How can I make sound propagation in solids independent of tap intensity?

In summary: However, I need the amplitude to probe the position of the tap. Difficult to determine power/intensity without the amplitude.Yes but what I don't know is the location of the tap. Note that the tap does not occur at a fixed location but varies in time. I need the amplitudes to probe the position of the tap. Otherwise how else?In summary, Jack is trying to determine the position of a tap on a surface using sound propagation in solids. He has two microphones and uses the amplitudes of the tap to triangulate the position of the tap. He has tried to apply the scheme but the only problem is how to make the equations independent of how hard the person taps. If he can determine the power
  • #1
Hi all,

I was wondering whether someone can help/guide me. I am doing a project that involves sound propagation in solids. Basically, I have two microphones placed on a surface (say a piece of wood). Then, when a person taps on the surface I can detect the tap and determine the amplitude of tap at both microphones. I then use the two amplitudes (listeners) to triangulate the position of the tap on the surface. The rough schematic of the arrangement is attached (Board.jpg). Note that the tap can be anywhere on the surface. As such, I want to create a mouse-type device the moves the mouse the location corresponding to the location where the person tapped on the surface. The equations/model I am using is exponential decay of sound in solids as follows:

For microphone 1:
[tex]A_{1} = A_{0}e^{-\alpha_{1} d_{1}}[/tex]

The same for microphone 2:
[tex]A_{2} = A_{0}e^{-\alpha_{2} d_{2}}[/tex]


[tex]A_{1}[/tex],[tex]A_{2}[/tex] are the amplitudes of the tap as heard by mic 1 and 2 resp.
[tex]A_{0} [/tex] is the amplitude of the tap before any decays happen i.e at the tap location
[tex]\alpha_{1}[/tex],[tex]\alpha_{2}[/tex] is the decay constant of mic 1 and 2 resp, and no they are not exactly the same since mic1 and mic2 are different in terms of electronics.
[tex]d_{1}[/tex],[tex]d_{2}[/tex] are the distances to the tap location from mics 1 and 2 resp.

Thus, I calibrate the setup and determine the alphas, then I probe the mics regularly to determine when a tap occurs and when it does I use the equations above to determine the distance of the tap from each mic using the amplitudes.

I have tried to apply this scheme and to some extent it works. THE ONLY problem, which I hope someone will help me figure out, is how to make the equations independent of how hard the person taps. Thing is: if the person taps harder than usual at a far location, the mics will pick up higher amplitudes and therefore the computation will determine that the tap occurred closer than it actually did. The reverse is also true (i.e. softer tap at closer distance = mics think tap is farther away)

Some leads that I have: [tex]A_{0} [/tex] , [tex]A_{1}[/tex] and [tex]A_{2}[/tex] depend wholly on how hard the person taps. So if I could somehow compute how hard the person has tapped (would this be intensity or power anyway?), then I can determine the right [tex]A_{0} [/tex] to use and the equations will produce the exact location perfectly. Problem: how do I determine the power/intensity of the tap?

Leads on determining power: In the current scheme, I am treating [tex]A_{1}[/tex] and [tex]A_{2}[/tex] totally separately. And therefore each mic only has limited information. But if I could somehow use BOTH amplitudes together to compute tap location/power/intensity, I think this would solve it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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  • #2
You know the distance between the microphones and the speed of sound in wood.
I don't think you need to the amplitudes.
  • #3
Yes but what I don't know is the location of the tap. Note that the tap does not occur at a fixed location but varies in time. I need the amplitudes to probe the position of the tap. Otherwise how else?
  • #4
Difference in arrival time tap-> the two microphones?
  • #5
jacketyjack said:
Yes but what I don't know is the location of the tap. Note that the tap does not occur at a fixed location but varies in time. I need the amplitudes to probe the position of the tap. Otherwise how else?

Wood may be too heterogeneous for your needs.

The suggestion f95toli gave should work in time dependent situations. It would be much more reliable than working with amplitude. His makes the situation independent of how hard the person taps.

Related to How can I make sound propagation in solids independent of tap intensity?

1. How does sound travel through solids?

Sound travels through solids in a similar manner as it does through liquids and gases. When an object vibrates, it creates sound waves that travel through the medium, which in this case is a solid. The molecules in the solid are tightly packed together, allowing for the vibrations to be transmitted quickly and efficiently.

2. What factors affect the speed of sound in solids?

The speed of sound in solids is affected by the density, elasticity, and temperature of the material. Generally, the denser and more elastic a material is, the faster sound will travel through it. Higher temperatures can also increase the speed of sound in solids.

3. How does the direction of sound propagation in solids differ from that in air?

In air, sound propagates in all directions, whereas in solids, sound waves can only travel in one direction. This is due to the tightly packed molecules in solids, which do not allow for sound waves to easily spread out in all directions.

4. Can sound waves in solids be absorbed or reflected?

Yes, sound waves in solids can be absorbed or reflected depending on the properties of the material. Materials with a softer and more porous structure, such as foam or wood, tend to absorb sound waves. Harder materials, such as metal, can reflect sound waves.

5. How does the frequency of sound waves affect their propagation in solids?

The frequency of sound waves can affect their propagation in solids in several ways. Higher frequencies tend to travel faster through solids, while lower frequencies can be absorbed more easily. The size and shape of the solid object can also influence the way sound waves with different frequencies propagate through it.

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