How Can I Regain Access to My New Account Without Losing All My Files?

  • Thread starter Tido611
  • Start date
In summary, you can reset the local Administrator password on Windows XP by installing and using Chntpw.
  • #1
Ok so I made my own account on the "family" computer that i will be taking with me in Spetember and I put a password on it and 8 digit number that is burned into my head, my new account is also an administrator while the family file has no password and is a limited account. I sign of the family account and try and get on my new account when i enter the password it is invaild,ive entered it several times now to try and get it right but i have had no luck is there anything that i can do to gain access to the new file, without lossing all the files off my comp?
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  • #2
Try your pwd with the caps lock toggled?
  • #3
log into Administrator (i think there might be a pasword
go back onto Family acount and maybe create a new admin acount or change the pasword for the other acount?

gp into user accounts (in widnows explorer/control pannel, user acounts) and klick on the link, then you might beable to change the password from the bottom of the new window. else, i have no idea except ghost HDD and then reformat (ps i like reformatting, it cleanses the HDD of windows, the greatest folly of the moddern world, hehehe)
  • #4
i can't not log in as any sort of adminastrator because the only file with adminastrator status is the one that i am locked out of.

what is ghost HDD?
  • #5
its a program that copys everything off the original HDD onto another, then you can reinstall windows and access the data from that OS.

it might not work, but it could work if you could just partition a section off out of the OS... but you could install another OS windows on to the HDD, create an admin acount, then copy all the data off, format the HDD and all that jazz, PM me for the details and ill show you what i did
  • #7
If you are still having problem, try going into Safe Mode (by pressing F8), and there you will see a new administration account, with no password. Get in there, and change the password of any account you want to change.
  • #8
Knoppix is your friend

FYI: How to reset local Admin password Windows XP

* Obtain Knoppix 5 - the CD version is fine (>>
* Obtain chntpw from >> in knoppix once its booted
* In the terminal install chntpw using:

Knoppix@ttyp1[knoppix]$ alien –to-tgz chntpw_.deb
Knoppix@ttyp1[knoppix]$ tar xvzf chntpw.tgz ./usr/sbin/chntpw
Knoppix@ttyp1[knoppix]$ mv ./usr/sbin/chntpw ./

* Mount the NTFS partition:

# sudo mount /dev/hdax /media/hdax

where x is the partion number, usually 1 on generic systems and 2 on Dells

# cd /media/hdax/WINDOWS/system32/config
# sudo ~/chntpw SAM

* follow the prompts - my preference is to not reset the account login attempts and simply blank the password using *
* Write the SAM file
* Reboot
* Bring Windows up and log in with administrator / no password.

So far (knock on wood) works like a charm every time.

heres another way also:
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  • #9
get umbuntu Linux Live! i can't believe ai didnt realize this before LOL there you go

FAQ: How Can I Regain Access to My New Account Without Losing All My Files?

What is the meaning behind "I am Screwed Beyond Belief"?

The phrase "I am Screwed Beyond Belief" is often used to express a feeling of being in a hopeless or dire situation. It can also be interpreted as a humorous way of acknowledging a mistake or error.

Is "I am Screwed Beyond Belief" a scientific term?

No, "I am Screwed Beyond Belief" is not a scientific term. It is a colloquial phrase that is used in informal settings.

Can "I am Screwed Beyond Belief" be used in a professional setting?

It is not recommended to use the phrase "I am Screwed Beyond Belief" in a professional setting as it may be seen as unprofessional or inappropriate. It is best to use more formal language in a professional setting.

What are some synonyms for "I am Screwed Beyond Belief"?

Some synonyms for "I am Screwed Beyond Belief" are: in a tight spot, in a bind, in a predicament, in trouble, in a jam, and in a fix.

How can one avoid feeling "I am Screwed Beyond Belief"?

To avoid feeling "I am Screwed Beyond Belief," it is important to plan and prepare for potential challenges or obstacles. It can also be helpful to have a positive attitude and be open to finding solutions and seeking help when needed.
