How Can I Solve the Rocket Motion Equation Numerically Using Maple?

In summary, the speaker is seeking help with solving the rocket motion equation numerically in Maple or another program. They have derived the equation, which involves the change of mass and exhaust velocity, but are having trouble writing it in the program. They mention the initial and empty mass as well as the exhaust velocity and want to find the expressions for acceleration, velocity, and altitude as functions of time. The other speaker points out an error in the equation and suggests approaching the problem by considering the rocket in its own reference frame. They also mention finding the equation and solving it analytically.
  • #1
Hi there
I'm in desperate need for your help!

I need to solve the rocket motion equation numerically in Maple or some other program. I'm having trouble writing the ODs
in the program.
I have derived the rocket motion equation in a single dimension:


\frac {d\vec v_r(t)}{dt} = - \, \frac {\dot m_e(t)} {m_r(t)} \, \vec v_e(t)


I assume that the change of mass is constant and the exhaust velocity is constant. Let's say that the rocket has an initial mass of 1 kg, an empty mass of 0.1 kg and the exhaust velocity 5 m/s.

So, i want to solve the equation numerically in Maple or some other program (Maple is preferred) and find the expression for acceleration as a function of time, velocity as a function of time and the altitude as a function of time.
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  • #2
That equation doesn't look right to me. On the left you have dv/dt, which has units of acceleration, but the right side has units of velocity.

I would approach the problem by considering the rocket in its own reference frame. It ejects a mass dm, with velocity Ve. You can find how fast the rocket moves backwards because of this dm. This speed is of course the "dv", differential change in velocity, in any reference frame.

Once you get an equation, it should be easy to solve analytically.
  • #3

Hello there,

I understand that you are looking for help with solving the rocket motion equation numerically in Maple or another program. I would be happy to assist you with this task.

To solve the equation numerically, we will need to use a numerical integration method, such as the Euler method or the Runge-Kutta method. These methods approximate the solution to the differential equation by breaking it down into smaller steps and calculating the values at each step.

In Maple, you can use the dsolve command to solve differential equations. For example, you can use the following code to solve the equation you provided:

dsolve({diff(vr(t), t) = -dm(t)/mr(t)*ve(t), vr(0) = 0}, numeric, output = listprocedure, method = rkf45);

This will give you a list procedure that can be used to calculate the velocity at different points in time. You can then use this procedure to calculate the acceleration and altitude at each time step as well.

If you need further assistance with writing the code or understanding the numerical integration methods, please let me know. I would be happy to provide more guidance. Good luck with your project!

FAQ: How Can I Solve the Rocket Motion Equation Numerically Using Maple?

1. What is numerical integration of ODE in Maple?

Numerical integration of ODE (Ordinary Differential Equations) in Maple is a method of solving differential equations using numerical techniques instead of analytical methods. It involves approximating the solution of the differential equation at discrete points and then using numerical algorithms to find the values of the solution at those points.

2. What are the advantages of using numerical integration of ODE in Maple?

The main advantage of using numerical integration of ODE in Maple is that it allows for the solution of complex differential equations that cannot be solved analytically. It also provides a more accurate and reliable solution compared to other methods, especially for equations with non-analytical solutions.

3. How do I perform numerical integration of ODE in Maple?

To perform numerical integration of ODE in Maple, you can use the dsolve command followed by the numeric option. This will convert the differential equation into a system of algebraic equations and solve it numerically using the chosen integration method.

4. What types of integration methods are available in Maple for ODEs?

Maple offers a variety of integration methods for ODEs, including Euler's method, Runge-Kutta methods, and Adams methods. These methods differ in terms of accuracy, stability, and computational efficiency, so it is important to choose the appropriate method based on the characteristics of the differential equation.

5. Can I visualize the results of numerical integration of ODE in Maple?

Yes, Maple has built-in plotting capabilities that allow you to visualize the results of numerical integration of ODE. You can use the plot command to create 2D or 3D graphs of the solution, or use the animate command to create an animation showing the behavior of the solution over time.
