How can I find unique integer relationships in pi?

  • Thread starter Isaacsname
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    Pi Strings
In summary: I do agree with you on the point of "fluff" - there's too much of it.In summary, the conversation revolves around the speaker's recreational interest in finding unique integers and relationships within the digits of pi. They ask if there is a simple way to determine which integers have a special relationship with their position numbers in pi and discuss the probability of finding these relationships in larger digit sequences. The other speaker dismisses this interest as numerology and mentions "spigot" formulas for calculating the digits of pi. The conversation ends with the first speaker reiterating their recreational interest and clarifying that they are not interested in mystical meanings behind numbers.
  • #1
One of my interests in pi, and this is all purely recreational, is locating unique integers/relationships, looping numbers ( " orbits " ) etc.

In pi, certain integers are located with a position number that when multiplied, by single integers, will return the number itself as a product.

For example, the square of 12:

{ ...77235014144197356854... }: 144 at the 1638th position

1*6*3*8 = 144

My question is this:

Is there a simple way to determine which integers have this relationship with their position numbers, in pi ?

I already know I can disregard any position number with 0 as a digit, as it will give 0 as a product.

As a string grows larger, say instead of a 3 digit integer like 144, I search for an 8 digit integer, like 14444444, the frequency with which the string occurs, becomes less and less frequent, is it reasonable to assume that the probability of finding that particular relationship between a string and the multiplicative product of it's position number, becomes less and less probable as the string grows larger ?

How would this apply for pi in other bases, if at all ?


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  • #2
Is there a simple way to determine which integers have this relationship with their position numbers, in pi ?
There is no way at all to predict any special sequences and relationships in the digits of pi other than calculating the digit sequence and looking. is it reasonable to assume that the probability of finding that particular relationship between a string and the multiplicative product of it's position number, becomes less and less probable as the string grows larger ?
From what you've written, that seems reasonable ... if N is the position of a particular sequence of 3 numbers, then the bigger N is, the more digits it has to multiply together, the more change that the product of the digits will be bigger than three digits.

There's nothing special about the digits to pi - this is a property of any large sequence of digits in any base.

Note: it is not clear what is meant by this the position number.
i.e. is it;
(a) place 1: 314, place 2: 141, place 3: 415 ... etc
(b) place 1: 314, place 2: 159, place 3: 265 ... etc
(c) place 1: 141, place 2:... i.e. as above but only counting decimals.

(d) place 1: 003, place 2: 031, place 3: 314, place 4: 141 ...

... but, basically, this is all just numerology I'm afraid.
Don't be fooled: people have looked for sequences and retrofitted the significance.
  • #3
By " position number ", I mean the digit place which locates a particular integer, like the example I gave.

There were three digits in the integer 144, they were at the 1638th ( 1 ), 1639th ( 4 ), and 1640th ( 4 ) digit positions, after the decimal.

I'm not too sure what you mean by " numerology " here though, I usually try to keep my forays into recreational mathematics and " numerology " in a separate basket.

I'm more interested in things that could be considered a mathematical " hapax legomenon ", that's all.
  • #4
So when you said "144 is at the 1638th position"
What you meant was that the "1" in "144" is at the 1638th position.
That would be option (a) in my list ;)

hapax legomenon?

You mean you are looking for a sequence of numbers in the digits of pi which occurs only once?
Good luck. It's numerology - attaching an undue significance to coincidental relationships between random numbers.
  • #5
Simon Bridge said:
So when you said "144 is at the 1638th position"
What you meant was that the "1" in "144" is at the 1638th position.
That would be option (a) in my list ;)

hapax legomenon?

You mean you are looking for a sequence of numbers in the digits of pi which occurs only once?
Good luck. It's numerology - attaching an undue significance to coincidental relationships between random numbers.

Oy vey

Well, Simon, that's where you and I differ in our definitions of " numerology ", apparently. I tend not to lump completely unrelated topics together with generalizations.

Having had to wade through an inordinate amount of fluff in the process of writing my book, I am quite clear of the differences in the subjects, whereas people who toss out that term usually do not even know the fundamental differences between something like ELS ( actual numerology ) and chiasmus ( a syntactical structure )

If you wanted to discuss the history of encryption and ciphers, which involves the study of the evolution of alphabets, the proper term is actually " semiosis ",... not " numerology ".

Since I've already stated, twice now, I think, that I am not interested in " mystical " meanings behind numbers, I would hope that I am being clear.

Like always, I appreciate an opinion though. It makes for a great discussion in itself, especially if you have interest in the work of people like Eco Umberto or Bertrand Russell.


In regards to my interest in pi, like I said already, it's purely recreational. No different than what you'd find in the " trivia " section of a website like

Pi search page

Thanks again,

  • #7
Simon Bridge said:
...random numbers.

I don't see the value of the 1638th digit of pi as any more "random" than the first digit

FAQ: How can I find unique integer relationships in pi?

1. How do you find unique integer relationships in pi?

To find unique integer relationships in pi, you can use mathematical techniques such as continued fractions, digit extraction, and prime factorization. These methods can help identify patterns and relationships between the digits of pi and integers.

2. Why is it important to find unique integer relationships in pi?

Discovering unique integer relationships in pi can help us better understand the number and its properties. It can also provide insights into the nature of irrational numbers and their connections to other mathematical concepts.

3. Can you give an example of a unique integer relationship in pi?

One example of a unique integer relationship in pi is the following equation: pi^2 = 9 + (1/10)^2 + (2/10)^2 + (3/10)^2 + (4/10)^2 + (5/10)^2 + (6/10)^2 + (7/10)^2 + (8/10)^2. This shows that the sum of the squares of the first nine decimal places of pi is equal to pi squared.

4. Are there any real-world applications for finding unique integer relationships in pi?

Yes, there are many real-world applications for discovering unique integer relationships in pi. For example, it can be used in cryptography, signal processing, and other fields where precise calculations and pattern recognition are important.

5. Is there a limit to how many unique integer relationships can be found in pi?

It is impossible to know for sure if there is a limit to the number of unique integer relationships that can be found in pi. However, as pi is an infinite and irrational number, it is likely that there are an infinite number of unique integer relationships waiting to be discovered.

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