How can I overcome my fear of meeting new people?

  • Thread starter qwerty73
  • Start date
In summary, if you struggle with social anxiety or fear of meeting new people, here are some tips to help you overcome it: dress nicely and practice good hygiene, ask people about themselves to start a conversation, don't worry about being nervous, just keep practicing and it will get easier, and don't take the problem too seriously. Embrace failure as a necessary part of learning and keep trying to improve. Medication or external techniques may help, but the key is to have a positive attitude and not let the fear control you. Remember that everyone has their own insecurities and no one is your enemy because of them. Start taking small steps to engage with others and you will eventually become more comfortable in social situations.
  • #1
Sometimes I am afraid to meet new people. And I might have to meet some intimidating people in the future if I choose to do certain things. How can I get over this or work on it. Sometimes I will go way out of my way to avoid meeting people.
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  • #2
Hi quert, for a starter,
Dress smart ( don't overdress or underdress for the people you wish to meet ), brush your teeth, comb your hair, and all that business, so that when you look in the mirror you can say to yourself "yeah, that's someone I would like to know!". And then go out to meet the people who could then very well look at you and say the same thing.
It won't work all the time but as I said it is a start.
  • #3
how do I get over a mental block that i have, and its a pretty big one.
  • #4
qwerty73 said:
how do I get over a mental block that i have, and its a pretty big one.
Don't worry about details. Don't worry about your dress. Just be normal and say "Hi" to folks and ask them something about themselves. You will get a lot of openings that way so that you can segue into something that let's you connect with the person that you would like to talk to. I hope this helps.
  • #5
yes it helps thanks for all the posts, How do I not act nervous around people, How do I not show that I am nervous. Just the thought of meeting certain people gives me anxiety. How do I prepare myself to go out and meet people? What kind of question should I ask about them?
  • #6
Practice makes perfect. No matter what you learn from online or books, you need to do actual practice to make you overcome such things. I used to be shy and seldom talked to people, even i knew him or her. There was a accident chance that i was asked to give a public speech. Luckily, i did it pretty well, after then on, I am not afraid about the talking with people. So just go out and start making conversation with people, at first it may fail and the situation will be get better and better if you keep on it.
  • #7 positive, polite, clean and cheerful. Try to smile as much as you can. People tend to be more comfortable with that attitude. Basic and works for me.
  • #8
what about using medication to help relax myself, and take my mind off stuff?
Is there a way to change the way someone thinks by using external medication or other physical techniques?
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  • #9
The main point is that you shouldn't take this problem so seriously.I had a similar problem with other people.I always thought what would happen if I do as such and say as so.But then I realized its not that big.All people have,more or less,such issues.They understand you.And no one out there is going to be your enemy because of such things.Just don't worry about it and meet people with nothing to worry about.Its going to be OK soon.
  • #10
qwerty73 said:
. How can I get over this or work on it.

Embrace the failure that comes with learning. Took me a while to learn how to make those Christmas cookies. Messed up a few times at first but now everyone want's Jack's cookies. That's how it is in life in general: gook cooks try again. The bad ones give up when they mess up. The way to get over your problem is to engage with the knowledge you will probably do poorly at first but that experience is a necessary door(s) to go through in order to get better. Sooner the better so start walking.

FAQ: How can I overcome my fear of meeting new people?

1. How can I identify the root cause of my fear of meeting new people?

Identifying the root cause of your fear of meeting new people may involve reflecting on past experiences, talking to a therapist or counselor, or practicing self-awareness. It is important to understand the underlying reasons for your fear in order to address and overcome it.

2. What are some strategies for managing social anxiety in new social situations?

Some strategies for managing social anxiety in new social situations include deep breathing, positive self-talk, and gradual exposure to new people and social settings. Practicing these techniques can help you feel more confident and in control when meeting new people.

3. How can I build my confidence in social situations?

Building confidence in social situations may involve challenging negative thoughts, setting small and achievable goals, and seeking support from friends and loved ones. It is also important to practice self-care and engage in activities that make you feel good about yourself.

4. Are there any techniques for making small talk with new people?

There are several techniques for making small talk with new people, such as asking open-ended questions, actively listening, and finding common interests. It can also be helpful to have some conversation topics in mind before you meet new people.

5. What should I do if I experience a setback in my progress of overcoming my fear of meeting new people?

If you experience a setback in your progress, it is important to be patient and kind to yourself. Acknowledge your feelings and try to identify any triggers or patterns that may have contributed to the setback. You can also seek support from a therapist or a trusted friend to help you navigate through the setback and continue on your journey of overcoming your fear.
