How can I solve force vector mechanics without advanced concepts?

In summary, the conversation is about a mechanics problem involving uniform circular motion and the use of equations for angular velocity, linear velocity, force, and acceleration. The discussion includes resolving forces into components and using trigonometry to solve for the horizontal and vertical components. The final solution involves equating the components to the net force in order to determine the value of the variables in the problem.
  • #1
Homework Helper

Homework Statement

Homework Equations

[tex]w=\frac{d\theta}{dt}[/tex] (1)

[tex]v=rw[/tex] (2)

[tex]F=ma[/tex] (3)

[tex]a=\frac{v^2}{r}[/tex] (4)

The Attempt at a Solution

For (i), from (2) and (4) I get [tex]a=rw^2[/tex]

and I'm thinking [tex]r=\frac{F}{cos\theta}[/tex] but I'm not too sure about it.

So then I'm left with [tex]cos\theta=mw^2[/tex] for the horizontal component.

For the vertical, I'm just completely stumped. I tried something, but I know it's probably so wrong that posting it would be to make a mockery out of myself :blushing:

For (ii) I have [tex]N=mcos\theta(g-rw^2tan\theta)[/tex]

and since [tex]mcos\theta>0[/tex] since m>0,[tex]cos\theta>0 ,0<\theta<\frac{\pi}{2}[/tex]

I need to solve for w: [tex]g-rw^2tan\theta>0[/tex]

Hence, [tex]-\frac{g}{r}cot\theta<w<\frac{g}{r}cot\theta[/tex]

Is this correct?
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  • #2

and I'm thinking [tex]r=\frac{F}{cos\theta}[/tex] but I'm not too sure about it.
that can't be right, because F is a force vector (dealing with acceleration) and r is a position vector (which can be treated as a scalar here).

For uniform acceleration to occur, [tex]\vec{\tau}_{net}=\vec{F}_{net}\times\vec{r}=0[/tex], and we already know that [tex]r\neq0[/tex], so [tex]F_{net}[/tex] must equal to 0. Then resolve it into x and y components.
  • #3

zcd said:
that can't be right, because F is a force vector (dealing with acceleration) and r is a position vector (which can be treated as a scalar here).

For uniform acceleration to occur, [tex]\vec{\tau}_{net}=\vec{F}_{net}\times\vec{r}=0[/tex], and we already know that [tex]r\neq0[/tex], so [tex]F_{net}[/tex] must equal to 0. Then resolve it into x and y components.

Sorry where did you get that equation from? I don't understand what
[tex]\vec{\tau}_{net}[/tex] is.
  • #4

I'm pretty sure that [tex]\tau[/tex]net is the net torque on the particle P. Since the particle P does undergo uniform circular motion there is a torque on particle P, and he was simply using [tex]\tau[/tex]net = Fnet x r = 0 to show you that since (r) isn't 0, Fnet must be equal to 0 in order to fulfill this equation.

Hope this helps!
  • #5

ok thanks for that explanation.

So we need to resolve the x and y components. How can this be done?
  • #6

zcd said:
For uniform acceleration to occur, [tex]\vec{\tau}_{net}=\vec{F}_{net}\times\vec{r}=0[/tex], and we already know that [tex]r\neq0[/tex], so [tex]F_{net}[/tex] must equal to 0.

You seem to be claiming that for a cross product of two vectors to be zero, at least one of the vectors must be zero. That is a false claim.

As a counter example, consider the vectors [itex]\textbf{u}_1=2\textbf{i}[/itex] and [itex]\textbf{u}_2=3\textbf{i}[/itex]...what is their crossproduct? Are either of these vectors zero?
  • #7

Mentallic said:
For (i), from (2) and (4) I get [tex]a=rw^2[/tex]

Okay, and which direction is this acceleration in? What net force would cause such an acceleration?
  • #8

Other posters note, the course Mentallic is doing does not cover cross/dot products, vectors in the "advanced" sense, torque etc . It only allows for elementary calculus to solve the problems.

Mentallic - The hard part is resolving the forces! For each vector, draw a right angled triangle so that one side is purely horizontal and the other is vertical. This need not be done for the always vertical mg force downwards. Find the lengths of the sides using trig and add up vertical components and horizontal components, taking care to have a negative sign when they are in opposite directions.

Then take gabbagabbahey's suggestion - Now that we have an expression for the vertical and horizontal components, what can we equate that to? In circular motion, what is the net force, what direction is it in. Hence, what must the components be equal to? Once you form those equations, the rest is relatively easy.

FAQ: How can I solve force vector mechanics without advanced concepts?

What is a force vector?

A force vector is a mathematical representation of a force, showing its magnitude and direction. It is typically represented as an arrow pointing in the direction of the force with its length representing the magnitude of the force.

What is mechanics?

Mechanics is a branch of physics that deals with the study of motion and the forces that cause it. It is divided into two main branches: kinematics, which studies the motion of objects without considering the forces that cause it, and dynamics, which considers the forces that cause motion.

How are force vectors represented?

Force vectors are typically represented graphically as arrows, with their length representing the magnitude and their direction representing the direction of the force. They can also be represented mathematically using vector notation, with the force's magnitude and direction represented by numbers.

What is the difference between a scalar and a vector quantity?

A scalar quantity is a physical quantity that has only magnitude, such as mass or temperature. A vector quantity has both magnitude and direction, such as force or velocity.

How can I calculate the resultant force of multiple force vectors?

To calculate the resultant force of multiple force vectors, you can use vector addition. This involves finding the vector sum of all the forces, taking into account their magnitudes and directions. The resulting vector represents the resultant force.

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