How can I optimize my physics bottle rocket for maximum height and performance?

In summary, the experiment suggested to find the ideal mix yielded the best results when 30% water was used.
  • #1
I'm currently working on a bottle rocket for my physics class. Instead of taking the assigned experiment, a friend and I have chosen a side experiment to work on.

The experiment: Create a rocket using a 2L bottle as a compression chamber and compare the time required to reach the apex of its flight using different 0, 10, 20, ..., 60% water and compressed air @90psi.

Now I've created a sketch of what I, using various forms of research, believe to be a good start to my rocket. I've gone with a parabolic nose cone which is recommended for subsonic flight and what I feel is a good fin location. The mass of the rocket comes in at 175g dry. What I need help with is some of the finer details. I cannot change the size of the nozzle which must stay at 22mm to fit the launcher. The rocket is launched straight up. I'll include a sketch.

What can I do in order to make the rocket fly higher?
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  • #2
Skeetss said:
I'm currently working on a bottle rocket for my physics class. Instead of taking the assigned experiment, a friend and I have chosen a side experiment to work on.

The experiment: Create a rocket using a 2L bottle as a compression chamber and compare the time required to reach the apex of its flight using different 0, 10, 20, ..., 60% water and compressed air @90psi.

Now I've created a sketch of what I, using various forms of research, believe to be a good start to my rocket. I've gone with a parabolic nose cone which is recommended for subsonic flight and what I feel is a good fin location. The mass of the rocket comes in at 175g dry. What I need help with is some of the finer details. I cannot change the size of the nozzle which must stay at 22mm to fit the launcher. The rocket is launched straight up. I'll include a sketch.

What can I do in order to make the rocket fly higher?

I would suggest that you put the ideal amount of liquid in the rocket.

If the bottle was basically full of water [and thus heavy] with very little compressed air, I don't expect the "rocket would rise very far.

If the bottle had only 5 ml of water - and a whole lot of air - the water would be expelled almost instantly, followed by the air, with the "rocket" again not rising very far.

You experiment proposed to find the ideal mix, I suggest you conduct the experiment and see what the ideal mix is, rather than worry about what theoretically should happen (if only you could eliminate air resistance).

It may be that only after you have conducted your experiment, that there is an indication of a percentage you have not actually tried.

You could then try that suggested mix to see if if was higher than anything else you tried.

Perhaps even slightly increase then decrease the mix to see that the maximum was correctly established.

  • #3
We did a prelim test today using 30% water which yielded about 5.5 seconds of total flight time from launch to crash. is there any way to find altitude using calculus? I am aware it will be difficult due to the variables but a close guess would suffice.
  • #4
Skeetss said:
We did a prelim test today using 30% water which yielded about 5.5 seconds of total flight time from launch to crash. is there any way to find altitude using calculus? I am aware it will be difficult due to the variables but a close guess would suffice.

You said you fired it vertically.

Did it travel vertically?

I would be trying to find the time the rocket took to fall back to Earth, as you should know how far an object falls in a given time - with air resistance hopefully not being a factor.

I would use a video camera for timing, as stopping and starting a Stopwatch brings in significant errors when measuring small time intervals. You can also play back carefully to check when maximum height occurred.

Unfortunately, I suspect this light, large bottle will be severely affected by air resistance while falling back to Earth.
  • #5
It isn't just just a bottle. When I hit 10 posts Ill post up my design.
  • #6
This is my sketch.


it is 2 bottles joined together. (Still separated for a 2L compression chamber) It looks almost exactly like that but with a more rounded nosecone.
  • #7
So I did a few more tests today and our best rocket reached its apex at 5.5 seconds. Is that going to be about the max or is there any way to squeeze more time out of it?
  • #8
Skeetss said:
So I did a few more tests today and our best rocket reached its apex at 5.5 seconds. Is that going to be about the max or is there any way to squeeze more time out of it?

I don't know that anyone knows a theoretical answer. You still haven't said how far up your rocket was after 5.5 seconds?
  • #9
A teacher I know who has done this with 2L bottles for many years says it generally works best around 2/3 to 3/4 full of water. You were at just 30% water-did you vary the water amount a lot?

Looks quite cool, by the way.

FAQ: How can I optimize my physics bottle rocket for maximum height and performance?

What is a Physics Bottle Rocket?

A physics bottle rocket is a simple rocket that uses water and compressed air to create thrust and launch into the air. It is commonly used as a fun and educational science experiment to demonstrate principles of physics, such as Newton's Third Law of Motion.

How does a Physics Bottle Rocket work?

A physics bottle rocket works by filling a plastic bottle with water and air, then quickly sealing the bottle and placing it on a launch pad. When the compressed air inside the bottle is released, it rushes out of the small opening at the bottom, creating thrust and launching the rocket into the air.

What materials are needed to make a Physics Bottle Rocket?

To make a physics bottle rocket, you will need a plastic bottle, a cork or rubber stopper, a bicycle pump or air compressor, water, and a launch pad (can be made from a wooden board or sturdy cardboard). You may also need duct tape, paper, and markers for decoration.

What are the safety precautions when launching a Physics Bottle Rocket?

When launching a physics bottle rocket, it is important to follow safety precautions to avoid injury. Always wear safety goggles and have adult supervision. Make sure the launch pad is placed on a flat and open area away from people and buildings. Do not aim the rocket at anyone or anything. Use caution when filling the bottle with water and when launching the rocket.

What are some real-life applications of Physics Bottle Rockets?

While physics bottle rockets are primarily used as a fun and educational science experiment, they also have real-life applications. The principles of physics used in bottle rockets are similar to those used in actual rockets and spacecraft. They can also be used to study aerodynamics and how different factors, such as weight and shape, affect the flight of an object.
