How Can I Improve My Problem Solving Skills and Thinking Strategies?

It offers tips on how to approach and solve problems in a systematic and efficient way. It also emphasizes the importance of practice and developing a consistent approach. In summary, the conversation discusses the difficulty of understanding and solving problems, as well as the recommendation of George Pólya's book How to Solve It as a resource for developing a methodical approach to problem-solving. It also mentions the importance of practice and consistency in problem-solving.
  • #1
I've often been plagued by the thought of being unintelligent and slow compared to others. I seem to take much longer to understand concepts and work out problems. With that said, I do really well at school (but also put in much more time than others). I'm also quite obsessive when it comes to understanding something, which often causes me trouble.

I think solving problems for me takes much longer than compared to others. Also I seem to get stuck on simple things or overlook something simple and it will only 'click' a few hours or maybe even days later.

People say keep practicing - but I do keep learning and working on things but I think I'm still really slow.

Are there any good resources in terms of rewiring my thought process? strategy? thinking? etc
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  • #2
Read and memorize. Specifically the type of problems you work with (i.e. mathematics, logical, physical etc.)
  • #3
In addition to practice, as surprise suggests, I advise developing a consistent, methodical approach to solving problems. George Pólya's How to Solve It is a great book in that regard. It's inexpensive and would be well worth your time.
  • #4
Dembadon said:
In addition to practice, as surprise suggests, I advise developing a consistent, methodical approach to solving problems. George Pólya's book How to Solve It is a great book in that regard. It's inexpensive and is well worth your time.

That is a great book.
  • #5

I can assure you that intelligence and problem solving skills are not fixed traits and can be improved with practice and the right tools. It is important to remember that everyone learns at a different pace and has their own unique way of understanding and approaching problems.

One way to improve problem solving skills is to break down complex problems into smaller, more manageable parts. This will help you focus on one specific aspect at a time and prevent you from feeling overwhelmed. Additionally, it may be helpful to try different problem solving strategies, such as trial and error or working backwards, to see which method works best for you.

There are also many resources available to help improve problem solving skills, such as online courses, workshops, and books. These resources can provide you with different techniques and approaches to problem solving, as well as opportunities to practice and apply these skills.

Furthermore, it is important to cultivate a growth mindset, which means believing that your abilities can improve with effort and practice. This can help you overcome any self-doubt or negative thoughts about your problem solving skills and motivate you to keep learning and improving.

In terms of rewiring your thought process, mindfulness techniques and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can be helpful in identifying and changing any negative thought patterns that may be hindering your problem solving abilities. Seeking the guidance of a therapist or counselor can also provide personalized strategies and support in improving your problem solving skills.

Remember, improving problem solving skills takes time and effort, but with persistence and the right resources, you can overcome any challenges and continue to develop your abilities.

FAQ: How Can I Improve My Problem Solving Skills and Thinking Strategies?

What are some strategies for improving problem solving skills?

1. Practice regularly: Just like any other skill, problem solving requires practice. Set aside time each day to solve different types of problems to improve your skills.

2. Break down the problem: Sometimes, problems can seem overwhelming. Break them down into smaller, more manageable parts to make them easier to solve.

3. Use visual aids: Drawing diagrams, making charts, or using other visual aids can help you better understand the problem and find a solution.

4. Collaborate with others: Working with others can bring new perspectives and insights that can help you solve a problem more effectively.

5. Reflect on past problem solving experiences: Think about how you have solved problems in the past and what strategies worked well for you. Apply those strategies to future problems.

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