How can I show that the function ##\psi(x)## is continuous?

In summary, the discontinuity in the first derivative of ##\psi(x)## is due to the potential being infinite at only one point.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Show that ##\psi(x)## is continuous and that first derivative has discontinuity ##\frac{2m\alpha}{\hbar^2}\psi(0)##.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I'm not sure how to show that function ##\psi(x)## is continuous. Or that ##\psi(0^+)=\psi(0^-)##. ##\alpha\delta(x)## is even potential so ##\psi(x)## could be even function or odd function. Right. And because potential in zero is ##\infty##, ##\psi(0)=0##. Question. Could I say that
## \int^{\epsilon}_{-\epsilon}\psi(x)dx \leq 2\epsilon \psi(y)##
where ##\psi(y)## is maximum of the function ##\psi(x)## at ##(-\epsilon,\epsilon)##.
and that
## \int^{\epsilon}_{-\epsilon}\psi(x)dx \geq 0##?
and why ## \int^{\epsilon}_{-\epsilon}\psi(x)dx \geq 0##?
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  • #2
The trick is to integrate the Schrödinger equation over an interval [itex](-\epsilon,\epsilon)[/itex] and then to consider the limit [itex]\epsilon \rightarrow 0^+[/itex]. Think about what this procedure tells you about [itex]\mathrm{d}\psi/\mathrm{d} x[/itex] around [itex]x=0[/itex]!
  • #3
I know how to solve this if I suppose that ##\psi(0^+)=\psi(0^-)##. My problem is how to solve that
##\lim_{\epsilon \to 0}\int^{\epsilon}_{-\epsilon}\psi(x)dx=0##?
I try to do that in my last post but I'm not sure why
##\lim_{\epsilon \to 0}\int^{\epsilon}_{-\epsilon}\psi(x)dx=0## can not be negative!
  • #4
I try to do that in my last post but I'm not sure why
##\lim_{\epsilon \to 0}\int^{\epsilon}_{-\epsilon}\psi(x)dx## can not be negative! Thanks in advance.
  • #5
Start with TDSE:

[tex]\int _{-\epsilon}^{+\epsilon}\frac{d^2\psi}{dx^2}= - \int _{-\epsilon}^{+\epsilon} \frac{2m}{\hbar^2}(E-\alpha\delta(x))\psi(x)[/tex]

Integrate both sides from ##-\epsilon## to ##+\epsilon##, then take limit as ##\epsilon \rightarrow 0##. (Hint: What happens to the delta function on the right hand side?)?
(Interesting fact: If you sketch a delta function, you will see that it is symmetrical about x=0, then you see that the gradients at slight less and slightly more than x=0 should have the same magnitude, but opposite signs. This gives the discontinuity.)
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  • #6
LagrangeEuler said:

Homework Statement

Show that ##\psi(x)## is continuous and that first derivative has discontinuity ##\frac{2m\alpha}{\hbar^2}\psi(0)##.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I'm not sure how to show that function ##\psi(x)## is continuous.
You could look at the Dirac delta function as the limit of a sequence of functions that get increasingly taller and narrower.

And because potential in zero is ##\infty##, ##\psi(0)=0##.
This isn't true. If the potential was infinite over some interval, then the wave function would vanish on that interval. However, the potential here is infinite only at one point, which only results in a discontinuity in ##\psi'(x)##.

Question. Could I say that
## \int^{\epsilon}_{-\epsilon}\psi(x)dx \leq 2\epsilon \psi(y)##
where ##\psi(y)## is maximum of the function ##\psi(x)## at ##(-\epsilon,\epsilon)##.

and that ##\int^{\epsilon}_{-\epsilon}\psi(x)dx \geq 0##?
No. What if ##\psi(x)<0## on that interval?

and why ## \int^{\epsilon}_{-\epsilon}\psi(x)dx \geq 0##?
  • #7
vela said:
You could look at the Dirac delta function as the limit of a sequence of functions that get increasingly taller and narrower.

This isn't true. If the potential was infinite over some interval, then the wave function would vanish on that interval. However, the potential here is infinite only at one point, which only results in a discontinuity in ##\psi'(x)##.


No. What if ##\psi(x)<0## on that interval?

Well I think if potential is even function as in this case wave funtions could be even or odd. If the wave function is odd then
## \int^{\epsilon}_{-\epsilon}\psi(x)dx=0##
odd function in symmetric boundaries. However, if function is even I could use that ##\psi(x)<0## and ##\psi(x)>0## has the same norm ##|\psi(x)|^2##. And because wave function does not have physical sense if state function is symmetric and negative I could just take ##-\psi(x)## in that interval. Right?

FAQ: How can I show that the function ##\psi(x)## is continuous?

1. What is a Schrödinger equation with a Delta potential?

A Schrödinger equation with a Delta potential is a mathematical equation that describes the behavior of a quantum particle in the presence of a sudden change in potential energy, represented by a delta function. This potential is often used to model interactions between a particle and a localized impurity or defect in a material.

2. How does the Schrödinger equation with a Delta potential differ from the standard Schrödinger equation?

The standard Schrödinger equation describes the behavior of a quantum particle in a uniform potential, while the Schrödinger equation with a Delta potential takes into account the effects of a localized change in potential energy. This results in a discontinuity in the potential and a different mathematical treatment of the equation.

3. What are some applications of the Schrödinger equation with a Delta potential?

The Schrödinger equation with a Delta potential has numerous applications in physics, chemistry, and engineering. It is commonly used to study the behavior of electrons in semiconductors, the properties of atoms and molecules, and the dynamics of particles in nuclear reactions.

4. How is the Delta potential related to the Dirac delta function?

The Delta potential is a representation of the Dirac delta function, which is a mathematical function that is zero everywhere except at a single point, where it is infinite. In the context of the Schrödinger equation, the delta function represents a sudden change in potential energy at a specific location.

5. What are the limitations of the Schrödinger equation with a Delta potential?

The Schrödinger equation with a Delta potential is a simplified model that does not account for all possible physical interactions and effects. It also assumes that the particle being studied is non-relativistic, meaning it is not moving at speeds close to the speed of light. Additionally, the Delta potential is an idealized representation and may not accurately reflect the true behavior of a real system.
