat.
2 *.2 = 0.4
.110~ .002

2*.4 =0.8
.110~ .0002

2*.8 = 1.6
Finally! a non zero digit!
.110~ .00012

2*.6= 1.2
.110~ .000112

.110~ .0001102

now you can observe that a pattern is emerging.

This same method can be used for conversion to any base.
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  • #5
thanks alot
  • #6
so would .1 (base 10) equal .021262 and so fourth in base 5?
  • #7
lvlastermind said:
so would .1 (base 10) equal .021262 and so fourth in base 5?

No, 0.1 in base 5 would equal [itex]0.\dot{2}[/itex]. Remember base 5 would only use the digits 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 so that 6 can't be in there.
  • #8

can you show me you work for that?

For some reason I am having trouble..
  • #9
Sorry I left out a zero, it should be : [itex]0.0\dot{2}_5[/itex] (out of interest ([itex]0.\dot{2}_5[/itex] would be equal to a half). As Chroot says use long divison (I'll state all numbers in base 10 unless otherwise indicated by a subscript 5, also I've used fractions rather than decimals as I feel it's probably easier to see what's going on)

(1/10)/(1/5) = 0 R 1/10
(1/10)/(1/25) = 2 R 1/50
(1/50)/(1/125) = 2 R 1/250
(1/250)/(1/625) = 2 R 1/1250
(1/1250)/(1/3125) = 2 R 1/6250

That gives us so far 0.022225 + 1/6250

Now we've probably already guessed that this is going to be a a recurring number, infact we should of seen this about the beginning as 1/10 = (1/5)(1/2) and x in the equation [itex] \frac{x}{5^n} = \frac{1}{2}[/itex] can never be an integer.
  • #10
alright, thx

FAQ: How can i figure out fractions to decimals with different bases?

1. How do I convert fractions to decimals with different bases?

To convert a fraction to a decimal with a different base, you can divide the numerator by the denominator. For example, if the fraction is 3/4 and the base is 6, you would divide 3 by 4 to get 0.75. Then, you would multiply this by the base, 6, to get the decimal in base 6, which is 4.5.

2. What is the process for converting fractions to decimals with different bases?

The process for converting fractions to decimals with different bases is essentially the same as converting fractions to decimals in base 10. You divide the numerator by the denominator, then multiply by the base to get the decimal in the desired base.

3. Is there a formula for converting fractions to decimals with different bases?

Yes, the formula for converting fractions to decimals with different bases is (numerator/denominator) * base. This will give you the decimal in the desired base.

4. Can fractions with different bases be converted to decimals?

Yes, fractions with different bases can be converted to decimals. Just follow the formula (numerator/denominator) * base to get the decimal in the desired base.

5. Are there any tips for converting fractions to decimals with different bases?

One tip for converting fractions to decimals with different bases is to simplify the fraction before converting. This will make the division step easier and the resulting decimal more precise. Additionally, double check your work by converting the decimal back to the original base to ensure accuracy.

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