How can I prove that the homomorphism defined by f(gH)=gJ is well defined?

In summary, the homomorphism f: G/H-> G/J defined by f(gH)=gJ is well defined, but I need to show that gH=bH for b,g in G implies that gJ=bJ.
  • #1
Let G be a group and H, J be normal in G with J containing H. I can prove all of the theorem except showing that the homomorphism f: G/H-> G/J defined by f(gH)=gJ is well defined! This means I need to show that gH=bH for b,g in G implies that gJ=bJ.
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  • #2
suppose xH = yH for two elements x,y of G.

then y-1x is in H. but H ⊆ J! so y-1x is in J.

thus xJ = yJ.

perhaps an example will make this clearer:

we'll use an abelian group G, so we don't have to worry about normality.

let G = Z12 under addition mod 12.

let J = {0,2,4,6,8,10}, and let H = {0,4,8}.

clearly J contains H.

the cosets x+J:

J = {0,2,4,6,8,10}
1+J = {1,3,5,7,9,11}

(these cosets have "other names", for example 4+J = J, and 7+J = 1+J).

the cosets x+H:

H = {0,4,8}
1+J = {1,5,9}
2+J = {2,6,10}
3+J = {3,7,11}

notice anything?

when H partitions G, it "respects the partition induced by J", we just chop the cosets by J into SMALLER cosets by H. so:

J = H U (2+H)
1+J = (1+H) U (3+H)

so any two elements in the same coset of H are in the same coset of J (we get cosets of J by "lumping together cosets of H").

specifically the map x+H --> x+J takes:

2+H-->J (and 2 is in J, this works)
3+H-->1+J (and 3 is in 1+J, so this is fine, as well).

you can also look at it this way:

the cosets xJ chop G up into "J sized pieces"(even if J isn't normal).

since H is a subgroup of J, we can, in turn, chop J into "H sized pieces"

and use this to chop the J-pieces xJ into H-pieces x(yH).

since J is BIGGER, G/J is "chunkier" (bigger pieces), while G/H is "finer" (smaller pieces),

and each bigger chunk of G/J is composed of smaller chunks of G/H.

if both subgroups are normal, then we have a group structure on G/J and G/H

and there is a nice relationship between G/J and G/H, the same relationship enjoyed by J and H (the cosets just "magnify it" by a factor of the indices of the respective subgroups involved).
  • #3
Very informative. Thank you.

FAQ: How can I prove that the homomorphism defined by f(gH)=gJ is well defined?

What is the Third Isomorphism Theorem?

The Third Isomorphism Theorem, also known as the Correspondence Theorem, is a fundamental result in abstract algebra that states the relationship between subgroups, normal subgroups, and quotient groups.

What is the statement of the Third Isomorphism Theorem?

The Third Isomorphism Theorem states that if N and K are normal subgroups of a group G such that N is a subgroup of K, then the quotient group K/N is isomorphic to the subgroup G/N. In other words, the quotient group G/N "corresponds" to the subgroup K/N.

How is the Third Isomorphism Theorem related to the First and Second Isomorphism Theorems?

The First and Second Isomorphism Theorems are special cases of the Third Isomorphism Theorem. The First Isomorphism Theorem states that if N is a normal subgroup of G, then the quotient group G/N is isomorphic to a subgroup of G. The Second Isomorphism Theorem states that if H and K are subgroups of G, then the intersection HK is also a subgroup of G and the quotient groups H/(H ∩ K) and K/(H ∩ K) are isomorphic. The Third Isomorphism Theorem generalizes these results by allowing for normal subgroups and quotient groups that are not necessarily subgroups of the original group G.

What are some examples of the Third Isomorphism Theorem?

One example of the Third Isomorphism Theorem is the group Z of integers under addition. If we consider the normal subgroups N = 3Z (multiples of 3) and K = 6Z (multiples of 6), then the quotient group K/N is isomorphic to the subgroup G/N = 2Z (multiples of 2). Another example is the group S4 of permutations on 4 elements. If we consider the normal subgroups N = V (the alternating group) and K = A3 (permutations that fix the first 3 elements), then the quotient group K/N is isomorphic to the subgroup G/N = S3 (permutations of 3 elements).

What are some applications of the Third Isomorphism Theorem?

The Third Isomorphism Theorem has many applications in group theory and other areas of mathematics. It is often used to simplify calculations involving quotient groups, to classify groups up to isomorphism, and to prove other theorems in abstract algebra. It also has applications in other fields such as computer science and physics. For example, the Third Isomorphism Theorem is used in the construction of error-correcting codes in computer science, and in the study of symmetries and conserved quantities in physics.

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