How can I show that the sup(S)=lim{Xn} and the inf(S)=lim{Yn} as n goes to infinity

  • Thread starter mmilton
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For example, S = \{0, 1\}, x_n = 0. As for the first statement, you can't have \forall x_n \in S: x_n < \sup S. That is, of course, unless S = \emptyset.In summary, the question asks how to show that the supremum and infimum of a nonempty bounded set S are equal to the limits of monotone sequences {Xn} and {Yn} in S as n goes to infinity. The proof involves using the axiom of completeness and the fact that any bounded and monotone sequence is convergent. However, the stated proof is not entirely clear and may be incorrect. A more straightforward approach is to use
  • #1

Homework Statement

How can I show that the sup(S)=lim{Xn} and the inf(S)=lim{Yn} as n goes to infinity for both of those limits?

We are assuming S is a nonempty bounded set that is a subset of the Real numbers. Also, {Xn} and {Yn} are monotone sequences that belong to the the set S.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Here is what I think I'm thinking,

We use the fact that S is a nonempty bounded subset of real numbers. Since we can use the axiom of completeness, we know that this set has a least upper bound and greatest lower bound.

let sup(S)=a and let inf(S)=b.

Furthermore let {Xn} be a monotone sequence in S. (without loss of generality assume its monotone increasing. A similar argument can be used for a monotone decreasing sequence.)

So, we have that x1<x2<x3<...<xn<... We know that any sequence that is bounded and monotone is convergent. Hence, Lim{Xn} exists (IF you can't use this fact, you need to prove it through a proof by contradiction) We need to show that Lim{Xn}=a.

We know that xn<=a for all n. so x1<x2...<=a. (Do you see why this is true? Monotoness is everything here, if we didnt have that fact we couldn't use this. Consider the alternating harmonic sequence. This wouldn't hold there)

Suppose now, for contradictions sake, that lim{Xn}=a' where a'=a-e for some e>0. since Xn is monotone, and a' is the limit, then we have that x1<x2<...<a'=a-e. But then a' would be an upper bound for Xn, contradicting the fact that a is the sup(S). (Obviously a+e could not be the limit because then we can make the sequence arbitrarily close to a+e, thus being able to find an s in S that is greater than a, hence another contradiction)
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  • #2

Your problem is not stated clearly.
One way to read is [itex]\forall S = \{x_n\} \cup \{y_n\}: \sup S = \lim \limits_{n \rightarrow \infty}x_n, \inf S = \lim \limits_{n \rightarrow \infty}y_n[/itex], which is not true even if we say that xn is convergent monotone increasing and yn is likewise decreasing. It would be true if we added that xn > yn for all n though.
Another way is [itex]\forall S, \exists \{x_n\} \subset S: \sup S = \lim \limits_{n \rightarrow \infty}x_n[/itex]. I'm guessing this is the real one. The easiest way to prove this is to analyse a sequence [itex]x_n = \sup S - \frac {\sup S - \inf S}{2^n}[/itex]. Edit: although this assumes that S is an interval, which is not given.

As for your proof, I'm not sure what interpretation you have. It's something in between. You first pick xn as any monotone increasing sequence and later claim that [itex]\sup S = \sup \{x_n\}[/itex]. There exist monotone increasing sequences in S that don't have such property.

FAQ: How can I show that the sup(S)=lim{Xn} and the inf(S)=lim{Yn} as n goes to infinity

Question 1: What is the sup(S)?

The sup(S) is the supremum or the least upper bound of a set S. It is the smallest number that is greater than or equal to all the elements in S.

Question 2: How can I determine the sup(S)?

To determine the sup(S), you can either use the completeness axiom to prove that it exists, or you can use a specific method such as the squeeze theorem or the monotone convergence theorem to calculate it.

Question 3: What is the lim{Xn} as n goes to infinity?

The lim{Xn} as n goes to infinity is the limit of a sequence Xn, which is the value that the sequence approaches as n increases without bound. It is also known as the limit at infinity.

Question 4: How can I show that the sup(S) = lim{Xn} as n goes to infinity?

To show that the sup(S) equals the limit of a sequence Xn as n goes to infinity, you will need to prove that the sequence Xn approaches the supremum of the set S. This can be done using the definition of a limit and the properties of supremum.

Question 5: Can the sup(S) and lim{Xn} be different?

Yes, the sup(S) and lim{Xn} can be different. The supremum of a set is the smallest number that is greater than or equal to all the elements in the set, while the limit of a sequence is the value that the sequence approaches as n goes to infinity. Therefore, in some cases, the supremum of a set may not be equal to the limit of a sequence in that set.
