How can I spice up my Christmas leftovers with just one slice of bread?

  • Thread starter wolram
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In summary, the conversation revolves around different opinions on a sandwich made with buttered bread, turkey, cranberry jelly, lettuce, beef, sausages, and bacon. Some suggest replacing the cranberry jelly with horseradish and mayonnaise, while others prefer adding hot chili relish to the sandwich. The conversation ends with a mention of a homemade chili relish using various types of chilies, which some members enjoy while others are still developing a taste for.
  • #1
Gold Member
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1 slice buttered bread, i slice turkey with cranberry jelly, 1 lettuce leaf trimmed to fit, 1 slice beef with mustard, 4 or 5 chipo what's it sausages, bacon off the top of the turkey, layer up and fit another buttered round of bread on top, squash down, eat.
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  • #2
That sounds disgusting, sorry but yeah. Cranberry jelly with bacon, beef, and sausage?
  • #3
binzing said:
That sounds disgusting, sorry but yeah. Cranberry jelly with bacon, beef, and sausage?
I'm with you binzing. Wolram, replace the cranberry sauce with horseradish and mayonaise.
  • #4
Evo said:
I'm with you binzing. Wolram, replace the cranberry sauce with horseradish and mayonaise.

You have to try it, it works, the jelly and mustard give a nice after taste.
  • #5
Evo said:
I'm with you binzing. Wolram, replace the cranberry sauce with horseradish and mayonaise.
That sounds more like it, Evo. Horseradish, mayo, and some hot chili relish (of course!). My wife likes cranberry sauce on turkey sandwiches, but I'm getting her converting to really hot sauces, and she's already informed me that my late-season "clean-up chili relish" made from green (and some red stragglers) jalapenos, habaneros, and super chilies is her favorite, and she's strongly hinted that she would appreciate it if I developed a stronger liking for some of the other batches, so we can string out that particular batch a little longer. No problem. I have developed a real fondness for my red habanero relish. It has a wonderful burn and a great flavor.

FAQ: How can I spice up my Christmas leftovers with just one slice of bread?

What is a "Christmas left over sarnie"?

A "Christmas left over sarnie" is a sandwich made with leftovers from a traditional Christmas dinner. It typically includes ingredients such as turkey, cranberry sauce, stuffing, and vegetables.

How do I make a "Christmas left over sarnie"?

To make a "Christmas left over sarnie", start by slicing your leftover turkey and spreading cranberry sauce on two slices of bread. Add a layer of stuffing and any other desired leftovers, then top with the second slice of bread. You can also add cheese or mayonnaise for extra flavor. Toast the sandwich on a pan or in a sandwich press until the bread is crispy and the filling is warmed through.

Can I use different leftovers to make a "Christmas left over sarnie"?

Yes, you can use any leftover ingredients from your Christmas dinner to make a "Christmas left over sarnie". Some popular variations include using ham instead of turkey, adding a layer of mashed potatoes or gravy, or using different types of bread such as sourdough or ciabatta.

How do I store leftovers for a "Christmas left over sarnie"?

Leftovers for a "Christmas left over sarnie" can be stored in airtight containers in the refrigerator for up to three days. Make sure to separate the different ingredients to prevent them from getting soggy. You can also freeze the leftovers for later use, but make sure to thaw them before making the sandwich.

Are there any health concerns with eating "Christmas left over sarnies"?

As with any food, it is important to properly store and handle the ingredients for a "Christmas left over sarnie" to prevent foodborne illness. Make sure to refrigerate or freeze leftovers promptly and reheat them to an internal temperature of 165°F before eating. You should also use fresh ingredients and avoid using any leftovers that have been sitting out for more than two hours.

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