How can I show the drag force-velocity relationship of a shuttlecock from my recorded trajectories?

  • Thread starter qumbo19
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    Drag force
  • #1
Thread moved from the technical forums to the schoolwork forums
For a school project, I’m looking at modelling the vertical trajectory of a shuttlecock. I have several videos of trajectories, along with velocity and position data from LoggerPro. I’m aware that for a shuttlecock, the drag force is proportional to velocity squared, but is it possible for me to show this from my trajectory data?
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  • #2
The difference between the rate shuttlecock decelerates and the expected rate due to gravity will be due to drag. You might also find motion history image useful.
  • #3
qumbo19 said:
For a school project, I’m looking at modelling the vertical trajectory of a shuttlecock. I have several videos of trajectories, along with velocity and position data from LoggerPro. I’m aware that for a shuttlecock, the drag force is proportional to velocity squared,
Sez who?

Plus, the drag behavior is going to be anisotropic, depending on the angle of the relative velocity with respect to the axis.
  • #4
qumbo19 said:
For a school project, I’m looking at modelling the vertical trajectory of a shuttlecock. I have several videos of trajectories, along with velocity and position data from LoggerPro. I’m aware that for a shuttlecock, the drag force is proportional to velocity squared, but is it possible for me to show this from my trajectory data?
By "vertical trajectory", do you mean that the trajectory is purely vertical in your experiment or that you are modelling the vertical component? If the latter, you need to realise that the horizontal and vertical motions cannot be decoupled under quadratic drag. The greater the horizontal velocity, the greater the total drag force, and the greater the vertical component of the drag.

Whether the drag is approximately quadratic depends on the speed. At low speeds it is closer to linear, and in that phase the horizontal and vertical motions can be decoupled. You might be able to detect the transition in your data.
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Likes vanhees71
  • #5
haruspex said:
By "vertical trajectory", do you mean that the trajectory is purely vertical in your experiment or that you are modelling the vertical component? If the latter, you need to realise that the horizontal and vertical motions cannot be decoupled under quadratic drag. The greater the horizontal velocity, the greater the total drag force, and the greater the vertical component of the drag.

Whether the drag is approximately quadratic depends on the speed. At low speeds it is closer to linear, and in that phase the horizontal and vertical motions can be decoupled. You might be able to detect the transition in your data.
I mean the vertical component, not just dropping a shuttlecock vertically. Is it not possible to get some reasonable approximation for the vertical component of the trajectory? I managed to get the velocity time by integrating -mg-bv^2 = ma. Is this not a valid approach?
  • #6
qumbo19 said:
I mean the vertical component, not just dropping a shuttlecock vertically. Is it not possible to get some reasonable approximation for the vertical component of the trajectory? I managed to get the velocity time by integrating -mg-bv^2 = ma. Is this not a valid approach?
Suppose at some point the trajectory is down, at ##\theta## to the vertical, speed v.
The drag force is ##bv^2##, upward at ##\theta## to the vertical.
The vertical component of that is ##bv^2\cos(\theta)##, leading to ##m\frac{d(v\cos(\theta))}{dt}=mg-bv^2\cos(\theta)##.
Or, in terms of the velocity components, ##m\frac{d(v_y)}{dt}=mg-bv_y\sqrt{v_x^2+v_y^2}##.
Note, e.g., that if the horizontal component is large enough then the downward velocity diminishes instead of increasing.
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Likes Chestermiller
  • #7
qumbo19 said:
I mean the vertical component, not just dropping a shuttlecock vertically. Is it not possible to get some reasonable approximation for the vertical component of the trajectory? I managed to get the velocity time by integrating -mg-bv^2 = ma. Is this not a valid approach?
Hm, for a full solution I'd rather numerically integrate the equations of motion. I guess a realistic description of a shuttlecock is pretty difficult. It's easier for a baseball or golf ball. There you can have all kinds of sophistication like taking into account spind and the Magnus effect :-).

FAQ: How can I show the drag force-velocity relationship of a shuttlecock from my recorded trajectories?

1. How do I start analyzing the drag force-velocity relationship from my recorded shuttlecock trajectories?

First, you need to extract the positional data of the shuttlecock from your recorded trajectories. This can be done using video analysis software that tracks the shuttlecock's position frame by frame. Once you have the positional data, you can calculate the velocity by differentiating the position with respect to time.

2. What mathematical model should I use to describe the drag force on a shuttlecock?

The drag force on a shuttlecock can be modeled using the quadratic drag equation: F_d = 0.5 * C_d * ρ * A * v^2, where F_d is the drag force, C_d is the drag coefficient, ρ is the air density, A is the cross-sectional area, and v is the velocity. This model is suitable because the drag force on a shuttlecock is primarily dependent on its velocity squared.

3. How can I determine the drag coefficient (C_d) from my data?

To determine the drag coefficient (C_d), you need to plot the drag force (F_d) against the square of the velocity (v^2). The slope of the resulting linear plot will be equal to 0.5 * C_d * ρ * A. By knowing the air density (ρ) and the cross-sectional area (A) of the shuttlecock, you can solve for the drag coefficient (C_d).

4. What tools or software can help me analyze the shuttlecock's trajectories and calculate the necessary parameters?

There are several tools and software that can assist with this analysis, including Tracker (a free video analysis tool), MATLAB, and Python with libraries such as NumPy and SciPy. These tools can help you extract positional data, calculate velocities, and perform the necessary curve fitting to determine the drag coefficient.

5. How do I validate my drag force-velocity relationship model?

To validate your model, you can compare the predicted trajectories using your drag force-velocity relationship with the actual recorded trajectories. You can perform this by numerically integrating the equations of motion that include the drag force and comparing the simulated positions and velocities with your experimental data. A good agreement between the two will indicate that your model is accurate.
