How Can I Simplify Matrix and Operator Concepts for My Studies?

In summary, the speaker is feeling overwhelmed with the terminology and notation in mathematics and is using a table to organize their understanding. The table focuses on the relationship between matrices and operators, and includes notes on symmetric and self-adjoint operators. The speaker also mentions the difference between finite and infinite spaces and acknowledges that their understanding may change with experience. They request corrections and offer help for their assignment deadlines.
  • #1
Hi, I feel thoroughly muddled like I am drowning in a soup of terminology and notation, and I have assignment deadlines.

So I have tried to compile a rough table that will give me a consistent base which I can use now - and add to going forward; trying also to stick with the usage in my textbook. It is deliberately shallow which I ask you to bear with within reason, I just want to sort out what generally goes with what, and where there are multiple 'options' for a table cell, to choose a preference for myself.

I have been building other related and detailed notes (on Hilbert spaces for example), so am aware my table will probably make you cringe a little, but it will help me move on - and then doing problems will help me grow a better understanding; at the moment I feel I have no 'structure' to relate the detail to.

For example I have separated Matrices and operators, but I know that operators are often Matrices. But, for example, the ODE operator is not a matrix (afaik), so to speak of operators that are not matrices as being symmetric makes less sense to me than referring to them as self-adjoint; maybe later through experience I will revise that. I have also noted that there might be differences between finite and infinite spaces, but that is not important at this point in the course, we will cover that later.

I would appreciate it therefore if you could offer corrections with the above in mind, even if only for limited aspects at a time.
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  • #2


I can understand your frustration with the terminology and notation used in mathematics. It can be overwhelming at times, especially when trying to compile a consistent base for your studies. Your approach of creating a table to organize your understanding is a good one.

I would like to offer some clarifications and corrections to your table:

1. Matrices and operators are closely related, but they are not the same thing. Matrices are arrays of numbers, while operators are functions that operate on vectors or functions. So, a matrix can be seen as a representation of an operator, but not all operators can be represented by matrices.

2. It is true that not all operators are symmetric, but not all self-adjoint operators are symmetric either. A self-adjoint operator is one that satisfies a specific condition, while a symmetric operator is one that satisfies a different condition. It is important to understand the difference between these terms and how they relate to operators.

3. The ODE operator is not a matrix, as you mentioned, but it can be represented by a matrix in certain cases. However, it is more common to refer to it as a differential operator, as it operates on functions to produce their derivatives.

4. When it comes to finite and infinite spaces, there are some key differences that you should be aware of. For example, in finite-dimensional spaces, all operators can be represented by matrices, while this is not always the case in infinite-dimensional spaces. Additionally, there are different types of operators that are specific to infinite-dimensional spaces, such as compact operators.

I hope these clarifications and corrections help you in your understanding. As you continue to work through problems and gain experience, you will develop a better understanding of the relationships between different concepts in mathematics. Keep up the good work and don't hesitate to ask for help when needed. Good luck with your assignments!

Related to How Can I Simplify Matrix and Operator Concepts for My Studies?

1. What is a matrix and what is it used for?

A matrix is a rectangular array of numbers or symbols that are arranged in rows and columns. It is used in mathematics, computer science, and other fields to represent and manipulate data or perform calculations.

2. What is an operator in the context of matrices?

In the context of matrices, an operator is a symbol or function that performs a specific operation on one or more matrices, such as addition, multiplication, or inversion. It is used to manipulate or transform matrices to solve equations or perform other calculations.

3. What are the basic properties of matrices and operators?

Matrices and operators have several basic properties, including commutativity, associativity, and distributivity. Commutativity means the order in which operations are performed does not affect the result. Associativity means the grouping of operations does not affect the result. Distributivity means that multiplication can be distributed over addition or subtraction.

4. How are matrices and operators used in linear algebra?

Matrices and operators are fundamental tools in linear algebra, which is the branch of mathematics that deals with vector spaces and linear transformations. Matrices are used to represent linear transformations, while operators are used to perform operations on matrices to solve equations and analyze geometric transformations.

5. What are some real-world applications of matrices and operators?

Matrices and operators have numerous real-world applications, including image and signal processing, computer graphics, quantum mechanics, and economics. They are also used in machine learning and data analysis to process and analyze large amounts of data.

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