How Can I Improve My Math and Physics Skills for Engineering Studies?

In summary, if you are looking to attend university and study engineering, I would recommend you brush up on math and physics so you have a good foundation. However, getting into an engineering program is not as difficult as it may seem and you can do it with the right help.
  • #1
Hello all, sorry if this is the wrong section to post this question because I am new to this forum.
I need some help deciding what should I do. I am 22 years old but I still at school because I've been sick for 2some years so I didn't go to school, but this year I am better after medication and stuff. Anyways this is my last year and I need to decide now what to do next year at Uni.
I am thinking CCE Computer and Communication Engineering. But the problem is I am not that good at math because I didn't had much time to learn a lot of math, but I really love math and science etc... My math isn't bad but I don't know if it's good for Engineering. How can I improve my Math and Physics t be good to study Engineering, and can you give me some courses where I can find some help regarding CCE major and tutorials ?

Thanks all, have a nice day.
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  • #2
Guys anyone ? :S
  • #3
I'm a mechanical engineer so I can't necessarily help you as far as computer and communication engineering. As far as math goes though, there are plenty of websites available that will provide theory, such as wolfram math, this forums, etc.

However, as my experience as an engineer, understanding how to apply scientific theory that related to your field is more important then being able to understand blatant math theory. Yes you will have to deal with math theory in college to an extent, but most engineering courses will show the math theory that was used to derive an equation just so you know how it was derived, but are more interested that you know how to apply that equation to an application.

As far as the type of math you should know; you should brush up on you calculus (derivatives, integrals, diff EQs). You should have some understanding of linear algebra. Also, considering your looking at computer engineering, there is a possibility that you may be dealing with imaginary numbers to.

For the most part I think what you need the most is to have the determination to succeed in the field of engineering. Also, you have to be willing to put in the time, since getting a degree in engineering can be very time consuming.
  • #4
Are you saying that this is your last year at high school? I will assume that is what you mean and that next year will be your first year attending university. Have you been accepted into an Engineering program yet? Anyway, would suggest one of the following:

1) If you have already been accepted to an Engineering program, don't sweat it too much. The math that seba102288 is will be taught to you in school so there is no need to go crazy trying to learn it now. I would definitely recommend honing whatever math skills you have now though. There is nothing worse for an Engineering student than a bad foundation in math.

2) If you have not been accepted, you might want to try out a community college first. Some community colleges have transfer agreements set up with nearby universities. The first 2 years of any engineering degree (CE, EE, ME, etc) are virtually the same. You can take college maths and physics at the community college to see if it's for you. If it isn't, you have not wasted much money or time and you can explore other majors relatively inexpensively. This is what I did and then I transferred out to finish my degree.

I cannot stress enough, though, if you go the community college route, make absolutely sure that classes will transfer. Do not rely on the community college's word for it either. Contact the school(s) you will eventually transfer to and find out who they accept credits from and for what courses.
  • #5

I would first like to commend you for your determination and perseverance in pursuing your education despite facing challenges with your health. It takes a lot of courage to continue your studies and I am sure that your experiences have only made you stronger and more resilient.

In terms of your question about improving your math and physics skills for engineering, I would suggest seeking out additional resources such as online tutorials, practice problems, and study groups. There are many free resources available online that can help you strengthen your understanding of these subjects. Additionally, you may want to consider taking a pre-engineering course or a refresher course in math and physics to help prepare you for your studies in CCE.

In terms of specific courses or tutorials for CCE, I would recommend reaching out to your university's engineering department or speaking with current students in the program to get a better understanding of the curriculum and any recommended resources. It may also be helpful to speak with an academic advisor who can provide guidance and support in choosing the best courses for your academic goals.

Lastly, never underestimate the power of practice and perseverance. With dedication and hard work, you can improve your math and physics skills and excel in your chosen field of study. Best of luck to you in your academic journey!

FAQ: How Can I Improve My Math and Physics Skills for Engineering Studies?

What is the difference between math and engineering?

Math is a branch of science that deals with numbers, quantities, and shapes. It is used to describe and analyze the world around us. Engineering, on the other hand, is the practical application of math and science to design, build, and maintain structures, machines, and systems.

Why is math important in engineering?

Math is essential in engineering because it provides the foundation for understanding and solving complex problems. It is used to analyze data, make accurate measurements, and design efficient and effective solutions.

What are some common math concepts used in engineering?

Some common math concepts used in engineering include calculus, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and differential equations. These concepts are used to model and analyze systems, design structures, and solve problems.

How can I improve my math skills for engineering?

Practice and persistence are key to improving math skills for engineering. It is important to have a strong foundation in basic math concepts and to continuously challenge yourself with more complex problems. Seeking out additional resources, such as tutors or online courses, can also be helpful.

What are some career opportunities for those with a background in math and engineering?

There are numerous career opportunities for those with a background in math and engineering. Some common careers include aerospace engineer, civil engineer, computer engineer, mechanical engineer, and data scientist. Other options include teaching, research, and consulting roles.

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