How Can I Understand Primal and Dual Problems Along with Simplex?

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In summary, the conversation discusses the need for a link to better understand primal and dual problems in the context of simplex, and the difficulty in finding resources and visualizations. Three potential resources for learning about this topic are mentioned, including a website, a course, and a book. The conversation also mentions a paper that presents a new algorithm for solving bi-objective linear minimum cost network flow problems.
  • #1
i need a link which can help me better understand primal and dual problems along with simplex

Any help would be appreciated

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  • #2
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  • #3
In this paper we develop a primal–dual simplex algorithm for the bi-objective linear minimum cost network flow problem. This algorithm improves the general primal–dual simplex algorithm for multi-objective linear programs by Ehrgott et al. (J Optim Theory Appl 134:483–497, 2007). We illustrate the algorithm with an example and provide numerical results.

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Related to How Can I Understand Primal and Dual Problems Along with Simplex?

1. What is the difference between Simplex and primal dual problem?

The Simplex method is a linear programming algorithm used to solve optimization problems with linear constraints. The primal-dual method is a more general algorithm that can be used to solve both linear and nonlinear optimization problems.

2. How does the Simplex method work?

The Simplex method starts with an initial feasible solution and then iteratively improves it until an optimal solution is found. It does this by moving from one corner of the feasible region to another, always improving the objective function value.

3. What is the purpose of the dual problem in linear programming?

The dual problem is used to find the optimal solution to a linear programming problem by transforming it into a different problem that is easier to solve. It also provides valuable information about the sensitivity of the optimal solution to changes in the problem parameters.

4. How is the primal dual relationship utilized in linear programming?

The primal dual relationship is used to find an optimal solution to a linear programming problem by solving both the primal and dual problems simultaneously. This approach can be more efficient than solving the problems separately.

5. What are some applications of Simplex and primal dual problem?

The Simplex and primal dual problems have a wide range of applications, including resource allocation, production planning, and network flow optimization. They are also used in economics, engineering, and other fields to optimize complex systems and processes.
