How can I solve |3x-5| - |2x+3| >0 using interval division method?

In summary, the solution set for the given equation is to divide the entire real axis into intervals and solve for each interval by determining the correct form for each term. This will help in solving the equation and finding the solution set.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Find the solution set of:

[tex]|x+1| + |x-2| \leq 5 [/tex]

Homework Equations

I'm going to rearrange this to

[tex]|x+1| \leq 5 - |x-2|[/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

Well i sketched a graph of it. The line 5-|x-2| cross the y-axis at 3 and it 'pongs' back of the x-axis at -3 (is there a proper name for this value of x). The line |x+1| at cross y at 1 and x at -1.

The graph lines seem to cross between -3 and -1. One of them is a pongy line (reflected up from the x-axis due to the modulus symbol) and the other is the original line.

5 - |x-2| = -|x+1|
|x-2| -5 = |x+1|

but how do i solve for that?

another concern i have is whether or the lines are going to cross again higher up (if you see what i mean). Is there a sound way of checking it.

Physics news on
  • #2
Divide the entire real axis in several intervals corresponding to the several absolute values. Then look at each interval and determine for each term the correct form.

You can then solve the equation by looking at each interval.
  • #3
  • #4
pl. help me out with this:

|3x-5| - |2x+3| >0
How can i solve this by applying your method :
Divide the entire real axis in several intervals corresponding to the several absolute values. Then look at each interval and determine for each term the correct form.

You can then solve the equation by looking at each interval.

thanks in advance

FAQ: How can I solve |3x-5| - |2x+3| >0 using interval division method?

1. What is a modulus inequality?

A modulus inequality is an inequality that involves the absolute value of a variable. It can be solved using various methods, such as graphing or algebraic manipulation.

2. How do you solve modulus inequalities using graphing?

To solve a modulus inequality using graphing, you need to plot the graph of the inequality on a coordinate plane and then identify the regions that satisfy the inequality. The solution will be the set of numbers that fall within those regions.

3. What is the process for solving modulus inequalities algebraically?

The process for solving modulus inequalities algebraically involves isolating the absolute value expression and then considering both the positive and negative cases. This will result in two separate inequalities, which can then be solved using basic algebraic techniques.

4. Can you give an example of solving a modulus inequality?

Sure, for example, let's say we have the inequality |2x-3| > 5. We first isolate the absolute value expression, giving us 2x-3 > 5 or 2x-3 < -5. Solving for x in each inequality gives us x > 4 or x < -1. Therefore, the solution to the original inequality is (-∞,-1) U (4,∞).

5. Are there any special cases to consider when solving modulus inequalities?

Yes, there are two special cases to consider: when the absolute value expression is equal to zero, and when the inequality involves division by a variable. In the first case, the solution is simply the value that makes the expression equal to zero. In the second case, the solution may need to be adjusted if the variable can take on negative values.
