How can I plot a Hohmann Transfer Orbit in MATLAB using ode45?

In summary, your function provides initial conditions and constants for asteroid mining. It calculates the delta-v for the transfer orbit and asteroid orbit separately, but I suggest incorporating the effects of Earth's gravity and other perturbations. Finally, I recommend including a function for optimizing the trajectory and minimizing delta-v. Thank you for your contribution to the field of asteroid mining.
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
In my code below I have vectors r and v, r = [r1, 0, 0] v = [0, sqrt(mu/r1), 0] which define the initial position and velocity of the spacecraft. I want to use ode45 on r(double dot)=-(mu)*r/rmag^3 which defines a two body problem. My objective is to plot a Hohmann transfer of the spacecraft from Earth to an asteroid. In this problem I am neglecting the gravitational Sun on the transfer and treating Earth as the centre [0 0 0]. Any help will be greatly appreciated!
function Asteroid_Mining

%Initial conditions
g0 = 9.81; %gravity (m/s^2)
p = 1.225; %atmospheric density at sea level (kg/m3)
Re = 6378; %radius of Earth (km)
Ra = 7.431e7; %distance of Bennu from Earth in (km) [August 2023]
G = 6.674e-11/1e9; % Gravitational constant (km3/kg.s2)
mu = 3.986e5; %gravitational parameter (km3/s2)
Me = 5.972e24; %mass of Earth (kg)
Ma = 7.8e10; %Mass of asteroid (kg)
Ms = 2110; %launch mass of  spacecraft  (kg)
Isp = 230; %specific impulse (s)
tspan = [0 10000]; %time at 0s

%% Relative to a non-rotating Earth-centred Cartesian coordinate system [0 0 0]

ar = [Re+Ra, 0, 0];
av = [0, 10000, 10000];

r1 = Re+500;
r2 = r1+Ra;

r = [r1, 0, 0]; %initial position of the  spacecraft 
v = [0, sqrt(mu/r1), 0]; %initial velocity of the  spacecraft 
rv = [r;v];
h = cross(r,v);
rdoth = cross(v,h)*-1;
rmag = norm(r);
e = (rdoth/mu) - (r/rmag);
emag = norm(e); %eccentricity

%Calculating delta-v for transfer orbit
ve1 = sqrt(mu/r1);
h2 = sqrt(2*mu)*sqrt((r1*r2)/(r1+r2));
ve2 = h2/r1;

%Calculating delta-v for Asteroid Orbit
va2 = h2/r2;
va3 = sqrt(mu/r2);
deltaV = norm(ve2-ve1) + norm(va3-va2);
deltaVc = deltaV*1e3;

%mass of propellant consumed
deltaM_M0 = 1 - emag^-(deltaVc/(Isp*g0));
deltaM = deltaM_M0*Ms;

[tout, rvout] = ode45(@Orbit,tspan,rv);

xout = rvout(:,1);
yout = rvout(:,2);
zout = rvout(:,3);
vxout = rvout(:,4);
vyout = rvout(:,4);
vzout = rvout(:,4);    function drvt = Orbit(t, state)
    r = [r1, 0, 0]; %initial position of the  spacecraft 
    v = [0, sqrt(mu/r1), 0]; %initial velocity of the  spacecraft 
    rv = [r,v];
    x = rv(1);
    y = rv(2);
    z = rv(3);
    vx = rv(4);
    vy = rv(5);
    vz = rv(6);

    r = sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2);

    dxdt = x;
    dydt = y;
    dzdt = z;
    dvxdt = -mu*x*(r^-3);
    dvydt = -mu*y*(r^-3);
    dvzdt = -mu*z*(r^-3);
    drvt = zeros(size(state));
    drvt(1) = dxdt;
    drvt(2) = dydt;
    drvt(3) = dzdt;
    drvt(4) = dvxdt;
    drvt(5) = dvydt;
    drvt(6) = dvzdt;

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  • #2

Thank you for your interest in asteroid mining. I am excited to see more people exploring the potential of this field. I have reviewed your function for asteroid mining and would like to provide some feedback.

Firstly, I appreciate the use of initial conditions and constants in your code. This allows for easy modification and adaptation to different scenarios.

Next, I noticed that you have calculated the delta-v for the transfer orbit and the asteroid orbit separately. While this approach is valid, I would suggest considering a more comprehensive approach that takes into account the gravitational assist from Earth's gravity during the transfer orbit. This can significantly reduce the amount of delta-v required for the transfer.

Additionally, I would suggest incorporating the effects of solar radiation pressure and other perturbations in your calculations. These factors can have a significant impact on the trajectory of the spacecraft and should not be overlooked.

Finally, I would recommend including a function for optimizing the trajectory and minimizing delta-v to maximize the efficiency of the mission. This can be achieved through techniques such as Lambert's problem or genetic algorithms.

Overall, your function for asteroid mining is a good starting point, but I would encourage you to further explore and refine your code to account for all relevant factors. Thank you for your contribution to the field of asteroid mining.

Related to How can I plot a Hohmann Transfer Orbit in MATLAB using ode45?

What is a Hohmann Transfer Orbit?

A Hohmann Transfer Orbit is a type of orbital maneuver used to transfer a spacecraft from one circular orbit to another circular orbit with a different radius. It is the most fuel-efficient way to transfer between two orbits.

What is MATLAB?

MATLAB is a programming language and environment commonly used in scientific and engineering applications. It allows users to perform complex calculations and create visual representations of data.

What is ode45 in MATLAB?

ode45 is a function in MATLAB used to solve ordinary differential equations (ODEs) numerically. It uses a variable-step Runge-Kutta method to approximate the solution to the ODE.

How do I plot a Hohmann Transfer Orbit in MATLAB using ode45?

To plot a Hohmann Transfer Orbit in MATLAB using ode45, you will need to define the ODEs that describe the motion of the spacecraft, set the initial conditions, and choose appropriate values for the ode45 function. Then, you can use the plot function to visualize the orbit.

Can I customize the plot of the Hohmann Transfer Orbit?

Yes, you can customize the plot of the Hohmann Transfer Orbit in MATLAB using ode45. You can change the color, line style, and other properties of the plot to make it more visually appealing. You can also add labels, titles, and legends to the plot to provide more information.

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