How can I set up and use an accelerometer and gyroscope for data collection?

In summary, the conversation discusses using an accelerometer and gyroscope for a project involving recording acceleration and rotational velocity of the foot during walking. The use of a microcontroller and potential methods for connecting the sensors to a computer are also explored. The possibility of using a pre-made solution, such as the EZ430-Chronos sports watch development kit, is also mentioned. The conversation also touches on the difference between using a gyro and an accelerometer and the wiring process for connecting the sensors to a board and microcontroller.
  • #1

I am an engineering student that needs help using an accelerometer and a gyroscope. I'm not sure where to begin. How can I setup the sensors to output readable data to a computer. Do I use a microcontroller? Do I need to program anything? I am just in need of help. Anything would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
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  • #3
Depending on your application, you might well need to learn about filtering as well. Kalman filters are widely with navigation sensors. In fact, navigation, particular, getting humans to the Moon and back, was the motivating factor that led to the development of this technique.

So what exactly is your application?


mgb_phys said:
Yech. Accerometers do not sense gravity. Nothing can (directly).
  • #4
The first thing I do before I start anything is find all the necessary datasheets for the components I am working with. What accel and gyro are you using?

D H said:
Yech. Accerometers do not sense gravity. Nothing can (directly).

Uh, why not? Every accelerometer I have used detects a gravitational field. I can directly detect gravity. I don't understand this statement.
  • #5
Topher925 said:
The first thing I do before I start anything is find all the necessary datasheets for the components I am working with. What accel and gyro are you using?

Uh, why not? Every accelerometer I have used detects a gravitational field. I can directly detect gravity. I don't understand this statement.

Accelerometers measure forces, which get converted into accelerations.
  • #6
Topher925 said:
Uh, why not? Every accelerometer I have used detects a gravitational field. I can directly detect gravity. I don't understand this statement.
Accelerometers cannot, and nothing can, directly detect gravity.
  • Accelerometers would be much less useful for ground-based applications if they could directly detect gravitation. An accelerometer sitting still on the ground measures 1g directed upward precisely because accelerometers cannot sense gravitation. If they sensed gravitation also, they would register 0.034 m/s^2 at the equator, less elsewhere, and this acceleration would point toward the Earth's rotation axis. Accelerometers don't work that way, fortunately. They sense the outward normal force but not the inward gravitational force.
  • Spacecraft navigation would be much simpler if accelerometers could directly detect gravitation. Accelerometers on a spacecraft are sensitive to drag, thruster firings, acceleration due to spacecraft rotation, etc., but not gravitation. An accelerometer at the center of gravity of a non-firing, non-rotating spacecraft well outside Earth's atmosphere will register near-zero acceleration (all that's left is solar radiation pressure). Spacecraft navigation systems must instead compute the acceleration due to gravity. This means the onboard software needs to model of Earth's gravity field, and because Earth's gravity field is not spherical, the software need a model of Earth's rotation as well.
  • Einstein's theory of general relativity would be false if accelerometers could directly detect gravitation. That they cannot is a direct consequence of the equivalence principle.
  • #7
D H said:
Accelerometers cannot, and nothing can, directly detect gravity.

Ok, now I understand, had momentary brain lapse. Accelerometers (and nothing for that matter) can directly detect a gravitational field but only the forces that the field generates.

PS: Sorry for hijacking the thread.
  • #8
I'm trying to make a system that will allow me to record the acceleration/velocity of the foot during walking, as well as the rotational velocity of the foot. I'm using the MMA7455 3-Axis Accelerometer Module and the LISY300 Gyroscope Module. I'm not sure how and where to connect these sensors to in order to get readable data on a computer. How do I connect the sensors (to a board? What kind?) Also, I'm thinking about using a microcontroller and a transmitter. Would that work?
  • #9
I'm not exactly sure why one would need a gyroscope and an accelerometer. What can you do with a gyro that you can't with an accelerometer?

But basically, you've got modules with SPI buses on them (one has I2C). You take your microcontroller of choice and wire 'em up like this:

Depending on what microcontroller system you're using you might have something with a transmitter on board. Alternatively, you could just wire it to the computer.

Of course, if you're willing to ditch those modules, you could just get yourself a ready made solution. A fun possibility might be this EZ430-Chronos sports watch development kit put out by TI. It's got an Accelerometer, wireless tranciever, and a microcontroller all in a cute little package!
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  • #10
So the accelerometer can give me rotational velocity of the foot during walking as well?

I'm still a beginner with wiring. Should I soder the sensor(s) to the board, then the microcontroller, then connect them? I'm just confused on the order of the connections. So i would just need the sensors, the microcontroller, the board, the battery, which would connect to the PC? Also how would I connect it to the computer. Would using the following work?

It seems to have a connection that could connect to a PC.

Related to How can I set up and use an accelerometer and gyroscope for data collection?

What is an accelerometer and gyroscope?

An accelerometer is a device that measures acceleration, which is the rate of change of velocity. It typically consists of a small mass attached to a spring, which is attached to a fixed frame. When the device accelerates, the mass is displaced from its resting position, and this displacement can be measured to determine the acceleration. A gyroscope, on the other hand, is a device that measures angular velocity, or the rate of change of angular displacement. It typically consists of a spinning rotor that remains in a fixed orientation as the device rotates.

How does an accelerometer and gyroscope work?

An accelerometer works by measuring the force exerted on the mass when the device accelerates. This force is converted into an electrical signal, which can then be measured and used to calculate the acceleration. A gyroscope works by measuring the Coriolis force, which is generated when the spinning rotor experiences a change in angular velocity. This force causes the rotor to tilt, and this tilt can be measured and used to calculate the angular velocity.

What are the applications of accelerometers and gyroscopes?

Accelerometers and gyroscopes have a wide range of applications in various fields, including aerospace, automotive, robotics, and consumer electronics. They are used for measuring acceleration and orientation in navigation systems, stabilizing platforms, motion control, and virtual reality devices, to name a few.

What is the difference between an accelerometer and a gyroscope?

The main difference between an accelerometer and a gyroscope is the type of motion they measure. An accelerometer measures linear acceleration, while a gyroscope measures angular velocity. Additionally, accelerometers typically have a low frequency response and are sensitive to external vibrations, while gyroscopes have a high frequency response and are more resistant to external vibrations.

How are accelerometers and gyroscopes used in smartphones?

Smartphones often have both accelerometers and gyroscopes built-in, which work together to provide accurate motion sensing capabilities. They are used for a variety of features, including screen rotation, step counting, and gaming. They can also be used in combination with other sensors, such as magnetometers and GPS, for more advanced applications like augmented reality and fitness tracking.

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