How Can I Start Writing a Science Paper on Carbon Nanotubes?

In summary: Overall, there are plenty of resources available both online and in university libraries that can provide you with the information you need for your paper. In summary, there are numerous reputable resources available both online and in university libraries for learning about carbon nanotubes and other carbon nano structures, including books, articles, and websites. Some recommended sources include "Carbon Nanotubes: Synthesis, Structure, Properties and Applications" by M. S. Dresselhaus, G. Dresselhaus, and R. Saito and the Journal of Nanoparticle Research, the International Journal of Nanotechnology, and the Journal of Materials Science. Additionally, websites such as the National Nanotechnology Initiative and the Carbon Nanotube Information Center can also provide valuable information.
  • #1
I'm new here, so sorry if this is in the wrong place. I'm writing a paper on Carbon Nanotubes for my Intro to Modern Physics class. I suck at writing science research papers, primarily because I never know where to begin. I was hoping someone could point me in the direction of some reputable (meaning I can cite it) introductory material on carbon nanotubes or other carbon nano structures. Preferably things available online or that could be counted on being in the typical university library. In particular information on the meaning and importance of arm chair and chiral states would be great, but other things would be just as appreciated.

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  • #2
For a good introduction to Carbon Nanotubes, I recommend checking out the book "Carbon Nanotubes: Synthesis, Structure, Properties and Applications" by M. S. Dresselhaus, G. Dresselhaus, and R. Saito. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the properties and applications of carbon nanotubes, including information on armchair and chiral states. Additionally, you can find many resources online that provide additional information on carbon nanotubes and other carbon nano structures. For example, you can find a number of articles from reputable journals on the topic, such as the Journal of Nanoparticle Research, the International Journal of Nanotechnology, and the Journal of Materials Science. Additionally, there are many websites dedicated to providing information about carbon nanotubes, such as the National Nanotechnology Initiative website and the Carbon Nanotube Information Center.

Related to How Can I Start Writing a Science Paper on Carbon Nanotubes?

1. What are carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and how are they used in paper?

Carbon nanotubes are cylindrical structures made of carbon atoms. They are used in paper as a coating or additive to enhance its mechanical properties, such as strength and conductivity. CNTs can also improve the barrier properties of paper, making it more resistant to water and air.

2. What are the potential benefits of using CNTs in paper?

Some potential benefits of using CNTs in paper include increased strength and durability, improved conductivity for electronic applications, and enhanced barrier properties against moisture and gases. CNTs can also be used to create lightweight and flexible paper-based composites for various applications.

3. Are there any safety concerns associated with CNT paper?

There have been some concerns about the potential health and environmental impacts of CNTs, as they are very small and may behave differently than larger particles. However, research is ongoing to better understand and address these concerns. It is important to follow proper safety protocols when handling CNTs to minimize any potential risks.

4. What is the current state of research on CNT paper?

There is ongoing research on the use of CNTs in paper and paper-based materials. Some studies have shown promising results in terms of improving paper properties, while others have focused on addressing safety concerns and developing sustainable production methods. However, more research is needed before widespread commercial use of CNT paper can be implemented.

5. How can I incorporate CNTs into my paper-making process?

If you are interested in using CNTs in your paper-making process, it is important to first thoroughly research and understand the properties and potential risks associated with CNTs. You can then work with suppliers who specialize in CNT additives or coatings to find the best method and amount of CNTs to incorporate into your paper. It is also important to follow proper safety protocols and regulations when handling and using CNTs in your paper-making process.
